Yep, Anglican version of the boy scouts. I agree that the vast majority of people on the ground in religious bodies are well meaning. I would note though, that both Catholic and Anglican (and others) hierarchies have at times (not always) prioritised the reputation of the institution at the expense of the victims of their 'employees'. My mother-in-law was, until very recently, an Anglican minister and has doing research on that church's response to abuse issues (at the local diocese level). Let's just say there is considerable variation in the reasonableness of responses to allegations, and in the methods institutions will go to to ring-fence assets to avoid compo claims.
Absolutely I have no doubt that has been the case. I'd be in denial to say otherwise. I wouldn't do that.
I just take offence to Gronk continually tarring all Catholics with the same brush. He is almost at Folau levels with his bias. Truly, I don't see the difference between the two of them. They are both extremely offensive.