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Saints Vs Manly report


Dean Young was absoultly outstanding. I honestly think that Young has to wear the number 13 jersey and Timmins has to be in the second-row. Young displayed a good passing game as well as a grubber to Kelly that led to a try. He has stepped up a gear from last year and has really impressed.

Timmins to me once again slowed the flow of attack. Whenever he died with the ball we looked unorganised. The guy is a damaging ball runner, not a ball player. It's beyond me why he wears the number 13, when he would be at his best running along the fringes of the ruck. I would really like him to cart the ball forward, because when he did last nigth he easily carried 3-4 defenders on him for 10 metres.

Bailey the animal is back! Had a very good hit out for game the Bulldogs game.

In refernce to our attack, i'd like to change it a little bit. If we could get Sims and when Ryles comes back running on the edges, and use Thommo up the middle that would be highly benefical for the team. Thommo makes yards, but his chances of beating the defenders outwide are minimal. Use his go forward to our advanatage and play him in the middle. I think it was obvious that Browny demanded Thommo to be more selective with his offloads, as a result Thompson was a lot more patient and his offloads were more effective.

I think Youngquest played himself out of a wing spot. Twice in the second half he went for intercepts and was caught out of position in attack. Best played soundly.

Brett Kelly is a damaging runner and could possibly be the backrower we have been looking for. But, i'm defiently worried about his defence. He has a tenedency to go high and get shrugged off with the fend. is attack is awesome, but he will need to clean his defence up for Round One.

Clint was his usual-self at the back, a fantastic player.

The halves combination was a vast improvement on last week. Gorrell played with a lot of depth and kicked a 2 40/20s. I was a little bit dissapointed in Razzle-Dazzle. After having dominated so much last week, he was very timid to get involved. He stood and passed a lot, without really running to the line. He has a very good kicking game so i think once he gets his confiednce levels right back up then he will be able to put pressue on for a NRL birth, but at this stage its way off.

Willie T outwide played well, although he was found out on two occasisions by Tezza. Daryl Millard was very impressive for a youngster when he came on. Lined up both Hill and Hoppa on a few occasions. Like Willie, he allowed Tezza to go over him for a try.

Willie Manu was strong in attack and hit hard, whilst Bryan Norrie looks a lot more confident then last season. It was dissapointing when Henderson went off as he was looking strong.

I'm not convinved on Corey Payne yet. He does not seem to me to have the will-power to be a first grader. He just lacks that extra step in attack.

Ash played a lot better then last week, but still has abit of improvement to do.

Keith and Lewis around the ruck and halves were very sharpe.

Some other general comments, one of the areas which needs to be drastitclty improved is our marker defence. Chad Randall found us out on a few occassions as did Shayne Dunely. The markers were slow getting to their feet and the defence around the ruck did not cover for them. That's one area where i'd be looking to improve.

The depth in attack was sensational. If we can use that sort of depth, Barrett and Head are going to have a huge amount of options.

One last thing, Michael Ennis is as keen as ever to get out onto the field, he will be fit round one and if his enthusasism is anything to go buy, we have bought ourselves a winner.

Hope this helps those that couldn't make it!
Great report MC, thanks.

MC said:
Timmins to me once again slowed the flow of attack. Whenever he died with the ball we looked unorganised. The guy is a damaging ball runner, not a ball player. It's beyond me why he wears the number 13, when he would be at his best running along the fringes of the ruck. I would really like him to cart the ball forward, because when he did last nigth he easily carried 3-4 defenders on him for 10 metres.

I dont know who is more to blame for this. Timmins for playing like such a nuffy or the coaching staff for not sorting him out/playing him in the right role.


I agree...I think its a bit of both though...Timmins probably see's himself as a senior player that needs to lead by example and probably overplays himself.
However, Brown should be playing him at second row and telling him not to try be a ball player.

