The movie was supposed to fit in after Season 8. They had many setbacks in regards to making this movie, one of which involved taking it to an american movie studio who loved it and were prepared to make it ... except they would only do it if they recast the characters using american actors. So they were told to get stuffed!
They had scouted out lots of places around the world for locations, and Australia was high up on the list.
Unfortunately, it never got made, and after many years they made the 'Back To Earth' mini-series (which they've now claimed to be series 9) which -although a disappointing few shows- rated well enough to make this series 10. I think this is the last we'll see though, as I've seen the list of names of the episodes, and the last one is called 'The Beginning'. The first episode of series 1 is called 'The End', so I think this is going to be it. No more.