paulquinn49 said:
Anyone go in the City for NYE?
I went in around 4 and the dickhead security wouldnt let us take alcohol into Pyrmont Bay. Even tho on the NYE website Pyrmont Bay was 1 of 3 places you could bring it.
After argeing with em they said to ring the NYE hotline, whatever the hell that was. Rang Vodafone and they got us a number. They did nothing really and they said Sydney City Police were in charge of where you can take alcohol. So I ring them and after she goes to find out if we can take it into Pyrmont she hangs up on me.
Stupid bitch.
So ended up home again at 8 after nearly 2 hours walking around the City. Then went out in The Shire.
To be continued...
Went driving around to find somewhere good to go. Couldnt find anywhere that would of beat Northies so we went there. Was already drinking in the car.
Dont drink beer so after I had around 3 I was kinda gone, and had a crap taste in my mouth. Played pokies, stood up alot. Then asked to sit down, nearly missed the chair. Won 70 bucks tho. Drinking continued.
Got bored, called a friend i hadnt seen for a while. Sat on the grass at some apartments waiting for him, needed to piss. Saw 3 people coming, 1 had an afro. From this i figured in my drunken state they were going to bash me. So they walked past and said "Hi".
Met my friend. Didnt recognise him, he beeped... thought someone else wanted to bash me. Luckily enough he didnt. told him numerous times how i needed to piss. Cant remember what i was saying, saw hot females tho and stopped everytime to concentrate on looking.
Ended the convo a good 45 mins later, Went behind 7/11 and did a mad piss, halfway through i decided to pee on the pizza box that was there. made a cool noise.
Walked back to Northies, these chicks started talking to me. Had a short convo about drinks and stuff. Invited em back to Northies for a drink.
Turns out they were only 14
Got back in Northies after laughing about the 14 year old thing. Practiced my sober voice and walk. Went good.
Was heaps paranoid about been thrown out for being too drunk. Bouncer was looking at me funny, so i went to take a drink and missed my mouth hitting the cup into my teeth pretty hard.
Later was crowded and walking through with a full drink went down a step as i went to take a drink. Drink missed mouth again and went all over my shirt. Made a good recovery.
After 12 got bored and went walkabout by myself. Took my 18th piss for the night by some tree, couldnt get my pants on properly, couldnt even zip em up. Took it slow and all worked out there. Decided to check my phone to see what the time was. Dropped it, as i didnt i kicked my leg out. Booting my phone down the road. 3 pieces.
Phone didnt work, tried calling heaps of people to say stuff to. damn phone. Then walked back. Some dood asked for bandaids, Then saw a few people on the way through the mall, just saying happy new year and shit.
Got back to Northies and wasnt let back in cause they stop letting people in at 12. Then went home around 1ish. home by 2.
Was pretty good considering the shit start