Lisa13 said:
I'd like to second Rb's nomination for EA.
To finish in the top 3 in his first year was a top effort.
What a fine body of work cranky old EA cranked out this year.
Not a wasted word. Not a dud concept.
Oh when the saints was grand but Mitchell ..... Mitchell was told with all the poise and flair of a rare talent. I literally couldnt move for about 10 minutes after I read that story and its chilling last sentence.
EA also embodies everything good about the F7's. Sportsmanship, enthusiasm, teamwork. Even the greatest plonker in TFC wins EA's respect if he sits down and tries to mix it with the writers at f7.
Some stuff he PM'd me with, helped a lot when i couldnt understand the vagaries of some of the judgements.
I will value always his comments and encouragement.
he will have a face the colour of Chris Beattie's now, but it had to be said.