All this f**king tiring bullshit regarding the salary cap and juniors is as nauseating as me continually soapboxing my ideas on the subject. I'm not going to go away voluntarily so how can I expect anyone to be happy with an 'alternative'
Jabba is calling for another bandaid, an 'internal draft' whatever the f**k that is to make blokes like DCE make their plans public before the event. Anyone who thinks 'money' can be diffused through regulation is naïve, it's not salaries that need capping it's f**king laziness that needs capping
Seriously, what does 'large junior breeding grounds' have to do with anything. What single 'breeding ground' is larger than NZ, Bellamy wanders around the joint picking up talent like it's growing on trees. If the NRL were serious about a 'level playing field' all that needs to be done is place a minimum cap for every club on junior development somewhere, anywhere, within the NRL boundaries
If every club is told they have to spend a required amount in a genuine attempt to promote junior development does it matter where. Maybe it helps for crowds if clubs do it in their local area but would the Raiders mind if the Perth Reds supported Canberra juniors to make up their quota. Claiming players before they are introduced to the NRL is an excuse for mediocrisy
Jabba goes from supporting the Roosters in a red phone box to the Panthers dancing with wolves, still he uses players from all over the joint. What's more important, the Eels having first dibs in the Parramatta district, discarding/disappointing juniors not quite good enough or searching out players from all over and being allowed to keep them
Being allowed or helped to keep players that have been transformed from juniors to NRL players is the key to a level playing ground. Some dickwad says its unfair other teams can't have the same talent as the Roosters. Brian Smith had plenty of talent but like Sticky he doesn't know what to tell them without a blackboard
The answer is to make all clubs support junior development equally somewhere, look hard for new players and teach them how to play NRL standard Rugby League. Clubs need to be rewarded for doing what the game needs to prosper and probably penalised for poaching which is promoting stagnancy.
Instructors/scouts have a bigger influence on the game than players, reward their efforts and everything else will fall into place. People in Penrith won't give a rat's arse who Jabba has to employ to get the job done, they will care if other clubs are allowed to leech off the finished product . . . supporters will only take so much poaching
Well said,
You know what the real problem is, our faking systems and rules and set-ups are all outdated relics of the past that just are not and dont work in the modern world.
The only old value left in the modern world is Radio city hall, and that is for the romantics.
Our game needs faking change across the whole faking spectrum.
You only need to look outside that faking bubble created by the zombie dinosaurs who are happy for the code to stay the way it is, why, because it suits their habits.
Even superleague England has a successful player loan system that seems to work OK.
The point being, we can have a better set-up for distributing our talent, our juniors, than what we have got.
Manly originally, and the Roosters player rosters are so far ahead of the comp it is just creating a faking shared premiership shot. You can nearly add the Bulldogs to that system now, because Dessie knows all the faking tricks as well.
It amazes me how the Dragons who are a basketcase, can lose two of the Morris twins to the dogs.
The NRL should never have allowed that to happen.
It is nothing more than musical chairs, and the fans have had a gutful.
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