omg they are re-making Logan's Run.
Best 60s bodge sci-fi ever.
Nobody seems to be upset about it other than a bunch of autists claiming to be protecting sex workers rights.I chuckled at the trailer no but doesn't look great overall.
Not exactly a classic movie to get upset about though is it?
After recently reading the book, the It trailer looks like another crap adaptation. It looks like a remake of the other movie, which also missed the point of the book. It's so much more than a horror story with an evil clown.
The True Detective season 1 director was on board to do it properly and he left over creative differences, what he says is pretty damning, this trailer backs it up -**kunaga-it-exit-1201584416/
Looks like it could be a solid horror movie, I wish they went through with a proper adaptation when they had the chance. The book is more like Stand By Me on an epic scale with horror always lurking around the corner.
I'd prefer an updated story with the depth and spirit of the book than a generic horror movie with a clown monster which is only a superficial representation of the book.See I disagree entirely and after reading that I'm glad he was shown the door. This quote is the reason why ...
“We invested years and so much anecdotal storytelling in it. Chase and I both put our childhood in that story. So our biggest fear was they were going to take our script and bastardize it. So I’m actually thankful that they are going to rewrite the script. I wouldn’t want them to stealing our childhood memories and using that. I mean, I’m not sure if the fans would have liked what I would had done. I was honoring King’s spirit of it, but I needed to update it. King saw an earlier draft and liked it.”
I don't give a shit about HIS childhood, I want a proper version of the King novel. I don't want him updating it. f**k off, I want King's novel, not yours bucko. You know why the LOTR was so highly regarded ? Because Jackson stuck to the freaking book and didn't do his own puncy take on it. You know why The Hobbit sucked balls ? Because they didn't stick to the book. No thanks, he reminds me of those gits who bastardise the national anthem with their "own" version. I dont want to hear a pretentious R&B version thanks, the real thing will be better thank you.
I'd prefer an updated story with the depth and spirit of the book than a generic horror movie with a clown monster which is only a superficial representation of the book.
The best Stephen King adaptations divert from the books, it's the way that they divert which is most important. If everyone had your strict approach to it we wouldn't have The Shining or The Shawshank Redemption.
f**kunaga's words show that he completely understood the source material and wanted to execute the same experience on film. He's a great talent with an excellent resume to back it up, he would have nailed it. Instead they went with a dude who has done a single B grade horror movie.
The book is an epic story about childhood and growing up, I doubt we're going to get much of that in this adaptation.
No well we big to differ. I have no interest in watching someone I've never even heard of's version of a classic. And Shawshank was the closest adaptation of a king novel/novella I've ever seen. Everything that was in the movie was in the book.
After recently reading the book, the It trailer looks like another crap adaptation. It looks like a remake of the other movie, which also missed the point of the book. It's so much more than a horror story with an evil clown.
The True Detective season 1 director was on board to do it properly and he left over creative differences, what he says is pretty damning, this trailer backs it up -**kunaga-it-exit-1201584416/
Looks like it could be a solid horror movie, I wish they went through with a proper adaptation when they had the chance. The book is more like Stand By Me on an epic scale with horror always lurking around the corner.
PussyHow good does that trailer for IT look!!!!
I remember watching the first one as a kid and freaking out at the opening scene with Pennywise in the road drain. Whenever we would play road cricket and a tennis ball got hit down the drain, I refused to go near the f**king thing to retrieve i for fear after watching that movie. Can't wait to go see it!