Yeah, he’s got a long way to go, but that’s definitely the start I’d want to see.
We all know some of the retained old guard ( of any club), they like to ponce around and be the man.
Wayne had better have another “ little chat” to them.
Form over reputation, every young bunny who puts in will have his day.
Dropping Lats to Reggie’s when he gets back for a couple of games is probably worth experimenting with. Just a “ my way or the highway” gesture.
And if Humphreys is better that Dodd In that position and it suits the side, so be it.
We were simply talking footy looking forward to the year ahead but you just couldn't resist bringing your long held obsessional Latrell hate back into it. And next thing you know, there are a couple of pages of bluing as a result with you repeating old stuff about Latrell and amplifying it to your heart's content. Is that your real agenda to spending so much time on our pages?
Sorry, but whenever you go back to hating on Latrell, especially when he hasn't done anything of late to warrant it, you outwear your welcome in the eyes of many. Including me I'm afraid. We'll just expect it each time you reappear, even if you mind your manners for a bit, we know you'll be itching to troll on about Latrell again before too long.
I'd rather focus on the start of the season, the games this Sunday, TLT in a few days time to see what Wayne has come up with and so on. As soon as Latrell is fit, we need him back in the side because our win percentage is much, much higher with him in the side than out.