roopy said:
The USA claims to have 80,000 current players and up to 200,000 ex players in the country.
...where exactly did you get those figures from, Roopy? I'm having a difficult time fathoming those numbers.
roopy said:
Despite the big numbers, they have never been able to get together a good team.
...a good team by international standards is what I'm assuming you're saying. Right? There quality of play is not as bad as some may think. They play a very open style of game with much emphasis on backline play/movements and keeping the leather alive and flowing. Quite entertaining and
good actually. Of course, I'm talking about "club" rugby as opposed to the national side who I haven't seen play in several years.
roopy said:
Union is considered a 'joke' sport over there. It is only played by guys not good enough to play American football, so every team is social in nature.
...and you base these comments on what exactly? Social (in a fun and entertaining nature) yes (and how is that different than the game in say Aus?), but the rest of your comments are what I find a
joke. To say rugby union is
"only played by guys not good enough to play American football" is absolutely ludicrous.
Only? Several people from all walks of life play union in the States. You'd be surprised to learn how many people despise NFL in the States, and thereby search for an "alternative" or something of a
similar yet
different nature.
roopy said:
I recently had a talk (on the net) with some guys who play in the top comp in America and one of their star forwards is 52 years old and 135 kgs. You can just imagine the speed of the game with players like that. based on his age and weight, you can come to a, somewhat, reasonable and credible conclusionas to the
speed of the game in the States? Fair dinkum mate :roll:
This is not a flame mate, but for someone who knows, and is genuinely interested, so much about the game on a truly global scale (and correct me if I'm wrong here), much of what you've stated is simply no more than a poor assumption on your behalf.
Quite the contrary you may believe, but please clarrify the points I've questioned you on.