Drew pulls his old Bluebags gurnsey on, and pulls out a his reading glasses in preparation for the nights article.
The Ballad of Friday Night
The bright lights hit his eyes
As he stepped on to the field that night
The screams and cheers
Deafened his ears
As the whistle signalled the fight
The crowd gave a mighty roar
Tonight, they signalled, would not be a bore
As the red and white
Took to flight
In an attempt to establish their law
The gold and blue
His enemies hue
Their pain would be his joy
He would lure them in
Tackle and pin
That would be his ploy
Tonight you run well out wide
I need you to own that far left side
They come to you?
Bruise them blue!
Your performance will turn the tide.
He nodded his head, very intent
Tonight he needed to make a dent
To batter and break
And definitely make
His enemy bloody, battered and bent.
The whistle blew
The ball flew
The crowd roared the start
He ran hard
At the enemy guard
Adrenaline fuelling his heart
As the match continued the ball was spread
The enemy went right and used their head
They ran and passed
And finally the last
The halfback kicked it dead
The crowd groaned in dismay
They were not impressed with the play
But the enemy were strong
And the half was long
Both teams kept the other at bay
Hit them hard
Be on your guard!
The player called to those in sight
A mistake was made
The enemy would raid
They would pass the ball to the right
The siren sounded its booming cry
As the enemy put a bomb to the sky
The leather held true
To the in goal it flew
And a contest was pitched in their bid for a try
The crowd stood up in rapture
As the blue and gold player did capture
The steeden in hand
And then did land
A try was scored by the catcher
Heads went down
Players did frown
Morale began to slide
The enemy cheered
They no longer feared
They were now a different side
The ref signalled the half time break
Both teams looked for oranges to take
Defence is the key!
Do you not see?
Youre as soft as my wifes sponge cake!
The red and white pulled together
And vowed they would fight forever
To the blue and gold
They would indeed be bold
And their attack would be quick and clever
The player then spoke
As the coach did hope
Strong words he offered to all
Run fast, hit hard
Dont play like a tard
We must control the ball!
Once again they went to the fight
And they were intent on showing their might
The red and the white
Defensively tight
Ran onto the field and into the light
The crowd screamed in anticipation
The enemy ran out with trepidation
They saw their resolve
Would not just dissolve
And there would be no mediation
This will be war
That is for sure.
The commentators did observe.
Both teams will belt
Pain will be felt
Both teams must hold their nerve.
The game continued to be tough
Both teams played hard and rough
The forwards did bash
And the defence did mash
But the players were running out of puff
Finally the big men hit the wall
Fatigue kicked in and they began to stall
The player saw his chance to shine
He jinked, swerved and took on the line
The defence is broken and he runs straight through
Support on either side he can use too
The crow stands up when hes fifty out
Go Benny boy! cries out some drunken lout
Down the left flank, hes owned that side!
His strong hard running has turned the tide!
The commentator stands to call the game
Hes never quite seen anything the same
The player runs to meet one more man
He needs to pass and not sure if he can
With blind faith and a little luck
He flicks the ball and hopes it stuck
The crowd shouts as the ball is caught
Support was there as they were taught
The red and white have won the fight
And Ben Creagh was the man of the night.
Word Count - 697