Precisely. Initially there would be a bit of an adjustment period with the new set-up, but having a locally focused set of rivalries would get the public engaged in a way that they just aren't now.
The other thing it would do would be to revive the Qld v NSW rivalry, as we could revive both of those sides as genuine state representative teams like they used to be and run a Union State of Origin every year as a precursor to the EOYT.
We had a version of this with the initial Reds v Tahs rivalry, but the sting has gone out of the tail of their Super Rugby rivalry because Qlders in particular don't feel the passion with a non-representative team and the games are only small pieces in the wider SR context and thus just mean less.
You are never going to be able to pay for it. It would have worked in amateur days.But those days are long passed. You need to evolve or die. starting again is as good as giving up.