Outraged? You're kidding! I'm laughing at your ignorance if anything. I wouldn't even bother reply if you had not called me a liar. First you carried on as though changing a jersey would result in the fortunes of world rugby league changing, then you carried on about the games history and tried to lecture me on points that every person who frequents the international forums would know, then finally you accused me of lying about my design work. I've got a right to be outraged, but you've only had me sitting back laughing at how I've seen no sign of your being contrite, despite how incredibly arrogant and wrong you are. Wake up to yourself!
Before you again try to lecture people on the games history and cast false aspersions, realise this; the majority of people who primarily post on the international forum have a greater grasp of the games history than you could ever have. Many among the group are offering their hand or are leading the way in the games continued development. When an arrogant little sh*t like yourself, who has perhaps read a few pages of rl1908.com and then begins to try and throw his weight around, talking to people as though they are new and oblivious to the international game, you're only going to get the kicking you deserve.
I've no further interest in humouring your stupidity. You can talk rot and argue rubbish points with someone else as far as I'm concerned.