since Shooey left so did the principal of signing players based on their value, just doesn't seem to be an issue now days
Well it should be or else we are going down the path of an obvious rort. I mean, $700k v $1.25m? Come on even if that were true, a 19 year old kid and his inexperienced/naive mother should be saved from themselves by the NRL and they should step in and show some leadership and point them in the direction of their best interest.
The Broncos both on and off the field are a basket case and will be for a while yet, So no one could really mount an argument that staying there would be in the long term best interest for his development overall.
In fact for his overall future, taking an offer as lucrative as the Titans one is the smartest thing a young man in his position could do. He has already had an injury that has seen him miss virtually two thirds of the season. What if he gets another and another. His value starts to decline rapidly. Look at Tommy T going through it right now. Or heaven forbid he gets a career ending injury. It happens. Are the Broncos going to give him the millions then?
I have said it before, the Broncos should be ashamed of themselves for expecting anyone to take such and inferior contract to the others that are being offered and to put pressure on him to boot with team mates and their staff pleading with him to stay. They should have simply conceded once they saw the massive difference in value and since they can't reasonably compete given their blessing.
But they are a News Ltd entity so no real surprise there. They only know the heartless business model way of things. That is partially why it is so brilliant to watch them implode like this.