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Rebooting the prequels and what to change

Walt Flanigan

Are you kidding? Do you think Disney spent $4bn on the rights to not hit that jack pot at some point? They'll be what they do after this trilogy, trust me.

They paid 4 billion for the whole lot, not just the prequels and this allows them to go anywhere they want with the Star Wars universe. They don't need to go full-genius and go rebooting to hit the jackpot. I have no doubt that Episode VII will smash box office records and if the movie holds up then the other two will follow suit. Owning the Star Wars is like having a license to print money. They're already working on spin-off movies and a TV series too. They also have the option of going way back and making movies set in the Old Republic and make a shit-tonne of cash.

I'm sure someone at Disney woke up thinking that rebooting the prequels would be a good idea, but probably decided they liked their job too much and went about their day.


Get that man a movie studio to run!

Seriously mate, my view is based on what every f**king movie studio is doing with properties like these, I'm not sure what yours is based on other than a desperate and weird love of Jar Jar.

Maybe you ought to crawl out from whatever rock you've been living under and have a look at just how many major and far more loved films have been rebooted in the past 20 years. How you think Star Wars is immune to this I'm not sure...


They paid 4 billion for the whole lot, not just the prequels and this allows them to go anywhere they want with the Star Wars universe. They don't need to go full-genius and go rebooting to hit the jackpot. I have no doubt that Episode VII will smash box office records and if the movie holds up then the other two will follow suit. Owning the Star Wars is like having a license to print money. They're already working on spin-off movies and a TV series too. They also have the option of going way back and making movies set in the Old Republic and make a shit-tonne of cash.

I'm sure someone at Disney woke up thinking that rebooting the prequels would be a good idea, but probably decided they liked their job too much and went about their day.

:lol: yeah, because movie studios are clearly deadset against remaking and rebooting things:

They're even remaking The Never Ending Story now, and as myself and others have pointed out plenty of other wider world franchises have had unexpected roboots (Star Trek probably being the most shocking at the time).

There's a lot of stuff they can do with the Star Wars series, but there's also a shit tonne of stuff studios could be doing with all sorts of properties that have been and are being rebooted.

Disney will definitely spin at least a couple of the ideas you've mentioned into TV series, but the reason they'll eventually re-do these prequels is because George Lucas already went "full genius" on them when he actually made the bloody things.

This year's Godzilla is a good example of why a Star Wars prequel reboot would happen. Emmerich's Godzilla from the 90s was so bad that fans said it tarnished Godzilla as a whole (sound familiar?), and when they came back to do the new one they promised to "erase the memory" of that film with it.

That's how the prequels will be pitched when it happens.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I have always felt that darth Maul should have been in all 3 prequels. He was too good a character and he just got killed off too easy for how powerful he was. It's a real shame tbh he was much cooler than old man dooku.

I believe that in the books darth maul never dies and is saved, half his body is robotic.


Why does anyone like Darth Maul based on ep1? He isn't a cool character, weird facepaint and a fancy sword don't make a character. He has nothing to say, no motivations, nothing.

Worst villain ever 0/10

Oh and the prequels won't get rebooted you clowns.


lol Darth Maul is literally the only thing people liked about the prequels! You're right that we knew bugger all about him, but that's part of the reason he was so popular- there was a genuine mystique about him.

Walt Flanigan

This year's Godzilla is a good example of why a Star Wars prequel reboot would happen. Emmerich's Godzilla from the 90s was so bad that fans said it tarnished Godzilla as a whole (sound familiar?), and when they came back to do the new one they promised to "erase the memory" of that film with it.

That's how the prequels will be pitched when it happens.

Yeah because Godzilla has the same following as Star Wars. What a great example.

The point is that Disney could make anything they want to in the Star Wars universe and the masses will turn up. It could be 2 hours of Jar-Jar Binks slinging sh*t at a brick wall and they'll rake it in. Rebooting the prequels would be unnecessary and a waste of time when they could be doing absolutely anything else. Rebooting is what you do if you've totally run out of ideas.
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Seriously mate, my view is based on what every f**king movie studio is doing with properties like these, I'm not sure what yours is based on other than a desperate and weird love of Jar Jar.

Maybe you ought to crawl out from whatever rock you've been living under and have a look at just how many major and far more loved films have been rebooted in the past 20 years. How you think Star Wars is immune to this I'm not sure...

So if 7 turns out to be a turgid steaming pile of crap can we expect a rant and and ETA on when a reboot of the sequel is expected from you? 2045, maybe?

I'm aware of how many movies are getting the reset button hit on them (im not happy with the proposed Lethal Weapon reboot for instance) but how many have the sort of following that Star Wars has. And I know you keep saying "oh, but Star Trek" but I just can't see Star Wars happening. Maybe Trek was ripe for starting over. Star Wars is not.
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First Grade
I'm in agreement that this will never happen, and doesn't need to happen.

Yes the prequels aren't well made, but they have so many great things about them, and many people who grew up when they were coming out do love them as we did the OT.

They have limitless opportunities with the stories they can tell in this universe now, why go back and redo a story that's already been told?

Move on champ.


Godfather 3 was "ruined" by one wooden performance from Sofia Copolla. Let's remake it! :roll:

I jest. While nowhere near as good as the first 2 I think it's a solid flick.


So if 7 turns out to be a turgid steaming pile of crap can we expect a rant and and ETA on when a reboot of the sequel is expected from you? 2045, maybe?

I'm aware of how many movies are getting the reset button hit on them (im not happy with the proposed Lethal Weapon reboot for instance) but how many have the sort of following that Star Wars has. And I know you keep saying "oh, but Star Trek" but I just can't see Star Wars happening. Maybe Trek was ripe for starting over. Star Wars is not.

