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Russian bosses quit

Atticus Finch

Sadly, it appears that the situation in Russian rugby league has deteriorated, with RRL benefactor Akhmet Kamaldinov officially quitting, along with his chairman and ERLF board member Vladimir Dolgin.

See here [url]http://www.totalrl.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?newsid1106563150,93800,

It's a great shame but hopefully Russian rugby league can continue anyway, even if the grandiose plans to make the nationa a fourth RL super power now seem to be over. Long term development will again be the key.

It would be good to hear something from the ERLF on this, but nothing so far. Makes you wonder whether the ERLF is any practical use at all.

Sad times for international RL.[/url]


So where did Yak's info come from that all had been resolved?

Oh well, one step forward, one backward. I am still sure that having League in Georgia is going to be a big boost for the Russians, but this is going to be fairly damaging. At least the RLIF actually hyas some funds to play with this year.


Mr Finch, blaming the RLEF is a bit harsh IMO. RRL was a one man show run by a casino owner, which is a euphemism in my book for a.......well, you know what I mean.

We'll now see if there was a structure to support the game other than one man's dough. No sport is gonna work like that, just as no sports club that depends on a sugar daddy can survive if that daddy walks.

I would like to hear from Yakstorm on his sources, though.

Atticus Finch

Not blaming the ERLF Screeny, it's obviously an internal issue and not their fault at all. I would just like to see them take a more hands-on role in things, that's all.

The RL public has a right to know what is going on. Maybe the ERLF and their new development officer guy already are involved "behind the scenes". If so it would be nice to know about it/ how things stand in Russia etc. All a low profile does is leave everybody in the dark.

RRL was not a "one man show" either, although admittedly pretty close to it where the big money is concerned. The activity in Tatarstan, for example, operates pretty independently from that going on in Moscow. I think the Kazan Arrows, for example, are funded by the local council. I'm pretty confident that the Russian league players will continue to play the game - just don't expect to see a Moscow team in Super League any time soon or big events such as this year's proposed U16 World Cup. Again, it would be good to hear from the ERLF on how that comp now stands. Maybe I am jumping the gun a bit and an announcement will be forthcoming. I hope so.

You are right, though. Talk is cheap and I suppose we will now find out just how strong the structure under Kamaldinov is/was.


First Grade
ali said:
So where did Yak's info come from that all had been resolved?

My source well is part of the International Federation structure...I'll chase up more end of this week see if I can find out the true story.

Atticus Finch

Just been doing a bit of digging about with some friends in Russia and it seems that things may not be as black and white as the trl story paints them, although it is all still very delicate.

Apparently, there is a meeting on January 29th to discuss the situation and it is THEN that it will be finally decided whether Akhmet Kamaldinov will be staying on as president. So it looks like there is still a glimmer of hope that he and his money might stay...Still doesn't look brilliant though

Ari Gold

[-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< let the Youth World Cup go ahead....please [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o<


This would be a good time for the International Board to try and show some leadership and help out in anyway they can.

Is that asking for too much do you think? :(


Yes it is...move the U16 WC to another COuntry asap....dont let other countries suffer cos of Russia!

Ari Gold

an idea would be to host it in Lebanon, maybe some of the cash earned in the valley 7s could go towards hosting the event.


The lebanese won $10,000 Aussie, the Moscow council were reportedly putting up US$500,000. Bit of a deficit.

Has the Moscow Council's pledge gone west with Kameldinov, I wonder?

The Youth WC is supposed to be on in September, it's Feb now basically, so eight-months to go and no ofifical word, schedule, announcement etc. Typical RL.....let's face it, it's not happening.

Matt M

thommo4pm said:
This would be a good time for the International Board to try and show some leadership and help out in anyway they can.

Is that asking for too much do you think? :(

Of course it is, lets face it, the international board is nothing but a few people who meet every year and discuss stuff that never happens.


Yeah I agree but if they really want League to grow and develop then it needs to show that we have 1 ruling body covering the entire International League community, and they need to assist in matters like this.

The Observer

Staff member
Lkomotiv scheme to kick Kamahldinov out of the game, and the RFL/SLE decides to reward them by funding Lokomotiv to play in the Challenge Cup.

This is an uncharacteristically poor decision from this RFL administration - they should be imposing sanctions on the RRL until the meddling, selfish Loko are kicked out of the game.
robyalvaro said:
an idea would be to host it in Lebanon, maybe some of the cash earned in the valley 7s could go towards hosting the event.

This is exactly why we are arguing about PNG hosting a RLWC pool match . Does every league playing country have to host a world event even if they don't have the resources ?
Hell why don't we ask Yanto put his house on the market so he could host a pool of the RLWC ?
Think Think Think :shock: :shock: :shock:

Could you tell me your 6 lucky numbers ? If I win lotto I'll share it with you .


Getting a bit personal about me PW are you not.
You got a problem or is it things are happening around you that you cant handle??
To be honest you seem to have lost the plot somewhere.
I have met some trolls in my time but you are some kiddie. :lol: :lol: :lol: