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Raiders Social Thread

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DJ Raida

nice work nick - i told ya u had to pick up- and u did it- now the next thing is for me to pick up this weekend ;-)


Post Whore
Greenraider said:
nice work nick - i told ya u had to pick up- and u did it- now the next thing is for me to pick up this weekend ;-)

go for it champ, just hope her olds dont spoil your party like they did for me


Post Whore
Raiders 2005 said:
Today, I have woken up with the worlds biggest hangover. :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
ive woken up with possibly the most piss weak hang over ive ever had!
im listenin to loud music, besides a bit of muscle soreness im sweet


First Grade
Man Lands on Mars
Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/alternative3.html

OK, welcome to the event about UFO's.

How many of you have heard about or read about a thing called Alternative 3? For those of you who haven't I'll just give you a short summary.

A British independent television crew were investigating what happened to many scientists and military people in the 60's, because these people seemed to disappear from England, and everyone thought they had gone to make more money in other countries. They were intellectual people, scientists, business, top military people and so on. So they were going to do a program about this to explain "why can't Britain keep up with the rest of the world. Why don't they pay these people to stay here and work with us," and so on. And in the investigation they came across very interesting data.

They referred to this as the brain drain. In other words "brains going down the drain" in England - they were going somewhere else. The smart people going away, you know. And they did the investigations of the friends and relatives of these people. And the funny thing about it is they only heard from them one time. And they never heard from them again. And some of the postcards and letters they sent were exactly the same. The picture and everything, and the way they wrote it was exactly the same. Almost as if they were ordered to do it. And then they had gone completely out of communication.

Further investigation....When they put on the first program about this, several people saw it that wrote to the station and said, "we know more about this." One of them was a scientist at the observatory in England, who said that he had recorded from an American spaceship on one of his radio telescopes a report coming from an American spaceship in the days before the Americans had sent anybody up. And he knew it was a NASA Space Agency recording, because it had a certain code, a bip bip bip to it, but he did not have a decoder. But the television station investigated all this, and they found another guy who had a decoder, and they brought the two together.

Now during the bringing the man, the professor of astronomy, was going to drive it to London, but he thought maybe something might happen, so he mailed it in a package. And then he drove, so he wouldn't be rushing he drove slowly, but he was killed on the way, a very strange accident. He was found in his car down the side of the road, and he was burnt all the way to his bones, as if it was done by a high intensity laser or something. It could not have been done by a car just crashing and burning petrol. And this remained part of the mystery in the second program they gave.

Now this was all true, and it was all recorded in the British newspapers. And then there were other people that gave stories: That the government of America and Russia were working together to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, and that's why they needed all these people. And this was in the days before sputnik and spacecraft. And so by that time the station was in the problem of almost appearing to be putting out a science fiction movie. And they are supposed to be investigative reporters of facts, you see. So they were told to admit to the public that these programs were all a hoax or they'd lose their license. And they must fire the reporters who were working on it. That is essentially... The book was then written by the 2 reporters or 3 reporters that were fired. OK? Now that's how the Alternative 3 book came about.

Now you understand that that was the Alternative 3 idea. The three alternatives mentioned by the book had to do with some of the data they found to apparently explain why the Russians and Americans would do this. They said that a climatic catastrophe was coming upon the planet, you know the carbon-dioxide - the ozone, and that they only had three possibilities: Go underground, live underground. Do something drastic with the atmosphere like with nuclear weapons or something - war. And set up bases or set up bases on other planets, for just the top people of course. That's what they explain it with.

Now you are going to see the real explanation of Alternative 3, because that itself was a cover scenario. Are you ready? Good.

They showed this on the television, before it was cut off the air and before they were threatened of the actual - - - what was on that tape.

And you are going to see it and are going to see and analyze what it really means.

This is the supposed landing on Mars 1962 by the Americans. That's the tape.

Now the thing he said at the last, he says - Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it'll be the biggest day in history. 22nd May 1962, we're on Mars and we have life.

Now, we're gonna watch this - I'll show you something interesting. OK let's pause. All right, here you go. Look; let's first of all examine the possibility that this was made in Hollywood. If they did make it in Hollywood what would be the point of making it so secret that they had to kill people to keep it from being known? Would they just be doing it to...Why would they keep it a secret, if they made it in Hollywood? They would want everyone to know about it and say - Look we landed on Mars! and they never said that. So what would they want it for as a fake, and how could this professor have recorded it coming from outer space, this tape, if they made it in Hollywood, you see. So let's take their word for it is true. They did kill enough people, they threatened the radio station with closing the license - I mean the television with closing the license of the program, they did fire the people who worked on it. And when the book came out they banned it in America. So knowing all those indicators of a secret conspiracy going on, let's take it as a true tape, but let's analyze it as to what is the real truth.

Look at that porthole they are taking the pictures out of. That is not from an earth type spacecraft. That has a square, curved outer hull surface, and it's very thin as you can see. There's no bolts, you understand, and all that stuff they have on American and Russian spacecrafts. Right, it's very big. You remember the first spaceships that went up. They had little tiny holes in them like that with bolts, like on a ship. That's the first point I want you to see. Now I want you to see something else here. There, you see the curves? Aha, you see this - stand by to scan, that's what he said. Now watch this, watch what happens to the picture. See how slowly it's moving? America and Russia never had any spaceships that are landing on the Moon, landing on any other planet that could slow down and do this. Watch this: the ship is rotating, slowly. Then it stops - Stand by to move on. Watch... see there, now they're back on the landing pattern.

If you analyze this from an aeronautical point of view, you have the ship coming in. All of a sudden it stops, rotates around like this stand by to go-ahead, resume landing. Does that remind you of anything? It reminds you of the stories of "flying saucers". They go, they stop, they move around a little bit, they go. All right. What's that? (I never saw that one before.) OK, we go on with the analysis.

That, see this? Every time they change mode there's interference on the transmission, or they've stopped the transmission and started it again. This interference with any radio transmission frequency is caused by a high intensity electromagnetic field. Also this is in the stories of UFO reports where people's car radios stop and the pilots, their compass goes around like this. There are also stories written how, obviously, UFO's are controlled by high intensity electromagnetic fields. And if you were broadcasting from there back to Earth you would expect the broadcast to be interfered with every time they had to change the controls, altitude or path of the flying saucer, and it does!

And now... watch again. Now look how slowly it's going. Temperature 4 degrees Celsius, 21 km/h wind. 707,7 Mb air pressure. 760 (is normal), no 1013 Mb. This is only 7/10 as much as Earth. OK, next. I want you to observe this place they're coming toward. You didn't notice that, did you? There's a tower, like a control tower. And there are 1, 2, 3 pads to land on, but they are only round ones, and they look like they are a hundred or so feet in diameter, 30-40 meter or more. 1, 2, 3 and they're round. Now what could you land there if you have never been there before? Could they have built a landing base, if they had never been there before? Now watch this when they land: They get to static again, because they have to put in the electromagnetic field. So you don't see them actually landing there, but you can believe they are going to land on this one or one of these. Right. Watch that closely. You see that? There it is, there it comes. Stand by for landing. Let's do it again, so you can see it. There are: 1, 2, and 3. There's the building. Now they are obviously sitting on one of the pads looking out away from the building. And now they see the brown very closely. Americans... some kind of mole, a mole. OK, now.

What the cover-up was, what the secret of Alternative 3 was, which is still a secret, is that the Americans did get to Mars in 1962 with a radio and television camera, but they didn't make the ship. That was an alien flying saucer. You wanna see it again? This is the big secret. That's what they didn't want anyone to know. They were just passengers. Imagine it.... on a flying saucer, you see it? The base, the little pads. OK.

