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Shaun does WWE.....2006!

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
hey guys

Ive been havin an itch to do a diary for a week or so. And ive finally decided ill do one, based on 06. Im going to start from the Royal Rumble.

I'd like to warn everyone that would read this, that my episodes will be very few and far between, i have a full-time job, and when im not working 90% of the time im with my partner an logically i'd rather be with her than writing this.

Ill be doin both brands. Remember, this is before ECW.

Rosters look a bit like this (please correct me if im wrong, add to tell me to take away a superstar please)

Monday Night Raw Roster
Armando Alejandro Estrada
Ashley Massaro
The Big Show
Candice Michelle
Charlie Haas
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
Eugene (Returning at the Rumble)
Gene Snitsky
Gregory Helms
Goldust (Returnin at the Rumble)
John Cena
Kurt Angle
Lance Cade
Maria Kanellis
Matt Striker
Mickie James
Rene Dupree
Ric Flair
Rob Conway
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Tyson Tomko
Torrie Wilson
Trevor Murdoch
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Val Venis

WWE Champion: Edge
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Shelton Benjamin
World Tag Team Champions - Big Show and Kane
WWE Womens Champion: Trish Stratus

and on SD!

Friday Night Smackdown Roster

Batista (Injured)
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Brian Kendrick
Chad Dick
Chris Benoit
Hardcore Holly
James Dick
Jamie Noble
John Bradshaw Layfield
Jillian Hall
Joey Mercury
Johnny Nitro
Juventud Guerrera
Ken Kennedy
Kid Kash
Matt Hardy
Orlando Jordan
Paul Burchill
Paul Heyman
Paul London
Randy Orton
Road Warrior Animal
Rey Mysterio
Scotty 2 Hotty
Shannon Moore
Simon Dean
Steven Richards
Super Crazy
Sylvan Grenier
The Undertaker (MIA, unexpected return date)
William Regal

World Heavyweight Champion: Kurt Angle
United States Champion: Booker T
WWE Tag Team Champions MNM: Johhny Nitro and Joey Mercury
WWE Cruiserweigh Champion: Kid Kash

WWE PPV Schedule
Royal Rumble - January 29th 2006 - American Airlines Arena - Miami, Florida
No Way Out - February 19th 2006 - 1st Mariner Arena - Baltimore, Maryland
WrestleMania 22 - April 2nd 2006 - The Allstate Arena - Rosemont, Illinois
Backlash - April 30th 2006 - Rupp Arena - Lexington Kentucky

Judgement Day - May 21st 2006 - US Airways Center - Phoenix Arizona

Vengeance - June 25th 2006 - Charlotte Bobcats Arena - Charlotte, North Carolina
The Great American Bash - July 23rd 2006 - Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Indiana

SummerSlam - August 20th 2006 - TD Banknorth Garden - Boston, Massachusetts
Unforgiven - September 17th 2006 - Air Canada Centre - Toronto, Ontario

No Mercy - October 8th 2006 - RBC Center - Raleigh, North Carolina

Cyber Sunday - November 5th 2006 - U.S Bank Arena - Cincinnatti, Ohio
Survivor Series - November 26th 2006 - Wachovia Center - Philadeplhia, Pennsylvania
Armageddon - December 17th 2006 - Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, Virginia

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Shaun Hewitt

First Grade

Cruiserweight Open for the Cruiserweight Belt

Kid Kash(c) Vs Gregory Helms Vs Paul London Vs Funaki Vs Nunzio Vs Jamie Noble

Ashley Vs Mickie James with special guest referee Trish Stratus.

JBL Vs The Boogeyman

WWE Championship

Edge (c) w/ Lita Vs John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle (c) Vs Mark Henry w/ Daivari

2006 Royal Rumble Match (Winner goes on to Wrestlemania)
30man over the top rope battle royal featuring Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Big Show, Randy Orton, the return of RVD, Road Warrior Animal, Carlito, Chris Masters, Ric "Nature Boy" Flair, Bobby Lashley, Matt Hardy and more


WWE is fake It used to be great some 4 years ago. Now its just one big scheme that is like a story. It is good to watch some matches.

