It was in response to a conspiracy theory about him, and in any case it certainly doesn't exclude the others.
If they changed the way people live their lives thousands of years later then why not? The thing is that these guys either described the world as they saw it, or dominated people and fathered many offspring. None of them provided an example of how to live morally in the face of the overwhelming horror of human existence. They were all born into privilege, and their lives were dedicated to maintaining that privilege. They are the heroes of the powerful. The same type of people the Hebrews expected the Messiah to be.
Superstition is still a major way of explaining the world. The powerful are corrupt, victims are virtuous, etc etc. Nietzsche believed these ideas originated in Christianity - 'morality for slaves'. It is directly responsible for modern political correctness and social justice, both particularly Western ideas.
It absolutely has. The last bastion of polytheism is the impoverished shitshow of Hindustan. Everywhere else it was swept away by the religion of Abraham or its petulant child Communism.
You can ignore the lasting influences of guys like Alexander or the Roman Empire or the Khans as much as you like, but it doesn't make them any leass real. Their lasting influences on humanity are simply undeniable, as are those of the early philosphers and men of science I mentioned. Just because they didn't inspire a cult of power (and that's debatable in itself, tbh) doesn't make them any less influential. Tell yourself what you like, though. No skin off my nose, just don't spout influence as evidence of the supernatural.
You also seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the span of recorded history.
Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, the Chinese, the civilisations of the subcontinent and Africa....all polytheistic, and some existed over 3000 years before monotheism took hold. Judaism is pretty much the oldest major monotheistic religion and it's about 2500-3000 years old, the Sumerians started "recorded history' over 5000 years ago ffs.
The Egyptian Dynasties alone existed for over a thousand years longer than Judaism has from their beginning to their end. They were polytheists. When Judaism took off about 2500 years ago, the Romans and the Greeks were still largely polytheistic for another 750+ years.
But tell us all again how monotheism has "dominated the majority of recorded history"