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Radio rights issue and the NRL

You know what.....I'd set up two petitions.

One for all those that wants a chnage....the other for those that want a single station calling the game.

See the NRL can brush a list of people that dont want the current setup because of the silent majority that they think like it.

But the NRL would have alot more to consider if say they got 10,000 people against the current setup....and under the same condition and passed around the same club web sites....a list of people wanting just 2GB to hold the commercial Radio rights numbered in the hundreds.


First Grade
Great stuff iggy.
David Gallop has to fix this. Admittedly, it was something he inherited from David Moffetts ignominious reign, but the onus now rests on Gallop to change it. 2GB might be paying big bucks for the exclusive rights, but simply taking the money is just not worth it.


This argument doesn't stand up unless you order 9 to give up the TV rights. Why shouldn't a radio station have exclusive rights if a TV station can. Nine go on with just as much crap as Hadley does, with their dumb footy show. There is also a big anti bronco thing on nine which alienates a lot of Qlders. So if you want 2gb gone you should also have something to say about the TV rights as well.


First Grade
The thing that gets me about The Continous Call Team is the way they rant and rave on about winning the ratings all the time.

I wonder if they actually know they are the ONLY call team on Commercial radio and therefore have NO opposition :?:


The funny thing is that out of all the football fans I know, virtually none of them listen to 2gb. The ones who do listen to the radio are ABC listeners like me.


The NRL has absolutely no interest in promoting the code on radio.

From a purely commonsense perspective, logic dictates that the more coverage and reach a sport gains through the media, the larger following/interest it will attract.

The fact the NRL is not doing this, but restricts coverage to one station (which doesnt even cover games properly) means they have another agenda in mind.

That agenda is simple - fed up with the crap on 2gb, and the lack of tv games, this year I subscribed to FOX - which is exactly what the News Ltd owned NRL wants. They have no interest in providing widespread coverage of league through radio or tv because they can substantial amounts through Pay TV subscriptions.

Even if this is a losing value proposition for them in the short term, the inability of Pay TV to score in terms of market penetration means that the more subscribers they sign up now, the better.

Undoubtedly, this is a very short sighted approach by the NRL - we are bombarded with AFL coverage everywhere and I live in NSW. Unfortunately, I dont see things changing very soon unless there is a groundswell of public resentment against this - at which the NRL will say - just get FOX...


Do the 2gb listeners even follow rugby league?
The best sports program is sports today, weeknights and sat mornings


The ABC just sticks to what they do best - calling the footy (including the 7:30 on Saturday night game - not this week I'd imagine, they'll call the Bledisloe), and talking about the issues. Warren Ryan knows his stuff.

It's that, or either 2GB.

And I would rather jab my eye with a burnt stick than listening to Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for 5 minutes.

BTW, top post Iggy! :clap:


parra_panther said:
The ABC just sticks to what they do best - calling the footy (including the 7:30 on Saturday night game - not this week I'd imagine, they'll call the Bledisloe), and talking about the issues.

So when the ABC calls a 7.30pm union game like they have done on several occasions this year, there is no league for people to listen to on the radio because 2GB would rather go back to normal programming.

What a rort. :x

I'd like to see a copy of contact signed between 2GB and the NRL. It could make for interesting reading.


Yeah zulu... complete blackout in Sydney - they will call the yawnion - did it with the Waratahs during Super 12. And they have sometimes given preferential treatment to the Swans if they had a Saturday night game.

But having said that, they still offer far superior coverage to the "exclusive" rights holder when they do call NRL games at that time - well, they're the only ones that do it!

When the rights get re-negotiated, take them off 2GB, and give them to stations that will treat it with respect - Triple M, 2SM and maybe back to 2UE.

And block out Raaaaaaaaaay. Leave him to being a shock jock on weekday mornings. Enough dribble for everyone.

iggy plop

First Grade
parra_panther said:
Yeah zulu... complete blackout in Sydney - they will call the yawnion - did it with the Waratahs during Super 12. And they have sometimes given preferential treatment to the Swans if they had a Saturday night game.

But having said that, they still offer far superior coverage to the "exclusive" rights holder when they do call NRL games at that time - well, they're the only ones that do it!

When the rights get re-negotiated, take them off 2GB, and give them to stations that will treat it with respect - Triple M, 2SM and maybe back to 2UE.



The ABC are good, but have a more national focus thus you get plenty of AFL news. On Saturdays they even call an AFL game.

Please what is wrong with more radio networks covering rugby league? I reckon triple M and 2ue would give us great alternatives and at the same time promote the game to a greater number of people.

Dutch Oven

as an afl supporter, im happy the nrl went and cut the number of stations allowed to call the game.

it gives real footy (afl) a greater chance to make an impact in sydney. we've got you guys covered on radio and tv now.

tank yoo nrl ;-)


Maybe a petition wouldn't be such a bad idea. We should put careful planning into the wording and aim of what we want to achieve. Basically our gripe is that the one Commercial station given the exclusive rights are not giving Rugby League fans the level of coverage we expect. We would like other stations given the opportunity to call games, but that is extremely unlikely to occur in the lifetime of this contract. Best result would be that the NRL gives them some stern words and they start calling the 7;30 Saturday game.

I would promote it big time.

I would include the following.

- Coverage not football orientated, and not up to expected stadards
- No 7;30pm game
- When they talk football they push petty agendas
- We believe when this contract is up, more radio stations should be allowed to call games.

But the 4th point is out of our control. I believe we should be emphasising the first 3.


it may have been asked elsewhere so sorry if repetitive but how much longer does 2GB hold the rights for... a point i haven't seen raised yet which should win any arguement regarding exclusive radio rights is How can 1 radio station successfully cover league when you have 3 games being played at the the same time (roughly) every Sunday at least give the game they are not going to call to another station. Nothing sh!ts me more when i have to listen to one game when my team is playing and all i get is an around the ground score

iggy plop

First Grade
Yes I understand your grips stoof. The AFL has a system in place where every game is covered on radio in Melbourne. Sydney was close to that not so long ago until Pay TV kicked in really.

I really think Pay TV is the major factor in the NRL (NEWS LTD) purposely reducing it's presence on radio.

The whole set up is just so unfair for people who love their league on the radio. Surely Gallop can see that a 2GB's style of football coverage is not suited to everybody's tastes. It's downright offensive to many. I mean to get childish songs continually repeated when the pre and post-match discussion should be taking place is appalling.

But I guess that wouldn't be a problem if the NRL did the right thing and allowed other commercial stations to compete with 2GB.

Radio is radio, it's not TV. There should never be exclusivity on radio for football. The NRL must be the only friggin losers that allow this nonsence.

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