So I told you it would be amazing. I took you on a videotrip on a flying saucer as the first thing. That's how they work, just like that, you see it from the inside. How did you like that trip? That was the big secret of Alternative 3. The Americans did not land on Mars. They took as passengers on a flying saucer. All this Alternative 3 stuff was cover.

Now who were these people that took them? And what connection do they have with the American government? And what connection do they have with this planet? And why is it all a secret? Now what the hell is the importance of this place anyway?

Well, in case you don't believe.... by the way, how much time do we have? I can do this part after lunch. 1/2 an hour left to lunch? 45 minutes to lunch. In case you still don't believe that these ideas and stories that you hear about UFO's, these kind of things, if you still don't reckon that there's really anything to it... I mean I started you off with a trip from inside of one. Now I'll show you some from the outside that people have actually photographed. People say there's no photographs of them. They are not true. Yes there are photographs and television. All right.

Now this was on the program even, but people still say they haven't seen this. They are still-pictures that they've taken of flying saucers. There it is. Just watch the pictures, there it is. Going behind there to land somewhere. Another picture. Another one. Another one. OK. Next, we go to this last couple. These things look strangely alike from the outside of what you were just seeing from the inside out the little portholes. There's another one coming - there it is. There's one. There. Looks like he's taking pictures too. That was the last one here, last shot. This one, that one. Then there's another one they are showing you at night, glowing a little bit. This one. All right. OK, next.

So these things have been around, and it looks like the government is keeping it quiet. We still don't know why, but we're gonna find out. During the break you can come up and look at some of these articles. They also have some newspaper stories about it. But I knew that most of you from Germany would rather have hard, more physical evidence. Either pictures or videos or from inside. OK, ready? Here's some more.

The last one, this is one of the best ones, because it will show you how they land into the... on the planet. These were taken on Earth. Now you noticed they had a little landing place on Mars. If they're gonna be here on the planet they must also have landing places, OK? So let's look at them going into one. Right after this. There, watch this guy. He's landing behind the mountain or into a hangar or something. Slowly down, you see. He doesn't come up again. That's how they would take off, you see, come backwards. This is how he lands, see? OK. Now that was a little thing that they tried to excite everybody's curiosity with. But we've got some more stories about these from people that actually worked with the aliens. See that? That is not a conventional aircraft or weather balloon.

OK, so up to this point I just wanted to show you some of the physical evidence that we have about these things. And then we will... I'll ask you if you have any questions about that so far, but I won't tell you anything about what's gonna happen after lunch, because that's gonna be very exciting. I'd rather you have a good lunch first, because some of this is not pleasant. If these people were here, if these aliens were here to be friendly and to make trade with you, and buy your nice apple juice and wines from France and everything like that, then there'd be no reason to keep it secret, would there?

But unfortunately they are here doing, some of them, are doing something different than that. And that we're gonna find out after lunch. But up until this point is there any questions about what we've said so far, Alternative 3, landing on Mars 1962, pictures of UFO's, the way they moved, who they worked with? Yes, questions.

Let's take this gentleman first. "Could you explain the atmosphere on Mars, because when one sees pictures from telescopes from here to Mars there's no atmosphere." Yes, apparently it is very thin and there's very little cloud in it. And we also know from other reports that a lot of the NASA photographs and the NASA things they've done since this time, some of the photographs and some of the satellite photographs and orbiting photographs they leave them out. They don't let them out to the public.

There was a gentleman in America, two gentlemen, who actually were researchers and discovered those pyramids on Mars. Did you see that article? And they had to...they discovered those photographs filed incorrectly under the southern latitude and longitude on Mars when they should have been in the northern part. They were deliberately taken out. And they just happened upon them by chance, and no one would come to their press conferences either, and now it's just sort of one of these crackpot stories as well, but they had been working with actual NASA photographs from Mars. But NASA has never admitted that those are real photographs of pyramids on Mars although they took them. You see, so there's still a cover-up going. And we find there's false data being given about the Moon and Mars. Not necessarily false, there's so much omitted, they don't tell you everything. Just as if you were trying to not tell about where you went last night to your wife. I just went out drinking with some friends - OK, that's all right. You don't say how many bars, how many girls that were there, and how many times you spent going to some other places. See what I mean? That's the same with the government. They are lying to their children, to their wives, husbands, whatever...

Next question is here: "In the textbooks the atmosphere on Mars is explained as being reddish, not blue, and the pressure is given as about 1/1000 of the pressure on earth, so these data don't fit?" That's nearly a vacuum. They are probably lying. But I tell you one thing they are wrong about, the... when you're on the planet looking at... If there's any kind of carbon dioxide or molecular air structure just because of the sun's refraction and incidence into an atmosphere any type of clear gas - you're gonna get a blue effect. That is for any planet when you're on the planet. In a clear atmosphere you're gonna get a blue.

"This blue sky depends on clear gas. Mars' atmosphere is supposed to be dusty, and then it's physically sound to have a red atmosphere." That's what they say. Now if you go up on a high mountain, Mount Everest or something, you see pictures from there, you have a thin blue look as well. Now that's a very low pressure. The outpoint in the scientists' story about what you just said, if the atmosphere is so thin, then what's holding the dust up? Nothing, because in a vacuum, if it's near vacuum, the dust will fall like a rock. Go ahead.

"About the Mars atmosphere I read an article in I think it was scientific American, and then they tested animals that live on Earth, and then they figured out that the lower the animals are the longer they can survive on Mars' atmosphere. A frog for example can survive at least for 24 hours." Yeah well, you saw a mole living there on that picture. It was some kind of underground animal, and I bet you if you were on Mars and didn't have any water, and you were examining how people live on Earth, you would not believe that anything lived in the ocean. You would not figure out how a gill for instance could exist. And yet we have lots and lots of animals living in the oceans including dolphins who are airbreathers. And the largest animal in the world: whales. And yet if you were on a dry planet, you could never believe that. You see? Next question. Sir:

"He saw that an animal lives on Mars, so he thinks when that was kept secret there must be more living beings up there." Exactly, genau. I mean just to tell you some of my background, before we go to lunch. Any more questions first? First question, yes.

"I saw another interference after this animal, how could this happen?" Very good observation. I would say they were shutting down the power on the whole ship. How much time do we have, by the way? How many? 5 minutes. OK. First I'll tell you some of my background. I have two college, university degrees. But don't go look them up, because the FBI has probably already taken them away. Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana. One in mathematics and physics, and the other in civil engineering. Civil engineering: docks, airports, railroads, buildings. And then I had a graduate scholarship where they were paying me to go to Columbia University in New York on a NASA scholarship to be in a space structures organization, where we were supposed to build space-platforms and spaceships for the American government.

The only thing I couldn't figure out: What happened to the next year students? They all disappeared. I only stayed for the first year and then I disappeared. I got out of it. 'Cause I couldn't find anybody from the next year, they had all disappeared. I never knew why until I read the Alternative 3 book. They were taking them away, working somewhere else. And I was followed by the US Government after that. They wanted to find out if I was a communist agent. And when they decided I wasn't I then got the job as an engineer and was in charge of building 20 ICBM sites, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile sites. These were positioned in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. Every 10 missile sites that's "the minute man silos", they call them "minute man silos". They are 90 foot sunk into the ground (30 meters), and every 10 of them is controlled by an underground control center, like a small submarine sunk into the ground 30 feet down. And I built 20 of those and quit when I found out it might be a hostile act to mankind.

A good movie to see, to see how those things were - they finally have come out with it after 20 years, how they look - is Wargames. It's about a little kid and a computer. He overrides the missile system. Well, in the beginning they show pictures of a little house on the surface and people walk in and they go down an elevator. Then they control the capsule down there with the buttons and all for the rockets. It's right at the beginning of the film.

