my experience thus far (picked it up today, playing it all afternoon) is the complete inverse of canberra's, really. I've found the game only punishes me with forward passes when I generally deserve it, ditto intercepts. you throw it around like a hot potato and you generally get what you deserve.
pretty impressed with the overall experience. it's by far the best league game to date (since Sidhe's Rugby League 1 was released, anyway), and if you got any enjoyment out of any previous league game I think there is a shitload of fun to be had here. haven't really mastered kicking yet, but chaining passes together and earning line breaks is becoming somewhat routine. banging it up through the forwards makes a big difference. getting better at finding my playmakers when I need them, too.
the game isn't without it's flaws (like any League game). I've seen the odd rule anomaly and whatnot. nothing that myself and my mate didn't just laugh off and continue enjoying the game with, though.