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Quincy Carter - g o n e


Cowboys QB Quincy Carter has been cut by Dallas. They aren't saying why, but a 2nd failed drug test (coke) is the reason going around. This comes only a day out from big Bill P saying Quincy is the #1 QB in Dallas right now...

Guess not :lol:


It seems the NFL is finally getting tougher on recreational drugs in their sport....

Could you ever imagine the day where they banned players for performance enhancing drugs ( steroids).... ?:roll:

This is the major blight on an otherwise great sport in my opinion.


Speaking of the Raiders, there most capped player Tim Brown has been released. Porter and Rice are the only 2 receivers of any note in Oakland now and they could be looking to Teyo Johnson to step up a little more than he did in his few appearances at tight end last year


BuffaloRules, mate, people get busted all the time for performance enhancers in the NFL.



I must admit that I wasn't aware of anyone going of late....

Wouldn't they need to ban 95% of their players for steroids, or is it only some steroids that are illegal??

I know that some baseballers like Bonds and Maguire admit to taking steroids, assumed that this rule was the same for NFL as well, as I thought that it was pretty common knowledge that most players are on them from High School level up...


The NFL's drug policy is soft. A player has to get caught 4 times before he loses game time. WTF!? The 3rd time, they lose 4 match payments. Could u imagine a NRL player getting busted for coke 3 times and only coping fines??

Would not happen.
BuffaloRules said:

I must admit that I wasn't aware of anyone going of late....

Wouldn't they need to ban 95% of their players for steroids, or is it only some steroids that are illegal??

I know that some baseballers like Bonds and Maguire admit to taking steroids, assumed that this rule was the same for NFL as well, as I thought that it was pretty common knowledge that most players are on them from High School level up...

Just to clarify the baseball point, I don't believe those 2 have ever admitted to steroid use. McGuire, now retired, used a drug called andro - something, which is not a steroid, and was not banned in baseball. Though it was banned in the NFL and the Olympics. Bonds TMK has never admitted to steroid use, though there is a big ongoing investigation into a lab in San Francisco called BALCO, which has resulted in some US sprinters being dq'd, and has also turned up the names of Bonds and some other baseball players. I'm sure he's guilty, but hasn't admitted anything yet.


Over Pennington? Good QB depth in any case as I think Pennington is a pretty good QB.


Cupid Stunt said:
My moneys on him being the starting QB in NY before to long.

I have no idea what you are basing that on considering Pennigton is the heart and soul of the Jets offence at the moment. The only way Carter would ever get game time is if Pennington's wrist doesnt hold up.


Please please please Pennington, no dodgey wrist this season, I need him firing for my fantasy team! :p


First Grade
i cant see quicny beating out pennington for the starter job...not now not ever, carter is the only qb who gets worse yet people talk him up to be a star.

Cupid Stunt

Paullyboy said:
I have no idea what you are basing that on considering Pennigton is the heart and soul of the Jets offence at the moment. The only way Carter would ever get game time is if Pennington's wrist doesnt hold up.

He's the heart & soul because of talent? Or because of the complete lack of it after him? Emmitt looks like now being the feature RB in AZ but it's sure as shite not because of his skill. Much like Minor in Miami.

canberra_raiders2k2 said:
i cant see quicny beating out pennington for the starter job...not now not ever, carter is the only qb who gets worse yet people talk him up to be a star.

If taking a mediocre team into the playoffs is a bad thing then yeah, he stinks. But I just dont believe the hype around Penny. Solid, but he does nothing to make me think he will dominate either in the air a-la Manning/Green or on the ground the way McNabb/Culpepper can. For mine, he panics when the pocket starts to close & throws scared balls. Carter is by no means a stud QB but I think now he's been given a chance with the Jets scheme, a WR core with good talent & a schedule that works in their favour, Carter has the ability to really shine.

As long as his off-field shite doesnt bugger it up. :roll:


Its a fair enough point you raise, however I do think you under-rate Chad too much. He showed he has favour among the jets coaching staff when he beat out Testaverde a few years back considering how successful Testaverde had been in the past at the Jets. Pennington has done nothing but good things at the Jets and I wouldnt expect anything to change this year


First Grade
Cupid Stunt said:
Paullyboy said:
I have no idea what you are basing that on considering Pennigton is the heart and soul of the Jets offence at the moment. The only way Carter would ever get game time is if Pennington's wrist doesnt hold up.

