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Rotten to the core


First Grade
Rotten to the core

Article from:
By Rebecca Wilson
http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,25183312-5017479,00.htmlMarch 14, 2009

RUGBY league has spent millions trying to sell the message that it is a great example of what happens when professionalism meets athleticism - and the athletes happen to be working-class boys.
Scratch the surface of the glamorous launches, the multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns and the gender experts, and what you have is a booze-fuelled, male-dominated culture full of accidents waiting to happen.
Where to start in one of rugby league's most shameful weeks? There is no need to discuss the sexual assault charges here. That is for the courts and it is irrelevant, really, in the scheme of things.
Where we can start is at an official club function.
I wrote last season how wonderful it was that the premiership-winning Manly team could manage to have a week full of drunken celebrations and not offend anyone. Their Grand Final party was joyous, fun and pretty innocent by league standards.
How wrong could I have been about a football team?
The club has started 2009 with a transformation - the team's official season launch degenerated into an alcohol-fuelled, unsupervised rabble with which even some club administrators were involved.
Witnesses say some present at the function were drunk. The blank-eyed Anthony Watmough allegedly told the father of a beautiful young woman present at the team's season launch that his daughter was a "s**t". He decided then to slap the girl's father.
It must be stressed here that these facts are not challenged by anyone at the club. Watmough was forced to apologise to the father, who turned out to be a club sponsor.
This is not an isolated tale of club members playing up on a night out. Their club could be any one of 16 in the NRL competition.
The last week has proved beyond any doubt that rugby league is crook to the core - that some of its players, clubs, administrators and even its fans are still willing to accept behaviour that is below normal social standards.
Manly reacted appallingly to the crisis. They did not stand Stewart down. The board voted unanimously to keep him in the team, even after NRL boss David Gallop implored them to drop him from the side.
The weak board ridiculously asked the team's coach what he wanted. Not surprisingly, Des Hasler opted for the win-at-all-costs option and the board bought it. Even a gaggle of famous female fans came out in support of Brett Stewart without having been present on the night or hearing the facts of the story.
A battle-weary Gallop suspended Stewart for four weeks (for being presented as the face of league one day and being too drunk to speak the next). He fined Manly $100,000 for Watmough's behaviour and for bringing the game into disrepute.
Gallop is starting to realise that badly behaved footballers need to be treated like children, not adults earning up to $750,000 a year. He is also sadly aware of the culture that exists within clubs which excuses "the boys".
How many more times must we hear "the boys needed to let their hair down" and how many more times must we witness the sport implode as a result of yet another player having 30 schooners?
Rugby league is its own worst enemy. With the exception of Gallop, the week has thrown up another bunch of drunken footballers who believe they are bullet-proof, weak administrators who love having a beer with "the boys" and fans willing to forgive all if their team is winning.
Stewart's face should never grace a poster or television advertisement again. If a 24-year-old with the world at his feet can't say no to a beer at the end of a long drinking session, he doesn't deserve to be adored by any of us.
Watmough's anger and nasty outburst has not attracted the attention it deserved either. He is obviously a troubled and cocky young man with no idea of social graces or sensibilities.
I attended the national rowing titles last weekend in Tasmania. These athletes are world class, do 14 training sessions a week and rarely say yes to a drink. They work fulltime to pay for their sport because, for them, it remains a noble pursuit.
Perhaps a few of our so-called elite footballers should seek these rowers out to see what makes them tick, to understand a little about how tough it is for most athletes pursuing dreams.
Brett Stewart and Anthony Watmough have forgotten the word "struggle" - the very word that drove them to shrug off their working-class upbringings in favour of a better life in rugby league. They have irreparably damaged themselves and their sport in the process.


another laughable agenda driven bit of fluff from dyke face. i think what rebecca wilson would really like to say is that all men, footy players or not are rotten to the core. just say what you really think rebecca, we will forgive you.


Name calling aside, is she really wrong? Think about it and dont respond emotionally and I am sure most will agree with her!
Still there is plenty in there which is valid comment, despite her then stretching things to make her point.

I have no argument with these.

a booze-fuelled, male-dominated culture full of accidents waiting to happen.

The regular player f**kups do nothing to dispel this assertion.

The blank-eyed Anthony Watmough allegedly told the father of a beautiful young woman present at the team's season launch that his daughter was a "s**t". He decided then to slap the girl's father.
It must be stressed here that these facts are not challenged by anyone at the club. Watmough was forced to apologise to the father, who turned out to be a club sponsor.
Watmough's anger and nasty outburst has not attracted the attention it deserved either. He is obviously a troubled and cocky young man with no idea of social graces or sensibilities.

Seems a decent character assessment of Watmough. He is a tool if he did half of what was claimed.

Manly reacted appallingly to the crisis.
The weak board ridiculously asked the team's coach what he wanted. Not surprisingly, Des Hasler opted for the win-at-all-costs option and the board bought it.