You still don't really have any logical case for why this can't happen other than your weird Jarjar fantasies.

There's a very good reason the prequels are ripe for this, and it's simple: the prequels are about one of the most famous villains in cinema history AND THEY f**kED IT UP!

These new sequels are still centred around the legacy of Vader after all, and in spite of how awesome he once was, he's now quite unfortunately associated with millions of "Noooooooooo" memes across the Internet.

In short, his legacy has been destroyed and Star Wars fans everywhere will hardly be up in arms about that being given a second shot. In fact apart from weirdos like you with a Jar Jar fetish, most will be bloody excited.


I'm in agreement that this will never happen, and doesn't need to happen.

Yes the prequels aren't well made, but they have so many great things about them, and many people who grew up when they were coming out do love them as we did the OT.

They have limitless opportunities with the stories they can tell in this universe now, why go back and redo a story that's already been told?

Move on champ.

Exactly what people said when rumors of the Star Trek reboot with a new Kirk, Spok etc surfaced; people grew up with Shatner, new and loved the originals etc etc. Still happened and made a shit load of cash.

If you think it can't happen to Star Wars then you're kidding yourself.


Ok, at this point I think we've probably come to a bit of an impasse. For those of you that find it inconceivable a studio would even in a million years reboot a hated prequel trilogy to one of the most loved trilogies of all time in this age when the notion of a reboot or remake is apparently just unthinkable, fine.

But IF hypothetically you could go back and fix the clusterf**k of shit green screen effects, awful dialogue, poorly paced story telling and terrible acting, what would you change? Because, if you hadn't noticed that was more the point of my original post...


You still don't really have any logical case for why this can't happen other than your weird Jarjar fantasies.

:lol: Jar Jar this. Jar Jar that. Are you sure you're not the one who is craving a bit of Gungan pole here?

f**k you are dense. I have already posted my logical case as to why it won't happen. Your logical case is that "people hate the prequels", "Disney paid 4 billion for it and can do what they like" and "all movies are getting rebooted".

From the perspective of a long time Star Wars fan who is outside looking in it just seems counterproductive to me that Disney/Lucasfilm would go about creating a whole new narrative that gives homage to the existing trilogies only to blow all that up on 15 years time.


But IF hypothetically you could go back and fix the clusterf**k of shit green screen effects, awful dialogue, poorly paced story telling and terrible acting, what would you change? Because, if you hadn't noticed that was more the point of my original post...

1. Have someone other than Lucas write the films. Even he admitted he hates writing.
2. Don't give Boba Fett a back story
3. Get a different actor to play Anakin


You've still got dick all to support your view. I could sit here rattling off franchise after franchise that is or has recently been rebooted in spite of people thinking it couldn't happen. If you can point to an example of a studio thinking some property is sacred, then you might have a point, but you can't and you don't.


1. Have someone other than Lucas write the films. Even he admitted he hates writing.
2. Don't give Boba Fett a back story
3. Get a different actor to play Anakin

Agree on all counts. Anakin is the biggest problem of course - that's why I harped on for 500 words about him in the OP.

You've still got dick all to support your view. I could sit here rattling off franchise after franchise that is or has recently been rebooted in spite of people thinking it couldn't happen. If you can point to an example of a studio thinking some property is sacred, then you might have a point, but you can't and you don't.

Time to move on now...

Pete Cash

Post Whore
The dialogue is by far the biggest issue. The acting suffers because they have to say such garbage in flat boring green screened scenes. How anyone can blame the actors when they had to say such horrific garbage as the romance dialogue in the second film (which is by miles the worst of the three based on the writing) i will never know.

Basically to remake them you would have to rip up the whole thing. There is no real reason the empire took over. In real life for huge political change to happen there has to be reasons. Like there was a war going on but lots of wars happen. There was no economic reason for what i could see for the installation of a fascist regime.


You've still got dick all to support your view. I could sit here rattling off franchise after franchise that is or has recently been rebooted in spite of people thinking it couldn't happen. If you can point to an example of a studio thinking some property is sacred, then you might have a point, but you can't and you don't.


The last resort of a man with no answers and no argument; you've still got dick all to support your view.

My VIEW is that it won't be done and it is SUPPORTED by my belief that too much has been invested by Disney for them to ultimately undo it all given that they'll recoup their investment in a few short years. Now; take another angry pill, go back to your basement, put the prequel trilogy on and yell your frustrations at the TV.

Jaws springs to mind as a "sacred" property. Of course I am a huge fan of the original and I think that Jaws 2 works well not just as a sequel but as a film on its own (3 and 4 were shit and I think we can all agree here).

A few years back there was a rumor that they were going to reboot Jaws and have Tracey Morgan in the Matt Hooper role. Obviously it was just internet scuttlebutt but this might answer your question;

Would Universal Pictures allow one of their best known films, a classic of modern cinema and an all around critically acclaimed masterpiece to be tampered with or rebooted just to make money of of it? Not a chance.... and pretty sure Spielberg controls the rights to it as well and you know he'd be mortified if someone tried to give his film a do over and he would never allow it to happen. As one of the most powerful men in Hollywood you can bet your house that he would get what he wants. That to me qualifies as a sacred property that would be immune to the whims of modern Hollywood.

The Godfather springs to mind too. I seem to recall a rumored 4th movie which would act as a prequel and had Leonardo Dicaprio cast as Sonny Corleone. That never happened and will never happen. Once again; sacred property.

Maybe by 2060 there will be reboots of these two classics. I'm just working off your say so really.
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