I don't mind splitting hairs. MON said:
one thing that they all have and it's been noticeable and commented and acknowledged from Jason and the
assistant coaches is that they have an incredible work ethic and their stress
tolerance is very high to that physical load that they've been put through and I guess in many ways that's a testament to
Brad and the regime that he led and the coaches acknowledge that because they're able to get the volume of work into the
guys now and try and do things subtly different their own way everyone has a unique style and way they want to
do things but that work ethic has been instilled in them over many many years
which I know the current group are very grateful for"
I think sustained effort was aways an issue for a few of our forwards, and there is an inherent quality to that. No matter how fit he gets, Junior Paulo will never be able to make the repeat efforts that JFH makes, but he also won't be picked up and driven back by Ray Stone.
The way we overcame that was to try to control the ball and complete our sets. This is something we were one of the best at up until 2022 and then one of the worst these past two years:
What changed after 2022? We got a new attacking coach, and set completions are determined by the attack.
We'll see, but I trust the current mob to make good decisions. They might be bean counters, but the good ones are open to advice from subject matter experts.