Many brought the game into disrepute as much as its players did.

Gallop is starting to realise that badly behaved footballers need to be treated like children, not adults earning up to $750,000 a year. He is also sadly aware of the culture that exists within clubs which excuses "the boys".

Apart from the fact that Gallop must be slow if he's only just realising this, its clear that there is a proportion of players who need babysitters and can't be trusted to behave themselves if left to their own devices. My general experience is that people who start out as trouble do not tend to stay out of it. Clubs need to be prepared to cut players loose at the first hints of trouble, not mollycoddle them. The other clubs need to support each other in cleaning up the game .... instead they can't wait to snaffle up each arsehole player, because they can play footy. Once exiled by one club for behaviour issues, the player should be completely on the outer with the other clubs as a show of solidarity in tackling bad behaviour. (Not going to happen, but that would be the decent thing for them to do).

Rugby league is its own worst enemy. With the exception of Gallop, the week has thrown up another bunch of drunken footballers who believe they are bullet-proof, weak administrators who love having a beer with "the boys" and fans willing to forgive all if their team is winning.

Manly have shown themselves as weak, too many involved in the clubs are just old boys who bring little if anything to the table in driving the success of the game, rather just wanting to hold onto their glory days. As for the fans, we've seen plenty of evidence of that in this forum.

Brett Stewart and Anthony Watmough have forgotten the word "struggle" - the very word that drove them to shrug off their working-class upbringings in favour of a better life in rugby league. They have irreparably damaged themselves and their sport in the process.

I could be unkind here and say that a key reason league has problems is because it takes undereducated bogans, glorifies them because they can play football, gives them access to wealth and fame, and women, that they would otherwise never get, disconnects them from the real world, leaves them with plenty of time on their hands. They become totally insular, focused on themselves and the team, and lack many of the day to day interactions most people have in the community.

Little wonder some of them act like stupid bogans.


First Grade
The hypocrisy of a convicted drink driver lecturing on responsible drinking, and she was old enough to know better.

This constant attack on RL culture is definately an agenda as binge drinking is a problem in society, just go to a big footy game or out on a Friday and you'll see it.

Why doesn't Beccy turn her attention to AFL they seem to be having a few problems of their own. No? We'll save the hysteria for RL.

In the last week the AFL have had:

- Brisbane Lions Player in court accused of glassing a women

- the games leading player manager crashing into a TRAM and then FLEEING the scene

- player Colin Sylvia turning up to training in an "unfit state", dare we say it "drunk?"

Colin has form too

- brawling between two groups of supporters at the NAB Final last night

To paint league as the only sport with any issues is a JOKE, we have heaps of proof that the AFL guys are getting off pretty lightly considering. I say don't single one game out do the lot.
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I could be unkind here and say that a key reason league has problems is because it takes undereducated bogans, glorifies them because they can play football, gives them access to wealth and fame, and women, that they would otherwise never get, disconnects them from the real world, leaves them with plenty of time on their hands. They become totally insular, focused on themselves and the team, and lack many of the day to day interactions most people have in the community.

Little wonder some of them act like stupid bogans.

so you are saying all league players are uneducated stupid bogans because of a small minority. I guess all muslims are terrorists as well.
Name calling aside, is she really wrong? Think about it and dont respond emotionally and I am sure most will agree with her!

yes she is , the overwhelming majority of players behave properly.

Generally it has been the same players misbehave on multiple occassions.

The furore we saw this past week though was hightened becuase the controversy was surroudning a cleanskin.


First Grade
Name calling aside, is she really wrong? Think about it and dont respond emotionally and I am sure most will agree with her!

Yes, she is over generalizing and blowing the issue far out of proportion.

Plus is it any different to any other proffessional sport? No, but she only singles out league. Unbiased journalism indeed :roll:


so less than half a dozen drunken dickheads represent the 300 or so players playing in the NRL.

funny how she doesnt mention Steve Price playing his 300th game this weekend... i guess hardworking family men just dont sell newspapers..


Staff member
In celebration of this fine woman/specimen:



Red Bear

The thing is that there is a drinking culture in sporting clubs in general, not just rugby league clubs. Playing sport through the year everyone goes back to the club to get pissed afterwards, no matter what the game.
That professionals are doing this is no surprise when they've grown up in this australian sporting culture. What can happen tho, obviously, is you get a few ego driven macho men who dont know when to stop and sh*t hits the fan.

How do you change this? f**ked if i know, you'd need a significant mentality change throughout the australian sporting landscape i think.

Still, remarkable how easy it is to go out with mates have a few too many and NOT get into a whole heaps of sh*t, some players really are childish.


Bourbon Beccy said:
Scratch the surface of the glamorous launches, the multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns and the gender experts, and what you have is a booze-fuelled, male-dominated culture full of accidents waiting to happen

I stopped reading after that paragraph... typical media beat up designed to take the shine off the season opener. Pathetic.