I am a big fan of KANE the old one with the mask not the new pshyco

Altough I sometimes watch specials Unforgiven, Wrestle Mania etc

I like to play WWE on my PC. At least that isnt fake

Fruffles wrote:
Those guys bodies are just so muscly Its freaky
WWE is fake It used to be great some 4 years ago. Now its just one big scheme that is like a story. It is good to watch some matches.

I am a big fan of KANE the old one with the mask not the new pshyco

Altough I sometimes watch specials Unforgiven, Wrestle Mania etc

I like to play WWE on my PC. At least that isnt fake

Fruffles wrote:
Those guys bodies are just so muscly Its freaky

Totally dude! I remember when wwe wasnt fake about 4 years ago!! Nick Folly beat the crap out of Shaun Micheals!

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
On a shock move, i am ressurecting this thread.
I will only be writing full shows for RAW. But i will also do results for every Smackdown, in case this takes full flight, it would just be better too have it running.

This is a backstory, dating back to Taboo Tuesday.


The card was;

Triple Threat for the WWE title
John Cena Vs Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels (voted in by the fans)

Intercontinental Title
Ric Flair Vs Triple H (fans voted for the steel cage)

Batista Vs Jonathan Coachman (with Goldust and Vader) in a Street Fight (as per the fans)

Mankind (as per the fans) Vs Carltio

Smackdown Challenge
Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy Vs Snitsky and Masters

World Tag Team Title Match
Cade and Murdoch Vs Big Show and Kane

Eugene and Jimmy Snuka (as per the fans) Vs Rob Conway and Tomko

Fulfill your fantasy battle royal match for the Women’s Title
Trish Stratus Vs Victoria Vs Mickie James Vs Maria Vs Candice Michelle Vs Ashley

The results are as follows;

Cena def Kurt Angle and HBK following an F-U on HBK. To retain his title

Triple H def Flair in an absolute blood bath, a very one sided vicious match. Triple H was on the offensive the whole match. After he left the cage, he threw the Intercontinental Title back to Flair telling him to keep it and it wasn’t Flairs fault.

Coachman def Batista with help from Goldust, Vader and Shane McMahon. Coachman then proceeded to claim how he should be General Manager over Bishoff.

Carlito def Mankind with help from a new found ally in Masters.

Snitsky and Masters def Rey Mysterio and Hardy. Edge was meant to be in the match but pulled out putting Snitsky in. Rey and Hardy looked to have the match won, but Carlito interferes while Masters distracts the referee.

Eugene and Snuka def Conway and Tomko in a typical face over heel bout.

Mickie James wins the Womens title. The last three in the match were Trish, Mickie and Victoria. Trish had nearly thrown Victoria out, when her so called admirer threw Trish out, followed by Victoria to give her the win.


Between this happening and Survivor series the main talking points were;

Triple H interfered in the opening bout of Raw in the next episode which was a one on one between Eugene and Conway. He grabbed the mic, and started explaining that with his recent month off WWE, Steph while being on the road with WWE is pregnant. Obviously with it not being Triple H’s, he took out his anger on his real life buddy Flair at Taboo Tuesday. He demands to know whom is responsible, and HBK comes out. Triple H says that it isn’t ‘The Game’ talking to ‘The Showstopper’ and its personal. Demanding answers. HBK apologizes profusely. HBK knows that to look after Steph was his responisiblity and he let his buddy down in the worst way imaginable. Tension rose between the two during Raw shows until Bishoff makes a match for Survivor Series, a last man standing match between the pair.

Flair hadn’t been seen until a week out from Survivor Series. He looked worse for wear, but Triple H did shake his hand. Flair accepted it with full understanding.

RAW and Smackdown were making a 7 aside teams. Raw, captained by MITB holder Edge included the former tag champs Murdoch and Cade as well as the new team of Carlito and Masters Rounding out the RAW team was Snitsky and Viscera. Smackdowns team consisted of Batista (the captain), Rey Mysterio, newcomers The Boogeyman and Bobby Lashley, Matt Hardy, Chris Benoit, and Randy Orton (filling in for the late Eddie Guerrero). There were many altercations between the brand, with only pride on the line, neither team wanted to seem weaker.
Mankind has signaled his desire to be in RAWS team prior to Snitsky and Viscera being revealed in the team, however his desire led to him being beatdown by Snitsky and Vicera, ultimately was the undoing for Mankind as the impressive form of Snitsky and V led them to being in the team.

