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Question for Noddy Haters?


Dorsel said:
Nice work Hammo....but do you know how many try assists/orchestrations would BK have been involved in had trys not been bombed??....I hardly get to see any games live or TV but from what I can gather from this forum we've bombed an awful lot this year. ;m obviously talking about plays where clearly had a pass been taken we would have scored. I think this stat would be most interesting (including bombed trys not including BK). Much has been made of our poor scoring as opposed to our excellent defense but is our poor scoring due solely to zero creativity or more to bumbling finishing?

That's a fair point, the outside backs especially Pom and Ando have bombed a fair few tries this year. I don't think if there's any stats for 'bombed tries' or if there's any way to know if Kimmorley threw the last pass for any of them. It could be detracting from his stats, but to be honest most of the ball those guys get is second man stuff from dykes or birdy/gallen, so the try assists probably wouldn't be Noddy's.

It wouldn't hurt our cause if those two were able to hold on to the ball near the line though. The sort of stuff I'd like to see from Noddy is the deft kicks and passing game that gets the premier halfbacks' try assists up. Thurston and Prince and co get try assists because they put the ball in the perfect spot for the outside men with the kicks and they have enough variation and quality in their passing game to cause doubt in the mind of the defenders. Having said that, Noddy's playing a bit deeper this year, which could help his passing game to turn the corner, but I won't be holding my breath.

The Dodger

First Grade
hammo1405 said:
That's a fair point, the outside backs especially Pom and Ando have bombed a fair few tries this year. I don't think if there's any stats for 'bombed tries' or if there's any way to know if Kimmorley threw the last pass for any of them. It could be detracting from his stats, but to be honest most of the ball those guys get is second man stuff from dykes or birdy/gallen, so the try assists probably wouldn't be Noddy's.

so why is it noddy has the highest try assists then?


because he is our dominant half.

Still 6 ahead of him 3 equal with him with 9 for the season.


DPG said:
so why is it noddy has the highest try assists then?

Noddy has the most try assists in the club because he's the halfback.

He touches the ball 60 or 70 times a game, of course he's gonna have the most try assists at the club ...

Having said that, Bird Gallen and Dykes have three each, and when you consider that Birdy has scored 7 tries this year (many of which are individual efforts), it would seem to me that Birdy is doing more for our attack this year than Kimmorley.


hammo1405 said:
Noddy has the most try assists in the club because he's the halfback.
imagine if he was the preferred half back?

He touches the ball 60 or 70 times a game, of course he's gonna have the most try assists at the club ...


not the stat cheese, not laughing at the stat

that stat would be average for most half backs

The Dodger

First Grade
hammo1405 said:
That's a fair point, the outside backs especially Pom and Ando have bombed a fair few tries this year. I don't think if there's any stats for 'bombed tries' or if there's any way to know if Kimmorley threw the last pass for any of them. It could be detracting from his stats, but to be honest most of the ball those guys get is second man stuff from dykes or birdy/gallen, so the try assists probably wouldn't be Noddy's.
Inferno said:
because he is our dominant half.

Still 6 ahead of him 3 equal with him with 9 for the season.

hammo1405 said:
Noddy has the most try assists in the club because he's the halfback.

He touches the ball 60 or 70 times a game, of course he's gonna have the most try assists at the club ...

Having said that, Bird Gallen and Dykes have three each, and when you consider that Birdy has scored 7 tries this year (many of which are individual efforts), it would seem to me that Birdy is doing more for our attack this year than Kimmorley.

i was just replying to hammo's comments saying that others in the team should have more try assists.

which clearly shows noddy to have the highest try assist.

and no. he doesnt have 60-70 touches a game.
why dont you watch a replay of the last couple of games and count how many times he touches the ball.


Most halfbacks would pizz those stats in

35-45 sets .....one or two touches a set.

It's only natural for the dominant half to have the highest try assist stats.

It also has to be noted that the dominant half also gets the majority of 4th and 5th tackle moves which are usually very structured with the sole purpose of putting on points.


And in those set moves players like dykes and kearney may trick the defense on the other side of the ruck, or throw the second last pass. It's how it would pan out at training, and not necessarily a measure of godlike ability


cheese said:
It also has to be noted that the dominant half also gets the majority of 4th and 5th tackle moves which are usually very structured with the sole purpose of putting on points.
it is also noted that the dominant half is mostly first receiver - thus the first man in a series of 'usually' second man drills


cheese said:
And in those set moves players like dykes and kearney may trick the defense on the other side of the ruck, or throw the second last pass. It's how it would pan out at training, and not necessarily a measure of godlike ability
It is a bit like the lead singers get all the accolades and chicks.
When truth is they usually don't write the songs or can even play a instrument.


spider said:
it is also noted that the dominant half is mostly first receiver - thus the first man in a series of 'usually' second man drills
It also has to be noted that dykes has been playing more first receiver.

It also has to be noted that the majority of noddies 4th/5th tackle "options" are boring kicks


cheese said:
It also has to be noted that dykes has been playing more first receiver.
it is noted this is comparative to early rounds - not overall

but mostly to concur discusson

It also has to be noted that the majority of noddies 4th/5th tackle "options" are boring kicks

huh - a minute ago you said this......

It also has to be noted that the dominant half also gets the majority of 4th and 5th tackle moves which are usually very structured with the sole purpose of putting on points.

so which one is it brother?


DPG said:
why dont you watch a replay of the last couple of games and count how many times he touches the ball.

I'd rather not, people do that for a living and they come up with those stats ...

Here's some more for this season :

In our 5 victories Kimmorley played in he touched the ball on average 55 times a game

In the 6 losses he played in he touched it on average 67 times in the game!!!!

Could the extra 12 touches be the difference between a narrow win and a narrow loss?

Quite possibly, considering (as cheese pointed out) that his touches come mainly late in the set when most sides attempt to orchestrate tries. Our team's style is to minimise ball movement early in the sets and cart it up the middle - not really involving Kimmorley too much.

I've come up with a few stats during my short tenure as a poster here, mainly to distract me from more important things that I should be doing, but I hope some of the people that love the Noddster and think he is a positive influence on our side's performance can take heed of some cold hard facts...


it is noted this is comparative to early rounds - not overall
You have to look deeper and see where their roles intertwine.

When the possession is in the pigs, kimmorley plays alot of first receiver with inside balls.

When we are in the opposition 15 though, I think dykes plays more first receiver by servicing a deeper kimmorley. Alot of our set moves involve kimmorley standing deep to the right, with dykes standing flatter at first receiver.

Alot of fraser's f*ck ups have unfolded in this manner.

It's obviously a ploy that Ricky is trying ....not much result so far though

spider said:
so which one is it brother?

Why are you confused??

Kicks or set moves.

Both are structured plays that are practised over and over at training.


cheese said:
When we are in the opposition 15 though, I think dykes plays more first receiver by servicing a deeper kimmorley. Alot of our set moves involve kimmorley standing deep to the right, with dykes standing flatter at first receiver.
wasn't it reversed last week with bird at 5/8???

Alot of fraser's f*ck ups have unfolded in this manner.
catching is a basic skill for NRL

if its deemed hard to catch......."see jarryd hayne" (to para phrase a fellow forum member)