The other thing in that film which is accurate is the city inside the Iron Mountain down by Colorado Springs by the Airforce Academy. They show in there-big blast-doors with buildings inside on big springs. When I worked for the government on these missile sites, I saw the plans for that base and that's exactly what they were like.

I worked on another project, which was to make a copy - sorry, storage building, to build a building. It was about a mile long and very big, just a warehouse to keep a copy of every American's tax record and every American's files. A copy from Washington was sent there to Colorado and then from there they were going to be put on a computer, and that computer was supposed to be inside the mountain in Colorado Springs. And that was to be the computerized files on every American, blast proof, atomic bomb proof inside the mountain. All right. I worked on these projects, they were paying good money, they were real projects, and they were being done. And that was back in 1962, same year that they were taking passengers to Mars. So what you're gonna hear in this afternoon, you'll hear how far this has all gone since then. And why. OK, so have a good lunch and thank you for coming.

This is part two of the UFO's event.

And in the first part you saw how it looked from inside a spaceship which the Americans tried to keep a secret from all of us for 30 years, and then you saw some pictures and videos of flying saucers that people have taken, but everybody says that's not true.

Now to bring you a little more final reality before we go into the major part of what's happening, I will now play you a tape, it's only a few minutes long. And it will - it is reported to be the sound of a UFO and I want you to listen carefully. Remember we talked about the high electromagnetic frequency fields. If you listen carefully and be very quiet, we might hear some of the pulses in the recording. I will shake the stick when I hear them, 'cause I've heard it on earphones. The actual ship sounds something like a small two-stroke engine climbing a hill. But you'll see there's something different about it, and it has pulses to it. Pulsation of high electromagnetic frequency. OK. This was recorded in The United States and it was also given at the Frankfurt UFO convention, so listen carefully. Be very quiet. I think you'll get it.

You get that wi wi wi from the thing in the recording, if you buy a tape. All these UFO tapes have that on there as well as about 4 - 5 - 6 other UFO-type related incidents and things that cover what we're talking about today on this tape. And I put my music into it to give it a sort of a musical background into it too. But the... if you hear it on your high-fidelity at home or earphones, you will hear what I'm talking about even cleaner in there. There's a high frequency sort of wi wi wi going on as this thing approaches. And it's not, you Call tell from that, it's not just a guy riding a two-stroke motorcycle up the hill, you know. OK, so now we've heard them and we've seen them and we've been inside them.

Now we're gonna find out what they are doing here. First I must tell you there are more than one group of extra terrestrials interested in this planet. In the most their intentions are peaceful, and they want to develop relations with this planet, as would any other peoples on a friendly basis. Not to have atomic weapons, not to have biological and chemical weapons. And they are holding back, the friendly ones, except merely for observation, because as you all know the joke: Take me to your leader, a leader. And then if you ask the friendly ones they say: But you don't have a leader. They are all fighting all the time. There's no leader.

This planet has no leader. I have here a tape - a video made by three gentlemen, and one of them is called William Cooper. He is an ex-intelligence officer for the United States Navy, and his job was to brief high level officials over what was the American relationship with aliens, with people from outer space. It was all above top secret, you understand. And he has recently, last year I believe, decided that what he had been - well he's retired now from the Navy. He decided that all of this secrecy was not in the best interests of his country. Remember this I told you about earlier, before the meeting began, about these military people who decided that the secrecy that they were being made to agree to was not in the best interest of their country. Now he's like one of those. He started talking about these things to inform not only his friends but also his congressmen and the people in the government. The thanks he got for that, he was tried to be assassinated twice. He lost one of his legs in one of the attempts and he's had a severe wound in the head. But he's still going. OK, sounds familiar? Yeah, OK.

Another one is a man named John Lear, and he is the son of the man who invented the Lear Jet, you know the private jets. All right, so he's no flake He's a millionaire himself, and he's the guy in the picture with the blond, white hair, the white haired guy. Very nice suit. And the other is a man named Bill Hamilton, who'll you see first. And we have somebody here who actually knows him personally and would like to just tell you about him for about a minute. It's Diane Marple from the US.

"I've known Bill for 8 or 10 years. He's been a UFO investigator for 25 years. I've been to his house several times. He has a lot of data and a lot of which I'll try to get him to send over here. So his viewpoint is more by the planetary and intergalactic scenario. And he started just investigating those things that led into those scenarios. So he's no longer talking to farmers that see UFO s. The thing that you are going to see on the tape here, the first mission he did on that was about four years ago, and what he's telling you is a summary of everything that he found out. Because he doesn't pass on information until he has got some verification on it."

Thank you very much. OK, this tape is in English, but we will stop it and give you translation every so often, but I want you to see how these people...this is at a, I believe it is a UFO meeting and this is where Cooper and Hamilton, and you also see a little bit of Lear in there, they are trying to convince everybody that this is really happening. And not just about UFO's, but what they are doing here. And these are, shall we say, the unfriendly ones. OK, here we go.

He's talking about a base, underground base in the vicinity of Dulce, New Mexico. He's talking about his investigation in Dulce, meeting with a person called Gabe Valdez who was a local sheriff there. And he has seen many UFO's in the area nearly every other night. And there was many..., he has seen many cattle mutilations there, where they cut special pieces out of cattle for use in experiments, but very precise like with a laser-knife. You'll find out more about this in the later part of the tape. One other thing he says. Gabe Valdez doesn't live there anymore. Perhaps he's been relocated, because he now lives in another town called Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The information he's about to give comes from people who worked at the base. People who were kidnapped or abducted and taken there and then released, and people who helped to construct it, and people who were working with the intelligence community there. All right, go ahead.

The facility is a bio-genetics lab and is connected to Los Alamos that was the first site of the atom bombs experiments in New Mexico. It's always been a high security research area for the US Government. He says there's an underground connection by subway or tube shuttle to the Los Alamos. OK. The research there is about genetics and research into also other intelligent species and the comparison between human and alien biology.

He says that their research indicates centuries ago that the aliens that he's going to talk about here entered into a contract with a secret group called the Illuminati. I think you have heard about these before: people that work in secret to control you mentally - one of the chief ones was Adam Weishaupt. Curiously enough he was the founder of the Illuminati, right over here in Germany. You all know the story of that.

Now he's also saying at the end that the United States Government entered into a contract with the aliens in either the, I think the forties or fifties or maybe even a little earlier to exchange research with animals and humans, which animals and humans are given to the aliens, you understand, and they were...and the humans, the government will get back high technology in exchange. Now that sounds... If you understand, at that time there was a Second World War that was going on. You might think well maybe they made the deal just to help win the war or some other good reason for it. But you'll find out that its not a good deal when you find out what's happening here. Now OK, let's see.

In the end of the forties the alien operations shifted from where it was in the southern hemisphere in South America, where there were many stories of UFO's in those days, to the United States west, because of this agreement that was made with the US Government, and that they wanted these underground bases and because of the magnetic and plasma effects of some of the minerals of the rocks in that area were vital for them. That fits in again with what we observed in the use of these saucers. They have to have something that produces a high electromagnetic energy field. So they need the raw materials for that, of course, to keep things going. OK, some more.

He says that these people who worked there told them that the aliens themselves regard themselves as an old people who lived on Earth, that they were crossbred from a human and reptilian species. This kind of face and sort of thin scaly looking bodies, but in actual fact that may... yes they may have been here before visiting and so on, but we actually know where they came from originally and we'll go into that a little later. But remember that the human beings had to be told something, and that even the aliens may be putting a scenario on to the United States Government, just as the US Government is putting a scenario on over the Alternative 3, just as the government is normally putting a scenario over on you and me. You see, so all of these things... just listen to it, but it can be that by the end of this you realize something more about it - the real truth. So the aliens have told the United States Government they are an old Earth-species, remember. OK, next.

