im sorry if im dissapointing anyone but from wat ive seen sidhe have not gone to extremes to really pik this game up and tottaly pimp it out, the screenies look very much like rl1

im not happy jan, i think u guys really need to scrap everything from rl1 and start new for rl2 from wat it looks like uve jus carried over rl1 physics and added some extra gameplay im sorry to say but i really think someone like an EA needs to work on a nrl game
Go and shoot yourself in the head now if you think EA should be doing NRL... EA have had 3 shots at Rugby Union so far and only recently have they been close to getting it right! Rugby 2005 was a decent game, but it was still VERY far from the complete package (you can't even offload FFS?!?!?!) and if you stack up the features in RL2 (sidhe's second attempt) against what was produced for Rugby 2005 (EA's 3rd attempt), then you'll see a massive discrepency that shows RL2 to be about 5 kilmotre's in front of any of EA's efforts with Rugby 2005...
Seriously mate, if you think you know what to expect of RL2 5 months out from it's release and after seeing nothing a couple blurry screenshots, then your seriously a panicky person! Just calm down and wait and you'll see this game will far exceed your expectations!