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rule changes for 2010 ?


2 refs tweaked to one ref in controll and one assistant ref.

Bonus point system similar to yawnion-
win = 3
lose by 2 or less =1
win by 20 or more =4??

not sure exactly but I like there bonus point system


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Changing the ladder has been broached countless times this year and is a stupid idea. One of the big reason the bonus point system works in Yawnion is the shortness of the season.


Post Whore
markers side by side is bad as it gives easier access to the DH arms when they pass the ball.

some things i would like to see discussed ...

1. in an aerial contest if you leap for the ball and come down with it then its yours regardless of small touches ..

2. in goal catch = free run .. if you make the 20 then play on .. if not then 20m tap

3. in goal catch should be an in the 10 catch - make it harder for a bomb lottery to result in a repeat set

4. Charge down = knock on - this will do more to protect the kicker than stupid blitzes at the start of the year

5. i would change the 40-20 to be any ball kicked from inside your half that finds touch in the opposition 20 = your feed.

6. Move the corner posts to the 20m line to help rule on 40-20s or whatever they will be called. They do not need to be on the corners anymore. The ferguson try shows why the corner posts are not needed anymore.

7. You must carry the ball over the line and put it down to score the try. any BOD goes to the defending side not the attacker

8. Get rid of the double movement rule. If you can get the ball over the line before the held call then its a try.

9. No penalty for passing/running after a held call - Just make em go back to the mark and play the ball. The advantage is with the defence in this situation as they have time to set

10. No penalties for offside ever if the player playing the ball walks off the mark.

Rocky Rabbit

Once a try is scored the clock stops until the re start of play
This stops kickers wasting time especially at the back end of the game


Staff member
The ones out of dummy half.. :crazy:

especially the ones out of dummy half

we hear the commentators talk of this backwards out of the hand and it floats forward due to the players momentum, but dummy halves are standing still and still passing a metre forward


So basically the only changes we need are those that reverse all the loony ones they've introduced in the last decade or so.


I think some rule changes are ultimately necessary, but I'd like to see a five-year moratorium on rule changes.

We tinker with the rules every year and it ends up becoming a dog's breakfast of unintended consequences. Let's all take a deep breath, live with what we've got for a few years and put some serious thought into the next batch of rule changes so we don't instantly regret them.


What ever players rush in and form a scrum, the same players must pack in the scrum when time is called on.


Post Whore
Seperation rule needs to go, its ridiculous, we've seen tries awarded this year that werent even close to tries!
return of the quick tap
dont mind the markers standing side by side idea, it has merit

and no restart of the tackle count off a charge down, if you are silly enough to have a kick charged down, suffer the consequences.


I wouldn't mind seeing the scrum entirely removed. The only thing it's good for is set plays.


Staff member
Sort out the obstruction rule, it rewards laziness, ie delibrately running into decoys to have a tried possibly disallowed.


if you catch the ball in the in goal... and run more than 5 or metres or something similiar it should be play on..

hate it when a player catches the ball ingoal and takes off.. noone infront of him... but the ref calls it back cause he caught it in goal.


First Grade
if you catch the ball in the in goal... and run more than 5 or metres or something similiar it should be play on..

hate it when a player catches the ball ingoal and takes off.. noone infront of him... but the ref calls it back cause he caught it in goal.

To solve that you could adopt the NFL/Rugby Union "Fair Catch" rule. When ingoal, the player waves one arm side to side above his head while the ball is in flight to indicate a fair catch and the play restarts at the 20 once he has caught it. Otherwise, he takes the catch and can try to advance the ball upfield but also risks being tackled ingoal.

Would only really work with kicks high enough to allow the player time to signal the fair catch though.
1. Sort out the grounding rule. Instead of 'no separation' it should be 'control'
2. Same ref in the pocket the whole game unless the main ref is injured. Get a bit of consistency
3. Fix up the obstruction rule. If a player is taken out by a decoy then it's a penalty, if a player tackles the decoy then play on. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Mark Rudd

Too much unpredictability has gone out of the game.

No striking in the play the ball.
Scrums we all know are a joke.
Not being able to strip the ball especially if a loose carry.

I know it puts more pressure on refs these kinda things that we used to have, but thats why we have two refs.

There was nothing better then when your side put a good kick into touch 10 out and you got the bnall back from a big push in the scrum. Hurts if your the other team I know. But it's that sudden unpredictability that's gone from the game.

Maybe I'm just old school. Kids of today want it too santitized.

One rule that WILL make me umpopular. We don't need punches on the field being thrown - EVER. Geez. Wanna throw punches? Take up boxing. i know it's extreme, but if Steve Price had've got serious head injurys or had've died, wouldn't be so funny then would it?

Make throwing punches a VERY serious offence. Wanna get back at the other player? Be a man and put a big shot on him - legally.

Violence has no place in any sport - professional or otherwise.


Id like to seem the trial a new form of penalty, for most offences no kicking for touch, a tackle count restart. For foul play, professional fouls you may kick for touch. It would stop the reluctance to penalise blatant incidents because of the cost, and it would force illeterate coaches to teach their sides to attack again.


Get rid of Benefit of the doubt tries

Bring back contested Scrums
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Id like to seem the trial a new form of penalty, for most offences no kicking for touch, a tackle count restart. For foul play, professional fouls you may kick for touch. It would stop the reluctance to penalise blatant incidents because of the cost, and it would force illeterate coaches to teach their sides to attack again.

I like this idea, basically like the long arm and short arm penalties in union. To the foul play and professional fouls I'd add repeated infringements.

I also prefer the way the video ref works in union. Normally the ref makes a decision and asks the VR to confirm it, eg "is there any reason I should not award a try?". Makes the ref make a decision in all cases and the VR only overturns if there is decent evidence to justify it.

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