I’ll have a go.
I’ll list the named 21. Using top 4 as panthers, eels, rabbits and storm. Can any of our guys replace those in that position currently.
1. Kennedy- (edwards, gutho, Mitchell, pap) nope
2. Hiroti- (to’o, Staines, siva, Ferguson, Johnston, gagai, Jennings, fox) nope
3. Dugan- . (Burton, Chriton, opacic, niukore, Campbell, ?souths, smith, olam) definitely opacic, niukore and smith a few years ago.
4. Ramien- Burton, Chriton, opacic, niukore, Campbell, ?souths, smith, olam) definitely opacic, niukore and smith
5. Tracey- (to’o, Staines, siva, Ferguson, Johnston, gagai, Jennings, fox) nope. He isn’t a winger though.
6. Johnston - (luai, brown, walker, Munster) Brown only
7. Chad- (Cleary, Moses, Reynolds, Hughes) nope
8. Woods- FH, leota, paulo, RCG, Burgess, tatola, Bromwich, Welch) I think Burgess and tatola are average but play the style that the rabbits back needs. Nope
9. Brailey - (Kenny, Mahoney, cook, grant) Kenny for sure. Api maybe?
10. BHU - (FH, leota, paulo, RCG, Burgess, tatola, Bromwich, Welch) at his best I’d say leota, Burgess and tatola
11. Wilton - (kikau, capewell, lane, papali, Koloa, sua, Bromwich, kaufusi) he could do the job of any of those guys, except kikau
12. Nikora- (kikau, capewell, lane, papali, Koloa, sua, Bromwich, kaufusi) nope
13. Rudolf- (yeo, brown, Murray, Nelson) maybe brown
Was going to do the rest of the squad but it’s too much. Starting 13 from last night it is