whall15, you are Hank Scorpio, Independent aligned brilliant leader
You are Hank Scorpio, brilliant boss and evil genius.
Flamethrower (active) - You have a night kill every second night.
Missile (active) - You have an auto-lynch that you may use at anytime.
Laser (active) - You have another auto-lynch that you may use at anytime.
Generous Pensions (active) - You have an unstoppable recruit that you may use at any time in the game.
Town investigation (passive) - Because you are such a brilliant boss you show as town in any investigation or write-up.
Underground Lair (passive) - You will be protected from the first two kill attempts, as above in any write-up you'll appear as town.
WIN CONDITION: You win if you are the last man standing.
Misanthrope said:You are Hank Scorpio, Independently Aligned Evil Genius.
You might have tasted defeat in Cartoonland, but you’re not going to let that happen again. You’re back and you’re ready to kick some ass.
- Flamethrower: You may use your fiery flamethrower to make a kill every odd night.
- Death Laser: You have a one off auto lynch you may use at any time.
- Good Boss: You seem like a pretty good guy. If you’re investigated, you’ll show up as Hank Sampson, Town Aligned Model Citizen.
- Generous Pension: Once during the game you’ll be able to bribe a player to join your cause. They’ll be given the choice on whether to join you or not. If it succeeds, you’ll be in a two man faction. If it fails, you’ll be able to try again another night. You cannot use this ability on the same night you make a kill.
- Underground Lair: You can hide in your underground lair once. You’re immune to the first kill attempt against you, but not a lynch.
You win if you are the sole survivor or your faction outnumbers all others.
Misanthrope said:You are Freddie Mercury’s Mustache, Cult of Queen Aligned Mustache.
You’re a fantastic, AIDS riddled mustache and you’re out to make the world FABULOUS!
- Convert: Each night you may attach yourself to a player. There’s a 50% chance they’ll join your glorious cause and a 50% chance you’ll learn their identity and alignment.
- Attach: Once you’ve recruited your first cult member, you’re a part of them. You cannot be killed as long as they’re alive.
You win of the Cult of Queen outnumbers all other factions.
Frederick said:1. Freddie Mercurys moustache (cult)
2. Mikhail gorbachev's port-wine birthmark (cult)
3. Martin scorsese's eyebrows (cult)
You are Pam Poovey, Town Aligned Head of HR.
The under-appreciated, harried, and slightly gross head of HR at Isis, you’ve been kidnapped and shipped to the freakin’ North Pole to put your mettle to the test. You’re all on your own up here, but you’re not completely without defenses.
- Head of HR: As the head of HR, you may request a census at any time. This will be PMed to you. You can do this three times during the game. You cannot quote my PM, but can share your information.
- Bad-Ass: Pam’s not just a fat woman, she’s also a bit of a bad-ass. If you’re targeted for a kill, there’s a 50% chance you’ll beat the snot out of your attacker and send them packing.
- Drift: On any night you don’t request a census, you may choose to take a player out drifting with you. They won’t be able to act that night.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Sweet Jesus! The cult no one will join?
You are the Dovakhiin, Town Aligned Dragonborn.
The mightiest hero of Skyrim has been called to the icy north of Earth, and you’re ready to kick ass and take names. Equipped with the Thuun, you’re going to win this one.
You may use each of the following Shouts during the game once.
- Unrelenting Force: Throw all actions against you back on their owners that night. (Passive)
- Kyne’s Peace: Select three players. They cannot act that night.
- Fire Breath: Select a player. That player and all players targeting them that night have a 75% chance of dying.
- Soul Tear: Auto lynch. Everybody will know your identity if you do this.
- Aura Whisper: Receive the full role PM of your targeted character.
- Bend Will: Chose a target player. Redirect his action against another player of your choosing.
- Call of Valor: Target player may use his ability twice tonight.
- Whirlwind Sprint: Protect target player (other than you) from all actions tonight.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
You are Jason Maher, Town Aligned All Around Good Guy.
You are Jason Maher, beloved forum personality who is not afraid of anything at all.*
- Layers of Protection: You have five layers of protection. These protect you from being killed. You may choose to hand these layers of protection out to other players. For each layer you hand out, youll lose one of your own layers and theyll gain one. Layers of protection do not help in the event of a lynch.
- Jason Maher: There is more than one Jason in the game. Youll be killed regardless of your layers if one of them targets you. However, if you give one of your layers of protection to one of these other Jason Mahers, theyll lose any protection they have.You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
You are the Hot/Crazy Russian, Town Aligned Femme Fatale.
You’re a good looking Russian with a whole lot of crazy hidden in a small package.
- Crazy: You start the game as town, but if at any time you’re targeted for any action it will fail and you’ll instead become a psycho indie. You’ll gain the below abilities:
- Crazier: You’re f**king insane! Target a player to be killed tonight. They be dead.
- Hot: You’re also a good looking bit of biscuit. Target a player to f**k tonight and you’ll be unlynchable tomorrow. You cannot use this ability twice in a row.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated/you’re the last (wo)man standing.