They are telling the US Government, and this is what the people who worked there now tell him as an investigator, and they are saying that they are representatives of an alien nation - that's closer to the truth. And that they're returning to this planet to use it as a staging area, operations area, but they don't tell you exactly what for. OK, next. They are saying, he's saying also there are of course other alien cultures that are in conflict about whose purposes will be used, which is true. And he says that this has been carefully kept out of the press and out of the news of everybody since the 1940'ies. OK.

He says that is not the first alien base they built in Dulce, New Mexico. There are others in Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and others in the United States. And maybe others in the rest of the world too. Maybe in Antarctica and some other places, maybe right around here. Over there in Russia, over in the Pyrenees, upper Norway. We have found some very strange underground projects being done costing billions, but they give you a very small reason for this thing being built. They have some cover story for it. OK, go ahead.

He says that in 1947 the residents of Dulce, New Mexico saw many many troops going in and out of the area, many many trucks and construction equipment and that the signs on the trucks were from a lumber company in Colorado, but that when they checked no such company exists. So that's another one of the indicators.

He's talking about the construction of the bases. The Rand Corporation of America was involved in it. They had a tunnelboring machine that melts the rock and then makes a smooth wall out of it for high-speed shuttles to be put in. And that this is scientific knowledge, it's been published. And he says that there are over 100 of these secret underground places that have been constructed and that one of them is on the back of the Moon, another on Mars. Interesting, ha? That's the underground ones. That fits in with Alternative 3 as well. Now this is from the people who worked there, he's reading the reports of those people. OK.

The man who wrote that report was a construction man. Just like I've told you some of the things I've worked on and heard about, he heard about a lot more than he was working on, and when he finished the construction part they asked him to work there. Except he didn't, because they would have made him sign a contract which agreed that after the work is over he would agree to the chemical erasure of his memory. Sounds like they wanna keep the secrets. So he refused that. OK, go ahead.

He's talking there about some of the other construction companies involved: Aerospace Companies and Bagtell Corporation, it's... I used to work for them by the way. They were the ones who were building the big warehouse to put all the Americans' files in, remember? He says that they are well connected with the CIA, and many employees o, the American government in high positions in the civil service either came from Bagtell or they retired to Bagtell. OK? And what did he say just there at the end? Was one other thing. Ah, back it up just a little bit.

He said that they are linked up with the Trilateral Commission. (I didn't agree to the chemical erasure of my memories. I have this video, I can just look back and see what it was.) The Trilateral Commission, remember that? That is one of the secret, not secret, sort of advisory group, one of the Grey eminencies behind the government. You might find guys like Kissinger in there, and also the Illuminati. He said they have connections to the Illuminati - the Trilateral. And what are the other guys? The Council on Foreign Relations, CFR. Now you might know the Council of Foreign Relation people in Europe as the Bilderbergers. The Grey eminencies that sort of sit there and decide what your country should do and tell your elected officials how they should do. You have the same problem over here. But it's not quite the same anymore. OK, go ahead. OK.

He's talking about the base now. I have drawn from the description you were hearing and you will hear. Somebody has a little bit of tape? A little bit of tape to put up the chart. Now this is what he's about to describe to you - all right.

Here's the surface of the ground, and these are the mountains of New Mexico. There's a little UFO coming in there - remember that picture you saw on the television - coming behind the mountain. They have probably entrance this or hangars inside from the mountain they go down to this landing area back here somewhere. And this is an entire building built underground. It's my conception of it from the description. I used to work on these projects, and I figured that he talked about at least 7 different levels, and there are about 30.000 aliens down there and probably 10.000 or so humans. So it's actually very big. Now I've shown it - it's not the scale, hut it probably goes way back and this is only half of it, so it comes way out this way as well.

Now you see here they have some kind of phony little house up here or some little structure that they claim is the US Agricultural Research Station, that's what they did on the missile sites, and a little fence around there and it says: Warning! Agricultural Research Station. You went inside the house, you go down in an elevator and you come into the - in the intercontinental ballistic - you came to the control room. That's all, just a big submarine in the ground. But here you would come into an entire building and from there are other elevators that can go, for security, only to those levels in the building. And I've labeled the floors here as to what he's going to tell you what's happening on these.

Security and Communications at 1. There are over 3000 televisions and spy cameras around this. Human staff housing. Executive offices and laboratories for scientists and so on. And 4: Mind control experiments on people - on people, not just by people but on people. And on 5 he talks about... 5 is the alien housing. And these little fellows here, these extra terrestrials, they call them the Grey's, because their skin is sort of a Grey color. And then down here on 6 we have genetic experiments, genetic experiments.

And that is also a zoo. They have the experiments, the results of the experiments in cages down there. And on level 7 they have cryogenic laboratories. That's cold storage vats for the failed experiments. OK, down here I've drawn a sort of a power plant. It's probably an atomic base, power plant or something. Probably deep water wells and things like that, and everything is self-contained, and probably some air vents up to the top that bring in fresh air. I've also shown you a shuttle to Los Alamos. And also another one over here that goes to another base probably in the next area. Perhaps over there in Nevada where they call it Area 51 or Dreamland where they do the atomic bomb testing experiments. And Arnold Herman from Switzerland has many videos of that with these big buildings there that house a lot of people even on the ground, not even below ground. And why would they need so many people out there just to test a few bombs, you know? I tell you a lot of tax money goes into this. He says on the tape here that billions, billions of dollars were spent on these things.

And down here I put UFO's, the implanter scenario. An implanter being a person who tries to control you mentally or by inserting things into your body to control you. Genetic manipulations, but all secret - all is secret.

Now here is the Trilateral insignia and.. oh yes, you'll find this out from this article here. I said for the Andromedans, because this article here tells you that the-Grey aliens that the nations of the world have made an agreement with, including the USA, are from Andromeda. That's the next galaxy, come on. It's true actually.

Now that's their symbol. It's a black triangle on a red background. This is the US Government insignia given to them by the Illuminati, and that of course is the pyramid with the eye in it. You haven't seen that before, look at a United States dollar bill, it's right on the back. And this is the Dulce Base symbol. People that work here have this on their uniform. It's the same trilateral upside down with a 'tau' in it, the Greek letter 'tau'. Now 'tau' could stand for Terra, which is the real name of this planet. If you look in a space logbook that's Terra. OK, so that means they are down here on the around. These guys are coming from Andromeda, they are an outer space connection and these are your Illuminati connection. OK? I just want you to know the symbols in case you ever see these on some strange trucks or cars or aircrafts going by. Here's an American dollar. I don't know if you can see it, but there's a little.....

(The experiments are to change human beings genetically) so that they can work in dangerous environments such as radioactivity, outer space and maybe even under water. So they are actually doing large scale genetic experiments with human beings here. OK, next.

He's saying that this has already been perfected to the degree that we already have, he talks about America, already has its disposable slave race. Clones, you understand. They bring them up from ba... from small fetus here, clone, and make many copies of the same thing. Yes, OK. And they don't have any mummies and daddies, so the Government owns them.

Do they run around? Yeah - oh yeah. They've been seen. Adult human beings who look exactly alike, maybe 6 or 7 of them all together. There are maybe hundreds, but some people have seen 6 or 7 all exactly the same. And they worked in the military only. OK, some more.

He says at the start of this the American government was asking women to do experiments in genetics, you know if they were sterile or something they couldn't have children. And then they would remove the fetus after 3 months, take it back to the lab here and grow it up in a controlled environment in the experiment. Now you understand, what they put into the womb of the woman may not have even been a human being. It may have been some cross between an alien and a human or 5 or 6 clones.

