“I just want to say something here, because I feel really strongly about this, and I want to preface it by saying that the presumption of innocence 100 per cent should be afforded to Semi because he does deserve that, these are only allegations at this stage,” she told The Footy Show in June, 2016.
“But if this is proven to be true, and our game does not take an incredibly tough, strong stance against this, then we are condoning domestic violence."
“We are saying to every kid, every teenager, every man out there that it is OK to be violent against women."
“We cannot support White Ribbon as a code and we cannot support domestic violence awareness, raise money for all these great causes if we’re not going to walk the walk.
“It has to stop. It’s enough. It’s too much.
“The victims of domestic violence live with the impact of being hurt physically for the rest of their lives.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re a superstar, or you’re on big money or you’re a really big deal. It is not OK, ever.”