Dragons are a conundrum - know one knows what they're thinking - i cant see them sacking Mcgregor next year not at least till end of season - so they will panic because there's no quality coaches in their mind available and they'll offer Mcgregor a 2 year extension by round 10....
Its been very obvious about their thinking. Very obvious really.
The previous board endorsed McGregor as a "career" coach. Some of the current board hold the same view (and those who were on both the new and old boards).
Ths new board didnt come in until Oct 1st and the new CEO wont start until Nov 1st. Anyone thinking they would act on such a move is kidding themselves given what I've said above.
Further, McGregor made the finals this year giving them more ammunition as to the "career" coach mantra.
I'm more concerned about next year tbh, will they extend him after a lightning beginning....again? Or will they take the sensible approach and wait until years end. Its then and only then we will see any change
I am not a McGregor fan, not in the slightest, but reality is reality.