Tensions also rose between Cena and Angle. Angle claiming he would have one had HBK not been in the match. Cena laid down the challenge and told Angle to prove his claims come Survivor Series. Teddy Long made a rare showing at RAW saying the loser will have a Smackdown contract waiting for them.

Coachman also got himself on the Survivor Series card, with a match against Eric Bishoff. With Vince’s ever hating on Bishoff, the match was made for the GM position.

Christian left to sign for TNA.
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Shaun Hewitt

First Grade


WWE TITLE MATCH (Loser goes to Smackdown)
John Cena © Vs Kurt Angle

Last Man Standing Match
Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels

7 on 7 Inter-promotional Survivor Series Match
Team Raw (Edge, Snitsky, Viscera, Carlito, Chris Masters, Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade) Vs Team Smackdown (Batista, Rey Mysterio, The Boogeyman, Bobby Lashley, Matt Hardy, Chris Benoit and Randy Orton)

GM Position Match
Eric Bishoff Vs Jonathan Coachman

Inter-promotional Tag Team Champion Contest
MNM (Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury) w/ Melina Vs Big Show and Kane

Intercontinental Champion Vs United States Champion
Ric Flair Vs Booker T

Results (in order)

A video montage of the life and times of Eddie Guerrero opens the show. Tonight, all of the superstars are wearing ‘EG’ armbands.

Big Show and Kane def MNM after Big Show chokeslams Mercury. Decent match and a good opener to the PPV.

Booker T def Ric Flair. Flair had the Figure Four on, but Sharmell distracts the Ref just before Booker taps. JBL runs in and kicks Flair in the head and then gives him the chokeslam from hell. JBL leaves claiming Smackdown is the number 1 brand. Booker T hits the Bookend for the victory. An average match

Team Smackdown def Team Raw. Edge comes out says he can’t wrestle tonight. Taking his place is Chavo Guerrero. Raw lose Cade and Murdoch after Lashley manhandles them both. However Raw even it up as Carlito and Masters prove they can work as a team, eliminating Lashley and Finlay (a replacement for the Boogeyman). Its 5-5 Chavo, Masters, Carlito, Vis and Snitsky Vs Batista, Rey, Hardy, Benoit and Orton. Raw for the first time have a man advantage as they eliminate SD captain Batista, after Chavo hits a very Eddie like frog splash. Viscera and Snitsky are eliminated by Rey and Benoit in quick succession. Its 3 on 4. Masters gets the Masterlock on Hardy at the scores are level. Masters, Carlito and Chavo RAW. For Smackdown; Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit and Orton. It stays like this for a solid 13 minutes or so until Carlito eliminates Benoit. However that would be the last of bit of glory for RAW in this match. Orton hitting RKOs to Masters and Carlito in succession. Rey wins the match for Smackdown with a 619 on Chavo. Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton are the only survivors left.

Bishoff def Coachman. Goldust, Vader and Shane o Mac made their presence felt until Batista came out, still angry about his loss at Taboo Tuesday. The referee then barred Goldust, Shane, Vader and Batista from ringside. With a 1-1 situation, Bishoffs martial arts experience paved the way for a win as he kept his GM position. Vince came out and fired the Coach.

Triple H def HBK in a bloody brutal battle. HBK had to be taken by paramedics. It is understood he received serious injuries and it is unknown when he will return at this stage. Never has Triple H been so violent to an opponent.

Cena def Angle. Angle tapped out to the STFU sending him to Smackdown.
However, the bigger story here was Edge cashed in his MITB and speared Cena twice to secure himself the WWE title. Your new WWE Champion Edge

The after math….

Tensions between Victoria, Mickie James and Trish Stratus has reached an all-time high since Taboo Tuesday. The three will have a triple threat match at New Years Revolution.

