In the days of the midweek Amco Cup, for quarter footy was exciting and interesting. It provided a contrast to the weekend competition. In the sixties, seventies, the regular season game was played differently. There was more of the fatigue element involved, and a team was able to build momentum throughout a game. Tactics were different. These days, I think the game looks much like four quarter footy anyway (much faster, less fatigue factor, more replacements, etc). Going to four quarters now, would just speed it up even more. Be stupid. Like 20-20 cricket. I see no point.
I balanced the speed issue by longer periods. 30 minutes might be too much per quarter say 25.
The point is more footy, more space for display, sale and consumption of product. More revenue generation, more cash into the game. More pie to distribute. Then we need to be generous to junior and struggling clubs and injured and ex players in chronic pain.
I’ve said in other threads that our players need a lot more impact and common injury protection.
As for entertainment in the breaks, we can do a lot with iPhone technology as well instead of thong throwing etc.
As fans and members we should be flooded with benefits and incentives from our wonderful sponsers of clubs. We should subscribe to their products and services a often as possible. Much like we should click on ads here at lu. It helps.
20-20 is an extremely successful product, although I prefer tests.
Each to their own I guess.