Gol for the mighty Eels.
The Seer
Israel Folau is considering going to rugby union and the Melbourne Rebels. I for one am absolutely shocked, since he claimed back in 2008 that he took less money than the Melbourne Storm were offering so he could move up to Brisbane and be closer to his family. Knowing what we now do about the Storm, that must have been some pay cut. My question is, did Israel lie to us?
There are several innocent possibilities. Perhaps returning to his northern home made him realise his family weren't as great as he thought they were on those cold Melbourne nights. That seems unlikely. The Folau clan could have decided to relocate to Melbourne, all of them, maybe in disgust at the latest Pauline Hanson outburst against whichever race she doesn't like this week, and Izzy wants to follow them. Again, unlikely. Or maybe he was lying to us all that time ago.
Despite what my mother often told me as a child, sometimes lies are better than the truth. A devoted Mormon, Folau could have been offered a deal much like one many other Storm players were, topped up on the side by illegal third party payments. His offense at this behaviour could be a reason he left, but to save the Storm face, and all the legal hassles, he could have manufactured this excuse to take the next best deal on offer. Completely plausible, if unlikely.
He may have just wanted out of the Storm. Billy Slater could have looked at his girlfriend a little too long one night, Greg Inglis could have hustled him in a poker game, Cam Smith might have hidden his favourite pair of shoes before the 2008 grand final. It would explain his performance in that game, as well as why he might want to get out and make up an excuse for why he didn't take the big money on offer. Players have left clubs before when they haven't fit in, just ask Brett Finch. Indeed, Folau could be some kind of seer, foreseeing Brett Finch's 2009 arrival at the club, and bailing before being subjected to a horror of that nature. On that note, he may have used this psychic ability to see the salary cap dramas of the last week, and bailed when he could for those reasons.
Following on from this, he may have an even grander plan. The Melbourne Rebels will offer him a guarantee of $1 million, and Folau may have seen with his gift that the rebels go under after their first season, giving him a quick life changing payday, and leaving him on the open market for season 2012. In this case, he wasn't lying to us at all, just taking advantage of a favourable situation. Well, he may have lied to us, but I'm pretty sure he's never been asked by Darryl Brohman in a post match interview 'do you have the power to see the future?' thus never had the opportunity.
Folau's supposed psychic powers could solve the NRL's big mystery: exactly who bet on the Storm to win the wooden spoon and collect big time from the TAB? If he did know about this thanks to a supernatural gift, why not bet more? Why even play football? Why not just take a look into the future the next time a big Powerball draw comes up and sweep the prize, giving him enough money to swim in Scrooge McDuck style. That a man with a gift like he has would risk his body playing a tough, physical sport like rugby league boggles the mind.
He could be in it for the fame, but if that was the case, why not just become a poker player? Winning the World Series of Poker gets you some pretty nice publicity these days. He could have become a successful politician, I'm sure seeing the future would be a valuable political skill. Dabble in the stock market, steal inventions from the future and take credit for them, the possibilities for riches are endless. So why is Israel Folau even playing football?
This could become the greatest mystery in modern sport. While Israel already knows the answer, I'm sure it will be a fun ride tagging along as he takes us on a wonderful journey. Nobody would make a move like this, back to Melbourne, contradicting yourself, without a bigger, future seeing plan. All I know is that if Izzy ever wins Powerball, I'll be mighty suspicious.
749 by my count.