There has been a lot of Tag-Team action to see who will face Kane and Big Show for the titles at New Years Revolution. Cade and Murdoch won a gauntlet match which featured Carlito and Masters, Visera and Snitsky, Haas and Benjamin, Conway and Dupree, Goldust and Vader made a camero appearance in the match. As well as Jim Duggan tagging with Eugene. In the end it was Cade and Murdoch vs Carlito and Masters, Cade and Murdoch being the freshest team won the match.

Ric Flair has been running promos about one last run as WWE Champion.

Edge has been running his mouth about his run about to the best in history for a champion. Bishoff announces Cena will get a re-match. However, its in the Elimination Chamber.

Triple H has been unstoppable, picking up one-sided wins against Edge, Cena, Snitsky and Chavo Guerrero. Leading him to be added to the Elimination Chamber match.

For the other three spots, they were qualifying matches.
Carlito faced Snitsky
Shelton Benjamin faced off against Chris Masters
Ric Flair went up against Chavo Guerrero

The winners were Carlito, Chris Masters and Ric Flair.

Carlito and Masters have been beating down Flair, Cena and Edge.

Triple H has been unstoppable

Flair claims it his destiny to win the chamber match and headline Wrestlemania

Shawn Michaels hasn’t been seen.

Angle has moved to Smackdown

So far the card for New Years Revolution looks like

WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Edge(c) Vs Carlito Vs Chris Masters Vs John Cena Vs Ric Flair Vs Triple H

Tag Team Title Match
Kane and the Big Show(c) Vs Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Womens Title Match
Mickie James(c) Vs Trish Stratus Vs Victoria

*More to be added to the card*


Big Pete

PWA who's this Shaun Michaels guy? I remember The Showstarter Shane Matthews and how he screwed Bart Clarke at Survivor Saga but never a Shaun Michaels.
remember Vogel C. McManus had a lot to do with that. But the biggest beneficiary from the whole thing was "Rock Hard" Sam Astin.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Randomly thought about reviving this thread LOL so random!
Juggling a new born now, so I had some time at home and was researching wwe 2k15, and I keep going back to wanting to do a BTB for 2006.
Think I'll pick this thread up, don't hold your breath as it may or may not fall back on face again, updates will be slow but it keeps running through my mind. I have a really good Wrestlemania card all ready to and some other fantastic ideas.

I would though like to ammend the storyline regarding Steph/Triple H to instead of her getting pregnant (a bit farfetched and a storyline that I can't really keep going. Its bad taste), to being assaulted. A superstar had kingpinned her, knocked her out, black eye etc. I wanted to edit the post but due to the time difference, it doesn't allow.

SO FOR FUTURE REFERENCE - Steph is NOT pregnant, instead she got punched, which knocked her out. Hence the rage by Triple H

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
A New Match has been announced for New Years Revolution.
An article on the WWE site says;

The card will open with a 6-man, over the top rope battle royal featuring the participants of the Elimination Chamber match. The prize? He gets to chose if he opens the match or when his pod will open.

On other news,
Chris Benoit has been released by mutual consent

Big Pete

2006 is an interesting time period to be into since it's not a period that fans are overly fond of but there's plenty of changes you can make.

The big challenge here would be choosing where to deviate. Do you go in an entirely different direction? Or do you keep the same broad plan the WWE had but do things differently to try and make it more effective?

For instance, one of the big changes I would have made is have Edge retain at the Royal Rumble.
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Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
The final matches of the card have been announced

Jerry Lawler will face Gregory Helms
Chavo Guerrero will face Val Venis
Shelton Benjamin will face Viscera for Intercontinental Championship (Flair had lost it in a dark match the previous Raw)
Snitsky will face Goldust in the dark match

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade

WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Edge(c) Vs Carlito Vs Chris Masters Vs John Cena Vs Ric Flair Vs Triple H

Tag Team Title Match
Kane and the Big Show(c) Vs Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Womens Title Match
Mickie James(c) Vs Trish Stratus Vs Victoria

Jerry Lawler Vs Gregory Helms

Intercontinental Title Match:
Shelton Benjamin (c) Vs Viscera

Chavo Guerrero Vs Val Venis

Battle Royal For His Control Of His Fate In The Elmination Chamber
Featuring the 6 participants of the Main Event - Triple H, Edge, Cena, Flair, Carlito and Masters

Dark Match:
Gene Snitsky Vs Goldust

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