‘See it too often’: Ugly kick-off KO fuels debate as coach predicts change is coming
I'm convinced contact sports won't exist in 50 years, a recent study found 12 yr old Gridiron players suffered an average 200 sub concussions a season, NFL players suffered between 1,000 to 1,500 per season, it's estimated league and Union players suffer even more.
Here's a few rules I can guarantee will happen within 5 years.
Copying the NFL, kick offs from the 40m, no running start allowed from the defence, if the kick off is caught in goal the offence will get a 7 tackle set starting from the 20m. This will drastically decrease the kick off collisions.
Smart mouth guards will be compulsory ( currently being trailed in Union )
Tackles bellow the nipples ( hehe)
Compulsory wearing of Halo headgear which reduces sub concussions by 60%
Defence only has to get back 5m
Players suffering concussions stand down 3 weeks as per recent recommendations by leading Neurologists.