You know, I am so happy that I dont feel the same way as you do on the coach of our team, the one we both support. Calling him McFooknuckle. Its really disrespectful in my opinion although I am not trying to tell you how you can or cant address players or coaches so don't get me wrong.
I am just thankful that I don't feel that way. That I respect the coach enough not to call him by derogatory names.
Anyway, on the other coaches that you have mentioned, maybe they would have the dragons playing better but maybe they wouldn't. Its pure speculation and just an opinion after all.
I think that you are being extremely harsh on McGregor but you are entitled to your opinion and I get the impression that NOTHING is going to change your mind on this one.
There are lots of things he can do to change my mind.
Do you remember at the beginning of the pre season the big announcement that he was going to trial a host of people in different positions, well what actually happened to that?
Remember the big announcement re Field on the bench and getting some quality time, well what happened to that?
If he put the wingers on their correct side that would impress me.
If Mc Crone is the best we can do for half then I think he is mistaken and IMO a real good coach wouldn't go that way (of course we will never I know we can only surmise) but if he tried something to improve us that would impress me.
I have given him credit this year but IMO he still falls down on some simple things and that is the difference between good coaches and the rest and I don't think you can win a comp without a really good coach (squad permitting of course).
Has he improved our lot in life, yes he has, but as I posted earlier, how much of that is him and how much is on the back of the inclusion of Vuaghan & Mc Innes I am not sure.
No doubt his attitude re Lafai this year has been proven correct.
How much he has had to do with the improvement in Lafai and Widdop I don't know but it is certainly noticeable.
So as is always the case if you can upgrade why not but if not then he is better than a lot of others.
We are going well and if we continue I will then take my hat off to him but there is still a long way to go and I am willing to wait whereas others are already blowing the Mary trumpets.