tits&tans for the Titans roars on to the field on his new birthday present, complete with ribbons on the handlebars and reflectors on the spokes.
748 words (OWC) between the stars:
Another day, another month, another year. Time ticks by. Trees shed their leaves. Buildings decay. Wrinkles appear. Bodies droop. Life simply rolls on and sweeps away everything with it.
Its that time of year again. Its the time of year when I spend at least half of the day moping around the house in my comfy clothes and my family takes a collective step back. My kids know that today daddy needs some time for himself, and my wife is sick of nagging me. I think she has learned that on this day, I need to be able to contemplate the nature of time, the vastness of the universe and our generally insignificant place in it. Thats right, today is that special day, that happy day my birthday.
Historically, April 14th has never really been a good day.
In 1759 composer Handel died. In 1792, the French Revolutionary wars begin. In 1865, Lincoln is assassinated. In 1912, the Titanic hits an iceberg. In 1915, the Turks invade Armenia. The NYC subway fare doubles to 10 cents in 1948. In 1958, Sputnik 2 burns up on reentry. All in all, not a good day.
This year I am feeling worse than normal, because this year two dates have aligned to cause, what is for me, a cataclysmic event. My age today is exactly half of both my life expectancy (as calculated by the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the
World Bank) and as calculated by
www.deathclock.com. Half of my life is over. This is the downward slope; the home stretch; the last slalom.
I have reached this stage of my life and Ive begun to question exactly what I have done with what should have been, arguably, the most valuable and productive years of my life. Have I accomplished those dreams that filled my childhood waking moments? Have I fulfilled the promise that teachers claimed they saw in me? Have I lived up to the expectations of my childhood coach? My dreams and potential were all locked around my talents as a young athlete. I played all sports well, in particular league, and apparently I could have gone far. Im not sure why I havent or didnt, but today, of all days, is not the time to delve to deeply into that dark pit.
I have a loving family, great kids, a rewarding job, financial security, good friends, our own house, and a suitable lifestyle. So why does it feel like I havent accomplished much? Can footie really have had or continue to have such a hold over me?
that word rattles around my brain looking for a thought to connect with. It finds team and then gold.
Yes, I have followed and loved the Giants, Seagulls, Gladiators and Chargers, but there is no comfort there.
Then something begins to glow, deep at the back of my mind. The word Queer floats upwards, and it takes a minute to realize it actually reads Queensland.
Aha! Of course!
And the truth floods my consciousness and my mind is cast back to that jubilant day. Its half time and we are 15-5 down to the Blues. Things werent clicking and the scene was set for our second successive drubbing at the hands of our enemy. But, up-stepped Wally, Close, Meninga and Backer and then came one of the best second halves Ive ever experienced as we took it to them and emerged victorious at 22-15!
I suddenly realized that half way is not the end, but merely the beginning of the best to come.
With this new perspective on life, I have come to see that, historically, today not such a bad day: In 1828, the first Webster dictionary was published. In 1894, the first public motion picture was shown. The first Volvo car is shown in 1927. Russia broadcasted its first live TV program in 1961. Ritchie Blackmore was born in 1945 and Sarah Michelle Gellar in 1977. The blockade against China is lifted in 1971. The 1,100,000,000th Chinese person was born in 1989 (mostly positive). In Angola, they celebrate being young today and in South Korea, they celebrate being single. All in all, not a bad day.
More importantly, I have come to see that my life is not half over, simply half-begun.
More importantly still is that it was rugby league that was the catalyst for this change. Just goes to show how powerful our game really is.