They just needed something to develop it for 3 months so they could then pick it up into their laboratory technology. OK, they found they hadn't had the technology of how to start it off. OK, they had to have a real person to do it. We don't know if that's still true. They may be able to do it all the way in the lab, (don't know). OK.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
edabomb said:
Man Lands on Mars
Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/alternative3.html

OK, welcome to the event about UFO's.

How many of you have heard about or read about a thing called Alternative 3? For those of you who haven't I'll just give you a short summary.

A British independent television crew were investigating what happened to many scientists and military people in the 60's, because these people seemed to disappear from England, and everyone thought they had gone to make more money in other countries. They were intellectual people, scientists, business, top military people and so on. So they were going to do a program about this to explain "why can't Britain keep up with the rest of the world. Why don't they pay these people to stay here and work with us," and so on. And in the investigation they came across very interesting data.

They referred to this as the brain drain. In other words "brains going down the drain" in England - they were going somewhere else. The smart people going away, you know. And they did the investigations of the friends and relatives of these people. And the funny thing about it is they only heard from them one time. And they never heard from them again. And some of the postcards and letters they sent were exactly the same. The picture and everything, and the way they wrote it was exactly the same. Almost as if they were ordered to do it. And then they had gone completely out of communication.

Further investigation....When they put on the first program about this, several people saw it that wrote to the station and said, "we know more about this." One of them was a scientist at the observatory in England, who said that he had recorded from an American spaceship on one of his radio telescopes a report coming from an American spaceship in the days before the Americans had sent anybody up. And he knew it was a NASA Space Agency recording, because it had a certain code, a bip bip bip to it, but he did not have a decoder. But the television station investigated all this, and they found another guy who had a decoder, and they brought the two together.

Now during the bringing the man, the professor of astronomy, was going to drive it to London, but he thought maybe something might happen, so he mailed it in a package. And then he drove, so he wouldn't be rushing he drove slowly, but he was killed on the way, a very strange accident. He was found in his car down the side of the road, and he was burnt all the way to his bones, as if it was done by a high intensity laser or something. It could not have been done by a car just crashing and burning petrol. And this remained part of the mystery in the second program they gave.

Now this was all true, and it was all recorded in the British newspapers. And then there were other people that gave stories: That the government of America and Russia were working together to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, and that's why they needed all these people. And this was in the days before sputnik and spacecraft. And so by that time the station was in the problem of almost appearing to be putting out a science fiction movie. And they are supposed to be investigative reporters of facts, you see. So they were told to admit to the public that these programs were all a hoax or they'd lose their license. And they must fire the reporters who were working on it. That is essentially... The book was then written by the 2 reporters or 3 reporters that were fired. OK? Now that's how the Alternative 3 book came about.

Now you understand that that was the Alternative 3 idea. The three alternatives mentioned by the book had to do with some of the data they found to apparently explain why the Russians and Americans would do this. They said that a climatic catastrophe was coming upon the planet, you know the carbon-dioxide - the ozone, and that they only had three possibilities: Go underground, live underground. Do something drastic with the atmosphere like with nuclear weapons or something - war. And set up bases or set up bases on other planets, for just the top people of course. That's what they explain it with.

Now you are going to see the real explanation of Alternative 3, because that itself was a cover scenario. Are you ready? Good.

They showed this on the television, before it was cut off the air and before they were threatened of the actual - - - what was on that tape.

And you are going to see it and are going to see and analyze what it really means.

This is the supposed landing on Mars 1962 by the Americans. That's the tape.

Now the thing he said at the last, he says - Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it'll be the biggest day in history. 22nd May 1962, we're on Mars and we have life.

Now, we're gonna watch this - I'll show you something interesting. OK let's pause. All right, here you go. Look; let's first of all examine the possibility that this was made in Hollywood. If they did make it in Hollywood what would be the point of making it so secret that they had to kill people to keep it from being known? Would they just be doing it to...Why would they keep it a secret, if they made it in Hollywood? They would want everyone to know about it and say - Look we landed on Mars! and they never said that. So what would they want it for as a fake, and how could this professor have recorded it coming from outer space, this tape, if they made it in Hollywood, you see. So let's take their word for it is true. They did kill enough people, they threatened the radio station with closing the license - I mean the television with closing the license of the program, they did fire the people who worked on it. And when the book came out they banned it in America. So knowing all those indicators of a secret conspiracy going on, let's take it as a true tape, but let's analyze it as to what is the real truth.

Look at that porthole they are taking the pictures out of. That is not from an earth type spacecraft. That has a square, curved outer hull surface, and it's very thin as you can see. There's no bolts, you understand, and all that stuff they have on American and Russian spacecrafts. Right, it's very big. You remember the first spaceships that went up. They had little tiny holes in them like that with bolts, like on a ship. That's the first point I want you to see. Now I want you to see something else here. There, you see the curves? Aha, you see this - stand by to scan, that's what he said. Now watch this, watch what happens to the picture. See how slowly it's moving? America and Russia never had any spaceships that are landing on the Moon, landing on any other planet that could slow down and do this. Watch this: the ship is rotating, slowly. Then it stops - Stand by to move on. Watch... see there, now they're back on the landing pattern.

If you analyze this from an aeronautical point of view, you have the ship coming in. All of a sudden it stops, rotates around like this stand by to go-ahead, resume landing. Does that remind you of anything? It reminds you of the stories of "flying saucers". They go, they stop, they move around a little bit, they go. All right. What's that? (I never saw that one before.) OK, we go on with the analysis.

That, see this? Every time they change mode there's interference on the transmission, or they've stopped the transmission and started it again. This interference with any radio transmission frequency is caused by a high intensity electromagnetic field. Also this is in the stories of UFO reports where people's car radios stop and the pilots, their compass goes around like this. There are also stories written how, obviously, UFO's are controlled by high intensity electromagnetic fields. And if you were broadcasting from there back to Earth you would expect the broadcast to be interfered with every time they had to change the controls, altitude or path of the flying saucer, and it does!

And now... watch again. Now look how slowly it's going. Temperature 4 degrees Celsius, 21 km/h wind. 707,7 Mb air pressure. 760 (is normal), no 1013 Mb. This is only 7/10 as much as Earth. OK, next. I want you to observe this place they're coming toward. You didn't notice that, did you? There's a tower, like a control tower. And there are 1, 2, 3 pads to land on, but they are only round ones, and they look like they are a hundred or so feet in diameter, 30-40 meter or more. 1, 2, 3 and they're round. Now what could you land there if you have never been there before? Could they have built a landing base, if they had never been there before? Now watch this when they land: They get to static again, because they have to put in the electromagnetic field. So you don't see them actually landing there, but you can believe they are going to land on this one or one of these. Right. Watch that closely. You see that? There it is, there it comes. Stand by for landing. Let's do it again, so you can see it. There are: 1, 2, and 3. There's the building. Now they are obviously sitting on one of the pads looking out away from the building. And now they see the brown very closely. Americans... some kind of mole, a mole. OK, now.

What the cover-up was, what the secret of Alternative 3 was, which is still a secret, is that the Americans did get to Mars in 1962 with a radio and television camera, but they didn't make the ship. That was an alien flying saucer. You wanna see it again? This is the big secret. That's what they didn't want anyone to know. They were just passengers. Imagine it.... on a flying saucer, you see it? The base, the little pads. OK.

So I told you it would be amazing. I took you on a videotrip on a flying saucer as the first thing. That's how they work, just like that, you see it from the inside. How did you like that trip? That was the big secret of Alternative 3. The Americans did not land on Mars. They took as passengers on a flying saucer. All this Alternative 3 stuff was cover.

