And always took the option of running his winger into touch and throwing a lovely flick pass 2 metres forward to some poor bloke in the third row trying to eat his hotdog. Thats if he could even be bothered in having a go that weekend.
I'll take Ayshford thanks.
Again refer to my point about him having a winger. This never once happened whilst he had even a reserve grade standard winger outside him. Ryan was a competent centre for the Maggies and I liked watching him go around - FG wing... totally different story.
NC, while ever you guys try to talk up players who aren't good, as has been done for about... oh.. say... 4 years now, I'll take issue. As per usual the forum favourite has been dropped once the media bollocks and forum fap fest stopped. And the poor lad is actually performing better this year than when the forum had him as a Kangaroo!!!
We have plenty of good players who we should be pumping up. Tuiaki, Ellis, Marshall and Farah are world class. Lawrence is learning in defence, though poorly supplied in attack. Galloway is bordering on Aus and will be a mainstay shortly.
Unfortunately we let go a number of quality players (does Bronson still have more offloads vs WT?) and as such had some players of limited quality.
I have a massive massive issue with bringing players who would have been first year fleggers straight into first grade and expecting them to be up to the standard of guys who were out and out freaks at their age level. It seems you guys expect our current crop of average 20s to be as good as our old juniors who murdered their own level. Anyone remember that cubs fixture? Different playing field to our 20s.
We should celebrate our good players, instead we have to sit here and watch as they are let down by mis-management and lack of quality in crucial positions.