umosay said:Why tupac?
Rugby 2005 was announced at the start of Jan and is being released early March... thats 2 months! wheras its about 5 months till July.
TinghaExpress said:This dragging on too far. Mario if your not making a Rugby League 2 why the hell are you on this forum??? If your not making it stop posting that there is a possible sequal all the time, youve been saying that for months. EB might be wrong on a few occasions but that is expected but at least we are getting info out of them. When numerous EB's start saying their will be RL2 coming in oct-nov which they have been saying then their is some truth behind it. But Mario just saids possible and cant even give us dates on when news about this sequal will be announced??
80% of all facts and statistics are made up...25% of all people know that.
hahaha nice simpson quote there
lil ripsta said:I went to my local video shop some time last year and a guy was there telling the owners about the new games coming out.
At the time I was at the counter so I thought I would join in the conversation.
I asked about a possible sequel to ''Stacey Jones Rugby League'' and the guy said it was a definate and is going to be released in July 2005.
I asked him what the name of his company was and he said ''Gamewizz''.
They also got a website.
And he said he was a close friend of Mario.
He sounded pretty serious. He also said there was going to be a new Rugby Union game released in 2005, which is true so I hope he was'nt lying about the League.
Simo said:80% of all facts and statistics are made up...25% of all people know that.
hahaha nice simpson quote there
I believe the simpsons version is' people can come up with statistics to prove anything, forfty percent of all people know that!'
Not that im being picky ;-)
As for the person who thinks people wont be interested in the game in a month, are you for real???
knights 2004 said:its actually 14% simo, not 40.....
not that im being picky....
TinghaExpress said:This dragging on too far. Mario if your not making a Rugby League 2 why the hell are you on this forum???
Mario hows your other tittles coming along