Now who were these people that took them? And what connection do they have with the American government? And what connection do they have with this planet? And why is it all a secret? Now what the hell is the importance of this place anyway?

Well, in case you don't believe.... by the way, how much time do we have? I can do this part after lunch. 1/2 an hour left to lunch? 45 minutes to lunch. In case you still don't believe that these ideas and stories that you hear about UFO's, these kind of things, if you still don't reckon that there's really anything to it... I mean I started you off with a trip from inside of one. Now I'll show you some from the outside that people have actually photographed. People say there's no photographs of them. They are not true. Yes there are photographs and television. All right.

Now this was on the program even, but people still say they haven't seen this. They are still-pictures that they've taken of flying saucers. There it is. Just watch the pictures, there it is. Going behind there to land somewhere. Another picture. Another one. Another one. OK. Next, we go to this last couple. These things look strangely alike from the outside of what you were just seeing from the inside out the little portholes. There's another one coming - there it is. There's one. There. Looks like he's taking pictures too. That was the last one here, last shot. This one, that one. Then there's another one they are showing you at night, glowing a little bit. This one. All right. OK, next.

So these things have been around, and it looks like the government is keeping it quiet. We still don't know why, but we're gonna find out. During the break you can come up and look at some of these articles. They also have some newspaper stories about it. But I knew that most of you from Germany would rather have hard, more physical evidence. Either pictures or videos or from inside. OK, ready? Here's some more.

The last one, this is one of the best ones, because it will show you how they land into the... on the planet. These were taken on Earth. Now you noticed they had a little landing place on Mars. If they're gonna be here on the planet they must also have landing places, OK? So let's look at them going into one. Right after this. There, watch this guy. He's landing behind the mountain or into a hangar or something. Slowly down, you see. He doesn't come up again. That's how they would take off, you see, come backwards. This is how he lands, see? OK. Now that was a little thing that they tried to excite everybody's curiosity with. But we've got some more stories about these from people that actually worked with the aliens. See that? That is not a conventional aircraft or weather balloon.

OK, so up to this point I just wanted to show you some of the physical evidence that we have about these things. And then we will... I'll ask you if you have any questions about that so far, but I won't tell you anything about what's gonna happen after lunch, because that's gonna be very exciting. I'd rather you have a good lunch first, because some of this is not pleasant. If these people were here, if these aliens were here to be friendly and to make trade with you, and buy your nice apple juice and wines from France and everything like that, then there'd be no reason to keep it secret, would there?

But unfortunately they are here doing, some of them, are doing something different than that. And that we're gonna find out after lunch. But up until this point is there any questions about what we've said so far, Alternative 3, landing on Mars 1962, pictures of UFO's, the way they moved, who they worked with? Yes, questions.

Let's take this gentleman first. "Could you explain the atmosphere on Mars, because when one sees pictures from telescopes from here to Mars there's no atmosphere." Yes, apparently it is very thin and there's very little cloud in it. And we also know from other reports that a lot of the NASA photographs and the NASA things they've done since this time, some of the photographs and some of the satellite photographs and orbiting photographs they leave them out. They don't let them out to the public.

There was a gentleman in America, two gentlemen, who actually were researchers and discovered those pyramids on Mars. Did you see that article? And they had to...they discovered those photographs filed incorrectly under the southern latitude and longitude on Mars when they should have been in the northern part. They were deliberately taken out. And they just happened upon them by chance, and no one would come to their press conferences either, and now it's just sort of one of these crackpot stories as well, but they had been working with actual NASA photographs from Mars. But NASA has never admitted that those are real photographs of pyramids on Mars although they took them. You see, so there's still a cover-up going. And we find there's false data being given about the Moon and Mars. Not necessarily false, there's so much omitted, they don't tell you everything. Just as if you were trying to not tell about where you went last night to your wife. I just went out drinking with some friends - OK, that's all right. You don't say how many bars, how many girls that were there, and how many times you spent going to some other places. See what I mean? That's the same with the government. They are lying to their children, to their wives, husbands, whatever...

Next question is here: "In the textbooks the atmosphere on Mars is explained as being reddish, not blue, and the pressure is given as about 1/1000 of the pressure on earth, so these data don't fit?" That's nearly a vacuum. They are probably lying. But I tell you one thing they are wrong about, the... when you're on the planet looking at... If there's any kind of carbon dioxide or molecular air structure just because of the sun's refraction and incidence into an atmosphere any type of clear gas - you're gonna get a blue effect. That is for any planet when you're on the planet. In a clear atmosphere you're gonna get a blue.

"This blue sky depends on clear gas. Mars' atmosphere is supposed to be dusty, and then it's physically sound to have a red atmosphere." That's what they say. Now if you go up on a high mountain, Mount Everest or something, you see pictures from there, you have a thin blue look as well. Now that's a very low pressure. The outpoint in the scientists' story about what you just said, if the atmosphere is so thin, then what's holding the dust up? Nothing, because in a vacuum, if it's near vacuum, the dust will fall like a rock. Go ahead.

"About the Mars atmosphere I read an article in I think it was scientific American, and then they tested animals that live on Earth, and then they figured out that the lower the animals are the longer they can survive on Mars' atmosphere. A frog for example can survive at least for 24 hours." Yeah well, you saw a mole living there on that picture. It was some kind of underground animal, and I bet you if you were on Mars and didn't have any water, and you were examining how people live on Earth, you would not believe that anything lived in the ocean. You would not figure out how a gill for instance could exist. And yet we have lots and lots of animals living in the oceans including dolphins who are airbreathers. And the largest animal in the world: whales. And yet if you were on a dry planet, you could never believe that. You see? Next question. Sir:

"He saw that an animal lives on Mars, so he thinks when that was kept secret there must be more living beings up there." Exactly, genau. I mean just to tell you some of my background, before we go to lunch. Any more questions first? First question, yes.

"I saw another interference after this animal, how could this happen?" Very good observation. I would say they were shutting down the power on the whole ship. How much time do we have, by the way? How many? 5 minutes. OK. First I'll tell you some of my background. I have two college, university degrees. But don't go look them up, because the FBI has probably already taken them away. Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana. One in mathematics and physics, and the other in civil engineering. Civil engineering: docks, airports, railroads, buildings. And then I had a graduate scholarship where they were paying me to go to Columbia University in New York on a NASA scholarship to be in a space structures organization, where we were supposed to build space-platforms and spaceships for the American government.

The only thing I couldn't figure out: What happened to the next year students? They all disappeared. I only stayed for the first year and then I disappeared. I got out of it. 'Cause I couldn't find anybody from the next year, they had all disappeared. I never knew why until I read the Alternative 3 book. They were taking them away, working somewhere else. And I was followed by the US Government after that. They wanted to find out if I was a communist agent. And when they decided I wasn't I then got the job as an engineer and was in charge of building 20 ICBM sites, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile sites. These were positioned in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. Every 10 missile sites that's "the minute man silos", they call them "minute man silos". They are 90 foot sunk into the ground (30 meters), and every 10 of them is controlled by an underground control center, like a small submarine sunk into the ground 30 feet down. And I built 20 of those and quit when I found out it might be a hostile act to mankind.

A good movie to see, to see how those things were - they finally have come out with it after 20 years, how they look - is Wargames. It's about a little kid and a computer. He overrides the missile system. Well, in the beginning they show pictures of a little house on the surface and people walk in and they go down an elevator. Then they control the capsule down there with the buttons and all for the rockets. It's right at the beginning of the film.

The other thing in that film which is accurate is the city inside the Iron Mountain down by Colorado Springs by the Airforce Academy. They show in there-big blast-doors with buildings inside on big springs. When I worked for the government on these missile sites, I saw the plans for that base and that's exactly what they were like.

