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Rebooting the prequels and what to change


1. Have someone other than Lucas write the films. Even he admitted he hates writing.
2. Don't give Boba Fett a back story
3. Get a different actor to play Anakin

4. Replace the Gungans with an indigenous race that is much more imposing.

Walt Flanigan

Tone down the overabundance of cringe-worthy comic relief. Like that whole scene in Attack of the Clones where C3PO lost his head. I think that's half the reason that ROTS smoked the first two, because it finally got the serious undertones that it needed.


Staff member
Do you actually have a reason why Disney will forgo the opportunity to make a lot of money, or does it just hurt you to think Jar Jar may no longer be cannon one day?

Seriously mate, my view is based on what every f**king movie studio is doing with properties like these, I'm not sure what yours is based on other than a desperate and weird love of Jar Jar.

Maybe you ought to crawl out from whatever rock you've been living under and have a look at just how many major and far more loved films have been rebooted in the past 20 years. How you think Star Wars is immune to this I'm not sure...

You still don't really have any logical case for why this can't happen other than your weird Jarjar fantasies.

There's a very good reason the prequels are ripe for this, and it's simple: the prequels are about one of the most famous villains in cinema history AND THEY f**kED IT UP!

These new sequels are still centred around the legacy of Vader after all, and in spite of how awesome he once was, he's now quite unfortunately associated with millions of "Noooooooooo" memes across the Internet.

In short, his legacy has been destroyed and Star Wars fans everywhere will hardly be up in arms about that being given a second shot. In fact apart from weirdos like you with a Jar Jar fetish, most will be bloody excited.

4. Replace the Gungans with an indigenous race that is much more imposing.

but... but.. I thought you loved Jar Jar

maybe strong latte should switch to decaf


Make Jimmy Smits' take on Bail Organa more of a Bislat OG like he played on Sons of Anarchy. That is another part of the prequels that makes me cringe having watched SOA; Smits is so bad ass so when I go back and watch the prequels and he's such a pussy it just doesn't jive with me.


but... but.. I thought you loved Jar Jar

maybe strong latte should switch to decaf

I'm kind of immune to him to be honest. By the time 2 and 3 roll around his role is whittled down to nothingness so you really have to put up with him for one movie. And let's face it, if there was ever going to be a fall guy for the deciding vote that kicks off the Clone Wars it might as well be him!


but... but.. I thought you loved Jar Jar

maybe strong latte should switch to decaf

Just taking the piss a bit because I honestly can't understand anyone wanting to protect the prequels...

In terms of what I'd change though I actually agree with Lee - the gungans should have been modeled on Maoris or something (rather than a piss take of Jamaicans).


Staff member
we can all agree that the prequels are f**ked, i have no trouble stomaching them as i have a 5 year old who is just starting to show interest so i have no choice really

OP needs to add a poll to the first post - reboot or not - i tried to but cannot.


they are showing star wars - force awakens, 40 times at macathur square event cinemas on thursday. a few sessions are already sold out, and a few more are nearly sold out


I'd be interested to see how it will play out at my Hoyts cinema. I have a midnight ticket but know they are doing a 2am screening as well. It would be all well and good to have all 12 cinemas in the conplex playing TFA from midnight until 8am but what happens during regular hours? Do they show nothing but Star Wars?

At last glance I don't even think my session sold out yet so I imagine they will show other movies as well.


Nope. My session isnt sold out but the only seats available are in, like, the first 6 rows. I am riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh in the back! :)

My cinema is 15 screens including the Xtreme and 3d screens. They are doing 2 1201 screenings of 3d and 2d and then starting at 930 am the 3d/extremes run every hour until closing and the 2d starts at 10 am and runs every hour on the hour until close for a grand total of 27 screenings during business hours. 31 if you count the 4 midnight sessions. With that much traffic you can't imagine that much else running durng the day!


I can see reboots happening, but not until after the already six films happen, which will be at least a decade down the track. By then both the originals and prequels will be old enough to be fair game for remaking, but the prequels will get get the treatment first because of how poorly regarded they are.

Personally I'd tweak the following things:

1: Age Anakin up a bit. As the OP says, it would make far more sense if he started off as a troubled adolescent as a opposed to a whiny little kid. It also puts him at the same age as Amidala so makes the romance aspect less awkward/creepy. If he was around 25 by the time of the second movie you could ditch the horrible teen romance aspect, and then have his fall to the dark side happen at around 30.
2: No Jar Jar. Duh.
3: Ditch the whole stupid midichlorians thing. The strength of the Force in an individual and their suitability for training should just be things that Jedi masters can sense. Keep it more mystical.


The dialogue is by far the biggest issue. The acting suffers because they have to say such garbage in flat boring green screened scenes. How anyone can blame the actors when they had to say such horrific garbage as the romance dialogue in the second film (which is by miles the worst of the three based on the writing) i will never know.

Basically to remake them you would have to rip up the whole thing. There is no real reason the empire took over. In real life for huge political change to happen there has to be reasons. Like there was a war going on but lots of wars happen. There was no economic reason for what i could see for the installation of a fascist regime.

All true. Although ROTS is considered by most to be the best of the prequels (and it is), the dialogue is still just cringe worthy... as Anakin is in his crazy fight with Obi Wan and responds to his claim that the Sith are evil by saying "from my point of view the Jedi are evil" was so lame...

Totally agree about the rise of the Empire too. It's just very poorly set up... Lucas tried to make it an allegory for Rome, but failed to properly do his research even there or to think about the mechanics and purpose of something like a trade blockade of a planet (seriously, what the f**k could a lush planet teeming with life and presumably very old civilisations have possibly needed from other worlds that a blockade would be of any sort of threat?).

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Those are really good. Just be warned the guy who does it (mike stoklasa) is doing a pretty annoying voice thing because he didnt think anyone would listen to him nerd rant about star wars for an hour just as himself so he did a character.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Im not a huge fan of jedis being weird sexless monks but if they must be then the senator lady should have seduced anakin. There is literally no reason why their love should be forbidden from her end.

Anakin is just an odd ball. Its hard to identify with any of the characters.

Thats why i dont know if disney would bother. They would have to rip up everything and start again.
If the prequel Anakin was half as cool as the cartoon Anakin in the clone wars then the prequels would have been a lot better.

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