I can see reboots happening, but not until after the already six films happen, which will be at least a decade down the track. By then both the originals and prequels will be old enough to be fair game for remaking, but the prequels will get get the treatment first because of how poorly regarded they are.
Personally I'd tweak the following things:
1: Age Anakin up a bit. As the OP says, it would make far more sense if he started off as a troubled adolescent as a opposed to a whiny little kid. It also puts him at the same age as Amidala so makes the romance aspect less awkward/creepy. If he was around 25 by the time of the second movie you could ditch the horrible teen romance aspect, and then have his fall to the dark side happen at around 30.
2: No Jar Jar. Duh.
3: Ditch the whole stupid midichlorians thing. The strength of the Force in an individual and their suitability for training should just be things that Jedi masters can sense. Keep it more mystical.