I worked on another project, which was to make a copy - sorry, storage building, to build a building. It was about a mile long and very big, just a warehouse to keep a copy of every American's tax record and every American's files. A copy from Washington was sent there to Colorado and then from there they were going to be put on a computer, and that computer was supposed to be inside the mountain in Colorado Springs. And that was to be the computerized files on every American, blast proof, atomic bomb proof inside the mountain. All right. I worked on these projects, they were paying good money, they were real projects, and they were being done. And that was back in 1962, same year that they were taking passengers to Mars. So what you're gonna hear in this afternoon, you'll hear how far this has all gone since then. And why. OK, so have a good lunch and thank you for coming.

This is part two of the UFO's event.

And in the first part you saw how it looked from inside a spaceship which the Americans tried to keep a secret from all of us for 30 years, and then you saw some pictures and videos of flying saucers that people have taken, but everybody says that's not true.

Now to bring you a little more final reality before we go into the major part of what's happening, I will now play you a tape, it's only a few minutes long. And it will - it is reported to be the sound of a UFO and I want you to listen carefully. Remember we talked about the high electromagnetic frequency fields. If you listen carefully and be very quiet, we might hear some of the pulses in the recording. I will shake the stick when I hear them, 'cause I've heard it on earphones. The actual ship sounds something like a small two-stroke engine climbing a hill. But you'll see there's something different about it, and it has pulses to it. Pulsation of high electromagnetic frequency. OK. This was recorded in The United States and it was also given at the Frankfurt UFO convention, so listen carefully. Be very quiet. I think you'll get it.

You get that wi wi wi from the thing in the recording, if you buy a tape. All these UFO tapes have that on there as well as about 4 - 5 - 6 other UFO-type related incidents and things that cover what we're talking about today on this tape. And I put my music into it to give it a sort of a musical background into it too. But the... if you hear it on your high-fidelity at home or earphones, you will hear what I'm talking about even cleaner in there. There's a high frequency sort of wi wi wi going on as this thing approaches. And it's not, you Call tell from that, it's not just a guy riding a two-stroke motorcycle up the hill, you know. OK, so now we've heard them and we've seen them and we've been inside them.

Now we're gonna find out what they are doing here. First I must tell you there are more than one group of extra terrestrials interested in this planet. In the most their intentions are peaceful, and they want to develop relations with this planet, as would any other peoples on a friendly basis. Not to have atomic weapons, not to have biological and chemical weapons. And they are holding back, the friendly ones, except merely for observation, because as you all know the joke: Take me to your leader, a leader. And then if you ask the friendly ones they say: But you don't have a leader. They are all fighting all the time. There's no leader.

This planet has no leader. I have here a tape - a video made by three gentlemen, and one of them is called William Cooper. He is an ex-intelligence officer for the United States Navy, and his job was to brief high level officials over what was the American relationship with aliens, with people from outer space. It was all above top secret, you understand. And he has recently, last year I believe, decided that what he had been - well he's retired now from the Navy. He decided that all of this secrecy was not in the best interests of his country. Remember this I told you about earlier, before the meeting began, about these military people who decided that the secrecy that they were being made to agree to was not in the best interest of their country. Now he's like one of those. He started talking about these things to inform not only his friends but also his congressmen and the people in the government. The thanks he got for that, he was tried to be assassinated twice. He lost one of his legs in one of the attempts and he's had a severe wound in the head. But he's still going. OK, sounds familiar? Yeah, OK.

Another one is a man named John Lear, and he is the son of the man who invented the Lear Jet, you know the private jets. All right, so he's no flake He's a millionaire himself, and he's the guy in the picture with the blond, white hair, the white haired guy. Very nice suit. And the other is a man named Bill Hamilton, who'll you see first. And we have somebody here who actually knows him personally and would like to just tell you about him for about a minute. It's Diane Marple from the US.

"I've known Bill for 8 or 10 years. He's been a UFO investigator for 25 years. I've been to his house several times. He has a lot of data and a lot of which I'll try to get him to send over here. So his viewpoint is more by the planetary and intergalactic scenario. And he started just investigating those things that led into those scenarios. So he's no longer talking to farmers that see UFO s. The thing that you are going to see on the tape here, the first mission he did on that was about four years ago, and what he's telling you is a summary of everything that he found out. Because he doesn't pass on information until he has got some verification on it."

Thank you very much. OK, this tape is in English, but we will stop it and give you translation every so often, but I want you to see how these people...this is at a, I believe it is a UFO meeting and this is where Cooper and Hamilton, and you also see a little bit of Lear in there, they are trying to convince everybody that this is really happening. And not just about UFO's, but what they are doing here. And these are, shall we say, the unfriendly ones. OK, here we go.

He's talking about a base, underground base in the vicinity of Dulce, New Mexico. He's talking about his investigation in Dulce, meeting with a person called Gabe Valdez who was a local sheriff there. And he has seen many UFO's in the area nearly every other night. And there was many..., he has seen many cattle mutilations there, where they cut special pieces out of cattle for use in experiments, but very precise like with a laser-knife. You'll find out more about this in the later part of the tape. One other thing he says. Gabe Valdez doesn't live there anymore. Perhaps he's been relocated, because he now lives in another town called Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The information he's about to give comes from people who worked at the base. People who were kidnapped or abducted and taken there and then released, and people who helped to construct it, and people who were working with the intelligence community there. All right, go ahead.

The facility is a bio-genetics lab and is connected to Los Alamos that was the first site of the atom bombs experiments in New Mexico. It's always been a high security research area for the US Government. He says there's an underground connection by subway or tube shuttle to the Los Alamos. OK. The research there is about genetics and research into also other intelligent species and the comparison between human and alien biology.

He says that their research indicates centuries ago that the aliens that he's going to talk about here entered into a contract with a secret group called the Illuminati. I think you have heard about these before: people that work in secret to control you mentally - one of the chief ones was Adam Weishaupt. Curiously enough he was the founder of the Illuminati, right over here in Germany. You all know the story of that.

Now he's also saying at the end that the United States Government entered into a contract with the aliens in either the, I think the forties or fifties or maybe even a little earlier to exchange research with animals and humans, which animals and humans are given to the aliens, you understand, and they were...and the humans, the government will get back high technology in exchange. Now that sounds... If you understand, at that time there was a Second World War that was going on. You might think well maybe they made the deal just to help win the war or some other good reason for it. But you'll find out that its not a good deal when you find out what's happening here. Now OK, let's see.

In the end of the forties the alien operations shifted from where it was in the southern hemisphere in South America, where there were many stories of UFO's in those days, to the United States west, because of this agreement that was made with the US Government, and that they wanted these underground bases and because of the magnetic and plasma effects of some of the minerals of the rocks in that area were vital for them. That fits in again with what we observed in the use of these saucers. They have to have something that produces a high electromagnetic energy field. So they need the raw materials for that, of course, to keep things going. OK, some more.

He says that these people who worked there told them that the aliens themselves regard themselves as an old people who lived on Earth, that they were crossbred from a human and reptilian species. This kind of face and sort of thin scaly looking bodies, but in actual fact that may... yes they may have been here before visiting and so on, but we actually know where they came from originally and we'll go into that a little later. But remember that the human beings had to be told something, and that even the aliens may be putting a scenario on to the United States Government, just as the US Government is putting a scenario on over the Alternative 3, just as the government is normally putting a scenario over on you and me. You see, so all of these things... just listen to it, but it can be that by the end of this you realize something more about it - the real truth. So the aliens have told the United States Government they are an old Earth-species, remember. OK, next.

