$79 at JB, Nathaneel what difficulty?
This game sounds like it has a lot of glitches. Way too many for a PS3 game.
It does have a few quirks but those can be fixed with a patch.
Still not as bad as what I experienced with Fifa this year, my god it must have been made in a back alley sweatshop full of monkeys lol.
Ratings shmatings...I don't care about the ratings the gameplay is balanced good enough and the game plays fantastic for me unlike that ping pong lobbed through ball fast paced arcadey too easy real barca only pile of....um...game.
I am sorry if I insult any Fifa fans though it is just my opinion, enjoy it if you have it. I once was a Fifa fan but they've gone backwards this year in my opinion.
The sooner that game loses assisted controls the better.
FIFA is x1000 better then this tripe, atleast FIFA have the ratings being fairly accurate unlike RLL2 where f**king Bronson Harrison is the best player in the game.
Cool man, as for Fifa, it just wasn't a very good first impression having the bugs and glitches it has/had and having played so much Fifa 12 then going into 13 yeah it felt good and I was enjoying it but the console freezes forcing a restore every couple of games just peed me off and I also think the gameplay is far too noob friendly and doesn't require any real skill to be good at it. I guess that's fair as it allows all comers to be successful but now having played RLL2 and discovering just how deep and realistic it is and loving how it requires skill and patience and timing in a realistic way and discovering new things with each game played, I just can't go back now.I'm just saying they patched your complaints RE: online. I'm not upset at anything.