He's the heart & soul because of talent? Or because of the complete lack of it after him? Emmitt looks like now being the feature RB in AZ but it's sure as sh*te not because of his skill. Much like Minor in Miami.

canberra_raiders2k2 said:
i cant see quicny beating out pennington for the starter job...not now not ever, carter is the only qb who gets worse yet people talk him up to be a star.

If taking a mediocre team into the playoffs is a bad thing then yeah, he stinks. But I just dont believe the hype around Penny. Solid, but he does nothing to make me think he will dominate either in the air a-la Manning/Green or on the ground the way McNabb/Culpepper can. For mine, he panics when the pocket starts to close & throws scared balls. Carter is by no means a stud QB but I think now he's been given a chance with the Jets scheme, a WR core with good talent & a schedule that works in their favour, Carter has the ability to really shine.

As long as his off-field sh*te doesnt bugger it up. :roll:

that medicore team, lol just happend to have the best defense in the league ;-)

quincy had a bad season stat wise last year ..17 tds and 21 ints, and that was with a much better recivers corp then that of the jets....quincy flat out is a bum player who the cowboys invested in and messed up and by doing so found themselves having to stick by someone who wasnt going to do anything that great.

Chad may not be the greatest qb but he has great pocket pressence, and when he plays he tends to really fire up the jets...in all honesty you really cant believe that quincy has a legit chance of beating out pennington.

chads 2002 season was great and i do think a few people are over hyping him but when a player throws for over 3000yards and has 22 tds and only 6 ints then he must have some sort of talent, it could have been a fluke year..but in that fluke year he has done more then quincy has in his whole career.

Cupid Stunt

What does D have to do with with whether or not a QB can perform? Unless I have the wrong game they are two completly seperate issues.

If you consider Bryant, Galloway & Glenn a prime time receiving corp then I'll stop now. Glenn might make it as a #2 WR but the other two would be lucky to make that on most teams. Rating them higher than S. Moss & McCareins is ludicrous & if you truly believe that then I think it's time to update your edition of Madden. #-o

I never said he had no talent, or little talent, or anything similar. I just think Carter has the ability to be a better QB. I agree 02 was a good year for Penny but thats getting to be awhile ago. Keeping in mind that while healthy & behind a similar line *he threw 1TD & 6INTs in his last four games* last year, theres as much chance he becomes average as there is he becomes Montana.

* Yes I stole this from an article I read the other day but so what! :mrgreen:


First Grade
Cupid Stunt said:
What does D have to do with with whether or not a QB can perform? Unless I have the wrong game they are two completly seperate issues.

If you consider Bryant, Galloway & Glenn a prime time receiving corp then I'll stop now. Glenn might make it as a #2 WR but the other two would be lucky to make that on most teams. Rating them higher than S. Moss & McCareins is ludicrous & if you truly believe that then I think it's time to update your edition of Madden. #-o

I never said he had no talent, or little talent, or anything similar. I just think Carter has the ability to be a better QB. I agree 02 was a good year for Penny but thats getting to be awhile ago. Keeping in mind that while healthy & behind a similar line *he threw 1TD & 6INTs in his last four games* last year, theres as much chance he becomes average as there is he becomes Montana.

* Yes I stole this from an article I read the other day but so what! :mrgreen:

lol whats that saying...oh thats right D wins Championships, they didnt win the championship but there defense were the ones who got them great field posession and saw them make the playoffs...carter continually messes up and thats shown by his 21 ints, on avg he gets just over 1 td a game..yup he is a hell of a qb ;-)

chad wont be a montana but he will be a consistant qb in the future, he can do everything quincy can without having the brain explosions...as far as back ups are concerned quincy is great but in my mind he will never be a decent starter.

im not a fan of pennington but to even think that quincy is better then him has gotta be the weirdest thing ive ever heard concerning football.

i know you wont admitt that quincy isnt as good as chad but heck ill try and make it so obvious that he is, that even if there is a shroud of doubt in the eyes of the rest of the people here it will be squashed.

chad started 9 games, in 9 games he threw for 13 tds and 12 ints..yep he had thrown 1td and 6 ints in his last 4 games, so up until then he had 12 tds and 6ints...its not great but for a qb on a losing team he played well considering he had been out for a while. quincy played ok but he made far more errors and had it not been for the defense the team wouldnt have even made the playoffs.

quincy's last decent game was against the lions in where he threw 3 tds 190 yrds for a qb rating of 133.3..thats very good except for the fact it happend in october roughly week 6, other then that he failed to even regesiter some decent numbers, yes he got them the wins but against big teams he was non existant.

an avg qb is still around 100x better then quincy lol.

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