They are telling the US Government, and this is what the people who worked there now tell him as an investigator, and they are saying that they are representatives of an alien nation - that's closer to the truth. And that they're returning to this planet to use it as a staging area, operations area, but they don't tell you exactly what for. OK, next. They are saying, he's saying also there are of course other alien cultures that are in conflict about whose purposes will be used, which is true. And he says that this has been carefully kept out of the press and out of the news of everybody since the 1940'ies. OK.

He says that is not the first alien base they built in Dulce, New Mexico. There are others in Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and others in the United States. And maybe others in the rest of the world too. Maybe in Antarctica and some other places, maybe right around here. Over there in Russia, over in the Pyrenees, upper Norway. We have found some very strange underground projects being done costing billions, but they give you a very small reason for this thing being built. They have some cover story for it. OK, go ahead.

He says that in 1947 the residents of Dulce, New Mexico saw many many troops going in and out of the area, many many trucks and construction equipment and that the signs on the trucks were from a lumber company in Colorado, but that when they checked no such company exists. So that's another one of the indicators.

He's talking about the construction of the bases. The Rand Corporation of America was involved in it. They had a tunnelboring machine that melts the rock and then makes a smooth wall out of it for high-speed shuttles to be put in. And that this is scientific knowledge, it's been published. And he says that there are over 100 of these secret underground places that have been constructed and that one of them is on the back of the Moon, another on Mars. Interesting, ha? That's the underground ones. That fits in with Alternative 3 as well. Now this is from the people who worked there, he's reading the reports of those people. OK.

The man who wrote that report was a construction man. Just like I've told you some of the things I've worked on and heard about, he heard about a lot more than he was working on, and when he finished the construction part they asked him to work there. Except he didn't, because they would have made him sign a contract which agreed that after the work is over he would agree to the chemical erasure of his memory. Sounds like they wanna keep the secrets. So he refused that. OK, go ahead.

He's talking there about some of the other construction companies involved: Aerospace Companies and Bagtell Corporation, it's... I used to work for them by the way. They were the ones who were building the big warehouse to put all the Americans' files in, remember? He says that they are well connected with the CIA, and many employees o, the American government in high positions in the civil service either came from Bagtell or they retired to Bagtell. OK? And what did he say just there at the end? Was one other thing. Ah, back it up just a little bit.

He said that they are linked up with the Trilateral Commission. (I didn't agree to the chemical erasure of my memories. I have this video, I can just look back and see what it was.) The Trilateral Commission, remember that? That is one of the secret, not secret, sort of advisory group, one of the Grey eminencies behind the government. You might find guys like Kissinger in there, and also the Illuminati. He said they have connections to the Illuminati - the Trilateral. And what are the other guys? The Council on Foreign Relations, CFR. Now you might know the Council of Foreign Relation people in Europe as the Bilderbergers. The Grey eminencies that sort of sit there and decide what your country should do and tell your elected officials how they should do. You have the same problem over here. But it's not quite the same anymore. OK, go ahead. OK.

He's talking about the base now. I have drawn from the description you were hearing and you will hear. Somebody has a little bit of tape? A little bit of tape to put up the chart. Now this is what he's about to describe to you - all right.

Here's the surface of the ground, and these are the mountains of New Mexico. There's a little UFO coming in there - remember that picture you saw on the television - coming behind the mountain. They have probably entrance this or hangars inside from the mountain they go down to this landing area back here somewhere. And this is an entire building built underground. It's my conception of it from the description. I used to work on these projects, and I figured that he talked about at least 7 different levels, and there are about 30.000 aliens down there and probably 10.000 or so humans. So it's actually very big. Now I've shown it - it's not the scale, hut it probably goes way back and this is only half of it, so it comes way out this way as well.

Now you see here they have some kind of phony little house up here or some little structure that they claim is the US Agricultural Research Station, that's what they did on the missile sites, and a little fence around there and it says: Warning! Agricultural Research Station. You went inside the house, you go down in an elevator and you come into the - in the intercontinental ballistic - you came to the control room. That's all, just a big submarine in the ground. But here you would come into an entire building and from there are other elevators that can go, for security, only to those levels in the building. And I've labeled the floors here as to what he's going to tell you what's happening on these.

Security and Communications at 1. There are over 3000 televisions and spy cameras around this. Human staff housing. Executive offices and laboratories for scientists and so on. And 4: Mind control experiments on people - on people, not just by people but on people. And on 5 he talks about... 5 is the alien housing. And these little fellows here, these extra terrestrials, they call them the Grey's, because their skin is sort of a Grey color. And then down here on 6 we have genetic experiments, genetic experiments.

And that is also a zoo. They have the experiments, the results of the experiments in cages down there. And on level 7 they have cryogenic laboratories. That's cold storage vats for the failed experiments. OK, down here I've drawn a sort of a power plant. It's probably an atomic base, power plant or something. Probably deep water wells and things like that, and everything is self-contained, and probably some air vents up to the top that bring in fresh air. I've also shown you a shuttle to Los Alamos. And also another one over here that goes to another base probably in the next area. Perhaps over there in Nevada where they call it Area 51 or Dreamland where they do the atomic bomb testing experiments. And Arnold Herman from Switzerland has many videos of that with these big buildings there that house a lot of people even on the ground, not even below ground. And why would they need so many people out there just to test a few bombs, you know? I tell you a lot of tax money goes into this. He says on the tape here that billions, billions of dollars were spent on these things.

And down here I put UFO's, the implanter scenario. An implanter being a person who tries to control you mentally or by inserting things into your body to control you. Genetic manipulations, but all secret - all is secret.

Now here is the Trilateral insignia and.. oh yes, you'll find this out from this article here. I said for the Andromedans, because this article here tells you that the-Grey aliens that the nations of the world have made an agreement with, including the USA, are from Andromeda. That's the next galaxy, come on. It's true actually.

Now that's their symbol. It's a black triangle on a red background. This is the US Government insignia given to them by the Illuminati, and that of course is the pyramid with the eye in it. You haven't seen that before, look at a United States dollar bill, it's right on the back. And this is the Dulce Base symbol. People that work here have this on their uniform. It's the same trilateral upside down with a 'tau' in it, the Greek letter 'tau'. Now 'tau' could stand for Terra, which is the real name of this planet. If you look in a space logbook that's Terra. OK, so that means they are down here on the around. These guys are coming from Andromeda, they are an outer space connection and these are your Illuminati connection. OK? I just want you to know the symbols in case you ever see these on some strange trucks or cars or aircrafts going by. Here's an American dollar. I don't know if you can see it, but there's a little.....

(The experiments are to change human beings genetically) so that they can work in dangerous environments such as radioactivity, outer space and maybe even under water. So they are actually doing large scale genetic experiments with human beings here. OK, next.

He's saying that this has already been perfected to the degree that we already have, he talks about America, already has its disposable slave race. Clones, you understand. They bring them up from ba... from small fetus here, clone, and make many copies of the same thing. Yes, OK. And they don't have any mummies and daddies, so the Government owns them.

Do they run around? Yeah - oh yeah. They've been seen. Adult human beings who look exactly alike, maybe 6 or 7 of them all together. There are maybe hundreds, but some people have seen 6 or 7 all exactly the same. And they worked in the military only. OK, some more.

He says at the start of this the American government was asking women to do experiments in genetics, you know if they were sterile or something they couldn't have children. And then they would remove the fetus after 3 months, take it back to the lab here and grow it up in a controlled environment in the experiment. Now you understand, what they put into the womb of the woman may not have even been a human being. It may have been some cross between an alien and a human or 5 or 6 clones.

They just needed something to develop it for 3 months so they could then pick it up into their laboratory technology. OK, they found they hadn't had the technology of how to start it off. OK, they had to have a real person to do it. We don't know if that's still true. They may be able to do it all the way in the lab, (don't know). OK.

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