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Push for Autonomy at the top

Push for autonomy at the top


Greg Prichard | August 9, 2008

HIGHLY influential figures within the game are being courted by others involved in the push to garner support for the formation of an independent commission to run the NRL. Clearing the way is a huge task, but people are trying.
Such a movement, if it were to be successful, would obviously need the support of News Ltd and the Australian Rugby League. There have been conflicting reports about whether News would be prepared to relinquish control of the game. But one figure who should be in a position to know told the Herald that News would be prepared to stand aside if it were satisfied the right model was being put in place.
Various committees incorporating club chief executives were formed two months ago to look into different aspects of the game. One of those committees is examining the game's structure, and it is understood the idea of an independent commission has enormous support among the officials sitting on it.
The AFL has flourished under the control of an independent commission. The NRL wouldn't look to make an exact copy of the AFL model, but would seek to pick the best aspects of it and other sporting models to put together a structure that suits league's needs.
At the moment, it is too hard for NRL chief executive David Gallop to get things done. He doesn't have the individual power to make decisions that the leaders of some other sports have.
There are so many people and boards involved in the decision-making process - too many hurdles slow it down.
The way forward is to somehow make the decision-making process easier, by making the game's structure less cumbersome. There has long been an opinion that there are too many "RLs" in the way, but they would still have a place in the game under an independent commission. They just wouldn't have power at the top end.
Steve Noyce, who will finish up as Wests Tigers chief executive at the end of the season, is one of the most respected officials in the game and he has no doubt about the need for drastic change.
"The structure we have is too complicated, and it can be made simpler," he said. "If it were made simpler, it would be much quicker in its decision-making and therefore more effective.
"The independent commission appears to work well in the AFL. The people who are on the committee that is looking at structure are working very hard, and I'm confident they are going to come up with the right model to take us forward.
But can the committee get the heavyweight support necessary before the way can be cleared? "If people are fair dinkum about their love of the game, it should be an easy decision." Noyce said.
Greg Prichard


And is news so evil now? Hopefully that structure is found (and independent)

IN some ways I dislike it all, in some others I am genuinely thankful. They did pull the game back from the brink of financial ruin. Hey, there are people in here that think I am a sympathizer, but on some levels, news is ok.
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First Grade
Shhh... you will wake up the ARL traditionalists who believe News will get out of the game to destroy it!
Thanks for your support... I don't think of the world in terms of black and white, its many shades of grey and colorful....I also think and accept that in the world we live people with money have power, they understand money and how to grow it and what it takes to grow it. I also beleive that people in this world who are poor, are poor for a reason.

I also believe that even with money involved, one can simplify things to do with money and companies in many things in life when they discover that money is merely a mediator between desire and goods and services...and that in the long distant past when bartering for goods and services became too cumbersome, money was the best option. And that value is merely what someone is willing to pay for a good or service. So whats happening in RL right now is natural. It may be a synthetic market in some circumstances, but its time is fast coming to a close....because realistic values can NEVER be kept down people. (And players defecting is the cracks in that wall)

And this is why I HAVE NO problem with news running the game along with the ARL. League needed to save money anyway.

Its perfectly natural and they can run it as they see fit (because true market values always surface eventually ) - and no NEWS dont want to destroy League.

People on here are too black and white. Yes, I agree they could do some things MORE or LESS, but realistically, League is not in the financial position.

I think that news would love a truly autonomous leadership that they can count on and work with. After all, would it not be like hiring a General Manager to run all or part of your company for you????

News don't hate league.
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First Grade
News don't hate the game, but thats because they can get money from it and fairly cheap TV rights.

However, the best things about an autonomous body is that more money is saved from having to pay heaps of salaries to comittee members, and it will make actions and decisions more efficient. That also means more responsibility on the CEO - I'm looking at you Gallop.
And one that will do as they want. Don't be niave.

Sorry LeagueXIII, you missed the bit where I said "because true market values always surface eventually"

You don't have enough money to buy the nrl, so you can't really complain, can you? And you certainly can't do much about it.

Sonny Bill has done more than you ever will.

You gotta roll with it, mate.

Leagues TRUE market value is coming to the surface. Im talking kinda abstract here. Stick with it, and it will be clearer to you.


First Grade
It's true market value is?

Still no plan from Gallop and his News mates how to grow RL so that it achieves a greatr TV deal.
It's true market value is?

Still no plan from Gallop and his News mates how to grow RL so that it achieves a greatr TV deal.

sooking it arent you, as ever.

MV = whatever people are willing to pay for it! der...thats the value of anything!

but with players defecting, stuff like that only drives it up
news ltd have to leave RL by 2017 anyway

what they are doing now is saying well leave early as long as the ARL dont get to run the game.

so im prepared to wait till 2017 so that it can be returned to its righfull owners.

news ltd will appoint people they like on this new board and still have influence over RL.

the ARL are not the problem, news ltd are.

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