Kingsgrove Colts boy OT, gotta love that.
Had my first ever beer at the Grove Inn many years ago.
Had plenty of beers in The Grove Inn
In 1973/4 if you were out the front looking at the doors there was a lane on the right that went beside the pub up around to the RSL club
(Different to the arcade lane in Kingsgrove Rd)
Anyway there was a butcher shop there near the lane and Wally was the RECHTUB
He tried to teach me how to string sausages 2 Saturdays in a row then gave up on me but paid me to clear the window, scrape the block, sawdust the floor and then we’d sit and knock of a case of beer
that was placed in the cool room every Sat by the person running the bottle shop next door.
One Sat he took me to the Appin dogs, got pissed, lost my Sat cunning kick cash and slept in the car in 30+ temperature
So gave up on that as a dead loss and drank schooners in the pub in the cool much better idea.