You understand the key to remaining competitive is paying unders for as many players as possible and overs for as few as possible?
You understand that your proclivity for mediocrity in the halves and for possibly half the team, has gotten us nowhere over thirty years? Even when we had great teams under BS, we failed to win titles because our halves were always inferior to the better ones.
To replace one member of arguably the best halves combination in the NRL, for someone that would cost at least $6-700k and is a shadow of the player he is replacing is total illogical nonsense. These are the guys that we build around for the next 6 or 7 years mate.
If we do that we will be the envy of the NRL. If we don't we will be the envy of the Mediocraty Party and its leader YOU.
One of you best Pou. You been using to much of your own snow my friend. Me thinks you should ease off a little. It's doing you no favours.