God-King Dean

Young is really pushing for lock. He has a good pass on him which was shown last year with long passes to Cooper with space. We also saw his kicking abilty with a short kcik for Sims against Tigers


Michael Henderson has, what looks like, a badly brusied ankle. Obvsiouly i'm not 100% sure but that was the only injury concearn


I agree with most of that MC, good report. I think Sims had an awesome game. Whenevr he was on the field, the team seemed to lift. Also i think Luke Razzle-Dazzle had a blinder aswell. I was very happy with the way he played. I think Brett Kelly, after his performance on Saturday Night, should be our starting centre for round 1. a 110% improvement on his effort in the CS.


MC said:
chileman said:
And what's your honest opinion on how Manly went????

Manly and Canberra will fight it out for the spoon IMO
Like all our other wooden spoons we have won over the years ;-) was actually asking your opinion on hwo they went on the day!


Excellent match report MC. Sounds like we got alot out of this match despite the loss which is exactly what we want out of a trial. Its anyones guess now how we will perform against the Dogs.


Hombre, I'm just a bit confused.

Seeing as I couldn't make it on Saturday night, it was great to read a thorough and comprehensive match report. And I can understand the need to focus on positives. But I'm trying to get my head around how we managed to lose to a team that was bottom three last season. What were the things that went wrong? There must have been some areas of real concern. Because Manly are pure making-up-the-numbers jokes. I want to believe there's nothing to worry about, but we've now been touched up by two odds on wooden spoon candidates in successive weeks.

I understand that we've got injury problems. But we've always got injury problems. We're going to have them for the rest of the season. So I can't feel better about the result because we fielded a lot of young, untried players. They're the same blokes who will be covering for the Usual Supsects week in, week out. And if they're not good enough to belt Manly and Souths I can't help feel as though we're in trouble.

(By the way, for a perspective on our loss to Souths, have a look at what a second gear Canterbury side did to them).


MC said:
chileman said:
And what's your honest opinion on how Manly went????

Manly and Canberra will fight it out for the spoon IMO

your a deadset idiot mate.......... manly have a strong team this year and they have shown more than enough in the trial games to suggest that they wont finish last........ souths to get the spoon for sure......... as for the raiders they still have some decent players and will just miss the 8


"Deadset idiot" is a bit of a harsh call. Manly have bought Kennedy who'll play five games and bank his cheque, and Kite who may or may not play as well as he did last year. 12th is about where they'll realistically end up. They've won two trials and played them like they were Grand Finals. They're still a long, long way from being a real team.

And Arthurson deserves every minute of their continuing failure.


zombiebloodlust said:
"Deadset idiot" is a bit of a harsh call. Manly have bought Kennedy who'll play five games and bank his cheque, and Kite who may or may not play as well as he did last year. 12th is about where they'll realistically end up. They've won two trials and played them like they were Grand Finals. They're still a long, long way from being a real team.

And Arthurson deserves every minute of their continuing failure.

and the Dragons are a real team???

and yes I know you guys won 11 in a row :D


MONY said:
MC said:
chileman said:
And what's your honest opinion on how Manly went????

Manly and Canberra will fight it out for the spoon IMO

your a deadset idiot mate.......... manly have a strong team this year and they have shown more than enough in the trial games to suggest that they wont finish last........ souths to get the spoon for sure......... as for the raiders they still have some decent players and will just miss the 8

LOL we'll see what happends :)

Smith and Withers as Canberra halves does not seem to "decent" to me. Whilst Manly having a strong team is laughable.

If you believe that showed a lot of promise in the trial game on Saturday night then it is highly obvious that you were nowhere near Albion Park.

They will struggle and they will struggle to the max.


MC said:
MONY said:
MC said:
chileman said:
And what's your honest opinion on how Manly went????

Manly and Canberra will fight it out for the spoon IMO

your a deadset idiot mate.......... manly have a strong team this year and they have shown more than enough in the trial games to suggest that they wont finish last........ souths to get the spoon for sure......... as for the raiders they still have some decent players and will just miss the 8

LOL we'll see what happends :)

Smith and Withers as Canberra halves does not seem to "decent" to me. Whilst Manly having a strong team is laughable.

If you believe that showed a lot of promise in the trial game on Saturday night then it is highly obvious that you were nowhere near Albion Park.

They will struggle and they will struggle to the max.

so you have obviously been keeping up on Manlys progress over the offseason to make that comment.

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