And again, why did IMG not investigate this with due diligence? Salford have been a shambles for years and it's kind of embarrassing that they're essentially stealing a super league spot in 2025 at the expense of Toulouse, London, York etc.
Its not IMG's job to investigate anything. Its was their job to create a grading system, then take the data provided by clubs in that grading system and generate a grading. You seem to think they have a lot more control than they do. in fact the frustration that what they are recommending isnt being supported by RFL/Clubs is already starting to bubble.
You also seem to be under the impression grading is predominantly determined by finances when in fact it only accounts for 22.5% of the total score. It is also avg'd over last 3 seasons so maybe Salford as an avg wasnt that bad over 22,23&24?
It is scored on: Revenue 2.25pts, non centralised turnover 0.75pts Profitability 0.5pts, balance sheet strength 0.5pts, increase in owner investment 0.5pts
It would be interesting to see what financial points Salford got for 2024 and hear why though.
As for why are they in instead of London, Toulouse or York, pretty obvious, those 3 clubs havent scored more . As it is Salford barely got 12th spot for 2025 and it looks very likely they will be replaced for 2026 by a higher scoring club. You could say the system is doing its job.