I would give you dude if we ever met
If you only knew who you are talking to Sage. Hiding behind your key board.
I think we're all getting a clearer psychological picture here.
Name; dragon thommo
Age: 43
Weight: 134kg
Gender: Fluid
Pronouns: Ze/Zir
Address: Mother’s basement
Greatest achievement: Receiving biro licence at age 14.
Greatest disappointment: Losing biro licence at age 16.
Employment: Works as a part-time janitor at St Vincent’s Hospital.
Hobbies: Collects discarded foreskins from workplace to stretch into casings for model balsa-wood gliders.
Favourite music: German zither music.
Favourite artist: Kriss Kross
Life goals: Cease using puberty blockers by age 56
Life Highlights: Getting Shane Kenwood's autograph on a Gavin Clinch ARL collector card
Pets Cat named "Daddy Mac"
Fantasies: likes to shave pet cat’s fur, glue it to hand and masturbate to Mongolian throat singing.
We're all here to help you dragon thommo.
That's what League Unlimited is about.
That's why Dr. Willow established it.