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Boing Boing

What about simply having rich text on the shirt, in a M*A*S*H style. It would easily let everyone know who we are. Something different could be written on the back of the shirt, perhaps a list of members of the 2005 army (not just those who bought raiders army tickets, but everyone who puts his or her hand up)

What do you reckon?


That isn't a bad idea at all Ben. My original plan was to get the website on the t-shirt so that it is visable. The website should be sorted in the next couple of weeks then we will know for sure. That is very important as people are reluctant to join us while at the ground. If people log on to the website then they will see that we are very approachable and it is easy to join and come along.

I like it though Ben, you're thinking.

Raider Azz

Woodgers, are the tickets actually gonna say "Raiders Army" on them this year or is it going to be more of that "Green Brigade" crap?


First Grade
B.L.L.G.3.3.75 said:
Go Waiders go Waiders Go Waiders.

Welcome back to Mr Sorbent, Untouchable.

For those of you that don't already know, Untouchable has renamed himself B.L.L.G.3.3.75.


Woodgers, are the tickets actually gonna say "Raiders Army" on them this year or is it going to be more of that "Green Brigade" crap?
Good question. We ended up with Green Brigade tickets last year and complained to the club. The head of marketing was appalled and said to his staff in front of myself, Bay25 and RaidersMalt that we were not ever to be put under that banner again and that we deserved our own identity. 2 minutes later they forgot about that and so it will be Green Brigade again. We found out about that in November and asked if there was any chance to change it to Raiders Army, however it was put in the too hard basket and we were told that there was not enough time to rectify the problem.

If most people knew that these type of things occured they would have agreed with Bay 56 a lot more.


Post Whore
People do know these sorts of things are going on Woodgers but most dont have to deal with it, out of sight, out of mind type of thing i guess

i personally dont have to deal with it but the fact other loyal fans do shits me to no end. Not like they are unreasonable requests either :evil:


First Grade
woodgers said:
Woodgers, are the tickets actually gonna say "Raiders Army" on them this year or is it going to be more of that "Green Brigade" crap?
Good question. We ended up with Green Brigade tickets last year and complained to the club. The head of marketing was appalled and said to his staff in front of myself, Bay25 and RaidersMalt that we were not ever to be put under that banner again and that we deserved our own identity. 2 minutes later they forgot about that and so it will be Green Brigade again. We found out about that in November and asked if there was any chance to change it to Raiders Army, however it was put in the too hard basket and we were told that there was not enough time to rectify the problem.

If most people knew that these type of things occured they would have agreed with Bay 56 a lot more.

It certainly seems a strange thing to have to put up with.

Why is it so hard?

I'm getting into this line of work and I can't say I understand why it should be so difficult.

This time next year I should be well and truly ready to give Messrs Amos and Furner some constructive criticism.

Raider Azz

Agreed hrundi. Especially when it was pointed out back in Novemeber and especially since there has been a problem with the printing company therefore we don't even have our tickets yet.

Sounds like theyre looking for excuses to me.


First Grade
I think we have to remember that despite the Raiders ownership owning umpteen clubs around the country, the Raiders themselves are PROBABLY still run on a pretty tight budget.

This can adversely affect their ability to resolve issues easily, BUT, it is easy, cheap, and doesn't take a great deal of time, to communicate with your members effectively. They need a few lessons on customer service perhaps.

Without tooting my own horn (but I will), I could add some good value with my background in corporate and consumer customer service.

Bah...they couldn't afford me. :mrgreen:


I might leave that conversation there. I could go on but I don't really want to air my dirty laundry in an open forum. I am happy to discuss this issue with anyone in person. I suggest you don't ask Bay25 unless you have a spare couple of hours :roll:

Boing Boing

Well, back to the shirt idea. Will the shirt be sponsored this year? Who will be making them and how much will they be. Will they be ready for kick-off in round 2?
Another idea could be to create some kind of crest or shield logo? Maybe incoroporate the Raiders logo and the ACT coat of arms in it?

I'm not the best at designing stuff, but I will give it a shot when I have time this afternoon.


First Grade
You need to be careful not to breach the copyright of an existing image, which is part of the reason a new logo needs to be designed.

Boing Boing

Ok, here's my idea in more detail.

Get the shirts in the same lime green they were coloured last year. Have


"ARMY" should be coloured like teh darkest shade of green on the aussie cricket team's shirt. I reckon that would look pretty cool. :?:

on the front, tattered and torn, With a recruitment list on the back, a contact number and the website


"I suggest you don't ask Bay25 unless you have a spare couple of hours"

Ben You are on to something there.


Idea is what I'm working on right now but am just trying to get the Font and Colours right.

As for the names on the back not a bad suggestion, and if it makes people feel like more of a team then an excelent one.

Jed is right about the LOGO's we had what I believe the best design last year and we were all keen to make it look better this year.
BUT, by the end of the year, and one complaint, the design had to be changed.

(not just those who bought raiders army tickets, but everyone who puts his or her hand up)

It is important to us that the poeple that wear these shirts stand together. It would defeat the porpus to have 30 people sitting together and have 50 more scattered all around the ground. Although the Coverage is great, the Idea is to all sit together and stand out as a united group.

as for price, that is yet to be determind, and once we get an agreed Idea WE will take it to the printers and get back to you with a price.
(there has been no help form the club for sponsorship, once again)

The most important factor in price is the number of people wanting a shirt this year! I will be down in Canberra this weekend to discuss with Woodgers and others what we are going to do.
But we will need an Idea how many people are interested. For those of you who have bought a RA Season ticket you will be counted as a definate number for a shirt. for everyone else you will have to contact us, we will let you know how to soon.

Boing Boing

I am definitely up for a shirt mate, as I will be sitting right with the army, despite my bay 54 ticket. I really believe in the idea for teh roster on the back of the shirt, I think it would make for a more unified group.

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