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Respected toiler Tolar nears a ton with Knights


First Grade
I'm pushing his barrow a bit tonight because Tolar was 1m short of making double the metres that Fa'aoso did tonight, at a higher metre per run ratio also!
I should also add that I haven't watched the game yet, so in the unlikely event there were reasons for this I thought I'd just put it out there too.

I know his runs aren't very effective, and overall he is a rather unexciting player, but that didn't stop this entire forum jizzing all over Aiden Tolman during 2010 when he was known as the prop that gets plonked on his back more than any other in the comp!


Serc, did you just compare Tolar to Tolman? The similarities stop at the fourth letter their surname.


I'm pushing his barrow a bit tonight because Tolar was 1m short of making double the metres that Fa'aoso did tonight, at a higher metre per run ratio also!
I should also add that I haven't watched the game yet, so in the unlikely event there were reasons for this I thought I'd just put it out there too.

I know his runs aren't very effective, and overall he is a rather unexciting player, but that didn't stop this entire forum jizzing all over Aiden Tolman during 2010 when he was known as the prop that gets plonked on his back more than any other in the comp!

Tolman is 22 years old prop who plays 60-70mins a game, he's not devastating by any stretch of the imagination but his value is his motor and his work rate, he's also a rather mistake free footballer.

Tolar is a 29 year old plonker who plays 40mins a game, has half the workrate of Aidan Tolman, has more errors in his game and even though he generally starts off the bench and comes on after the opposition have been softened up still can't make a single metre after contact. Also tonight when he took a hit up and died with the ball on the last tackle 30m out from the opposition line when we're behind by 10 with 8 to go shows he's a bloody dumb footballer, that was just an inexcusable, criminal play


First Grade
haha I hadn't thought of that Adsy - nice one :)

But on a more serious note, I'm comparing guys who are both well known (for differing reasons) to have ineffective hitups. Tolman is great in terms of sheer weight of hitups (and great for my fantasy team) but at least last year, he had a massive flaw.

I guess my point is that it is all quite convenient for many posters on this forum. It often depends on the name of the player if they get praise or if they get carved up. Its especially bad when we have a loss like last night where we were supposed to win...everyone gets the razors out, starts up a big emo session, and has a good hard yell at some easy targets, and attempts at quality discussion go out the window (again for some, not all).


Anyone but him. Tets, Marvin F, even Lulia as a wide running backrower, as for Ciraldo, I'd rather we played with a 3 man bench

yeh im sick of this theres noone else crap, there is. and stone stop playing them so they can try to make a play for a contract at another club cause its not helpin their cause.


First Grade
Uhh...none of those players play prop? (Tetevano only half counts because he has been selected out of position - at prop - all year)

I still haven't seen any proper nominations...


Tets could atleast be given a try, or you could play House up the middle, there are always options. In anycase Ciraldo getting picked week in week out despite being consistently terrible is a disgrace. Ethan Cook is great talent and to see him not even get a look in is sad

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
Before his knee injury, tolar offered the team good mobility and that justified him being in first grade. I must admit that I am talking with little evidence to back it up, but surely there is someone in reserve grade that can replace him and at least not be a liability. At the very least the reserve grade forward can gain some first grade experience that can lead to better development for next year.


the bloke that cleans the opposition sheds after the match deserve to be picked more than tolar or ciraldoh.

Big Tim

First Grade
At this point in the season I am not happy to select a rookie based on "giving him experience for next season"..... We are still inside the 8 FFS

Joker's Wild

So what Tim?!!! We lost on Monday night against a JT-less Cowboys!!!! Season 2011 is over and we need to bring through every young bloke we have so they will have experience for next year when WB arrives!!!!! Where are my razor blades???!!!!!


There's a big difference between "giving someone experience" and "he couldn't possibly do any worse"

Joker's Wild

We could do far worse than Tolar

I want the guy gone from our side as much as the next, but only if we replace him with someone who is an improvement.


We could do far worse than Tolar

I want the guy gone from our side as much as the next, but only if we replace him with someone who is an improvement.
It depends on your perspective.

For some, an unknown quantity is an upgrade. For others, it is just that, unknown, and could be much worse.


First Grade
The coaching staff review the video of every player each week...and in the case of our current coach, he has a good record of bringing in new players at the right time. I personally can't see a better option at prop (which is why I asked others because I may have missed someone), and it seems that Stone sees it the same way too.

or you could play House up the middle

I think he has been marked as backrow only these days...especially given our losses in that department this season, but yes certainly was used there at times in 08-09 when Smith was here. In any case, his carries in the hitups department have been poor - though he is playing a different role and is not expected to take as many of those tough runs.

In anycase Ciraldo getting picked week in week out despite being consistently terrible is a disgrace. Ethan Cook is great talent and to see him not even get a look in is sad

Now that I agree with, we do have better options in the backrow department. Cook as you said, but more likely at this point it seems like Filipo when fit again, or of course Tetevano should be close as well. But this isn't a Ciraldo thread ;-)


he is a useless tit who has peaked, but he's established and can "handle" week to week NRL football, so to speak. we don't have a wealth of blokes in the squad that fit that description at the moment up front. he would be there at the moment as much because he's been there, done that... as much (or should i say moreso) than any other reason.

it doesn't make him less shit, it just means that we're pretty shallow on experienced front row depth. that's basically it in a nutshell. Taufua is on the way out, hits and runs harder but has f**k all petrol in the tank... Filipo is a centre that can play backrow... and who do we have any deeper than that? Tetevano should get a run by the end of the year...

Ciraldo is the only genuine mystery for selections week on week. i can make perfect sense of Mr Unlimited's selection, but young blokes really do seem a better option than Ciraldo. he offers less than nothing.

as Serc touched on, we've blooded a lot of youngsters this year very successfully. it's not often you have a year like this year where so many kids step up and look good in a pretty mediocre side. Stone has to be credited (although he won't be by titheads like Nuffy and co, who like to get the daggers out after we lose - and only after we lose, lol soft as shit) with bringing these kids through properly and well. i don't know why people would doubt his selection methods to the extent they do when they have produced solid results, both tangible on the ladder and intangible in our playing group. i can't explain Ciraldos selection week after week, but i'm willing to give Stone the benefit of the doubt on it.

if Stig does well against Manly, i don't think Stone will make the same mistake again with Gids in the halves. in fact, he may play Stig even if he doesn't go that well against Manly... but i'm betting the real problem with keeping Stig starting in firsts is going to be his defence.
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Joker's Wild

Tolar on his own I can deal with

Pisses me off that we have both him and Kafusi making up 50% of our prop rotation though.

Add in Ciraldo and the frustration goes up exponentially


Ah so it's Tolar times Kaufusi to the power of Ciraldo.

I seriously thought Tolar went alright on monday. Kaufusi was lazy again but when he did take the ball up he did bend the line. I wonder why Fa'aoso didn't take many hit ups?