Burt played OK at fullback but nowhere as good as Mckinnon has. The best I have seen Burt play this year is in the 7's.
Somehow, he doesn't have the confidence or LICENSE to ROVE in the 13 a side game.
I'm not that confident with Witt and Morris but if the pack is going forward and dominating, they could do ok.
Last year, I thought Witt had an incredible kicking game in the opponents redzone. He was looking one way and kicking the other, banana kicks, etc. But this year, it's just the BOMB. What happenned??? Was Cleal his kicking coach and now that he is gone, he doesn't know how to kick? I remember when CLeal did these funny drop outs in the SOO in the rain many years ago which resembles WItt's dropouts.
Lastly, in 2001, we had lots of second phase play with Hindy, Cayless, Vella, Ryan, SOlo (not sure was he playing for us then) providing lots of second phase play. This year, ZIP!!
If our forwards could play like that again, then the halves combo is really only necessary for clearing kicks and last play options in the opponents redzone. And therefore, we would be less dependent on them so we could potentially do well with weak halves.
Having said that, with a pack of Morrison, Hindy, Cayless, Riddell, Tsolous providing ball playing skills, we could potentially mold our game back to a forwards game. Just like when we had Smith, Dymock & Pay.
IF ONLY.......