If you merkins think that Trump supporters wouldn't have rioted if Killary got in, you are all kidding yourselves.
They didn't riot when Obama got in ,so I doubt it.Especially when the race card was thrown up so often ATT.
Yes there are some loons on the Republican side ,no doubt.
But "honest " Hilary was expected to win, and had a congrats party organised for it.
But please ,students walking out of school in protest at Trump's win.Miley Cyrus crying ,celebs wanting to move out of the country,California wanting to secede,talking about dummy spitting on a massive scale.
The very heart and soul of the Democrats the working class whites ,were ignored and Hillary paid the price.
Had to laugh one Democrat Harry Reed ,bagged Trump for being a sexual predator,completing ignoring ole Bill Clinton getting on to young interns at the white House,accused of assaulting women ,and the Kennedys bonking anything that moved.
Politicians.you gotta love them ,flexible as putty and honest as a pickpocket.