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deluded pom?

AuckMel said:
Australia and GB make the rules to suit themselves.

I'd wager Klien is already booked to do the final. Those two run the game to suit thier own agendas. New Zealand should demand their two points back.

Feckin' Hell Mel. IF only that were true. The Aussies run rugby league full stop. Nothing happens unless they want it to happen. I'd love to think that G.B. had some kind of say in the game but sadly it's just not the case.


This is BS !!!!!!!!!

How can you have an Australian ref reffing AUSTRALIA VS GREAT BRITAIN.

The Kangaroos would of played under Simpkins hundreds of times, know what to expect, know exactly how long they can stay on tackles etc.

So now the style of the game will be suited to the Kangaroos. What a joke.

Fairleigh Good!

Just been on the radio in the UK about this very subject.

Apparantly Australia were going to pull out of the tournament if anyone else bar an NRL referee was selected. Had Klein been appointed Aus wouldn't have played the game against GB at all.

GB should kick up a fuss about this, it's blatant cheating and makes the game and the series a complete farce.

F$ck it.


Post Whore
Well that is good anyway. Klien had a good game in his 1st game and has been poor since. It is just a matter of who has been worse! Heck I still believe the GB ref that did the final last year should be out here, but we would get the same problems. I have no dramas about Simkins, you guys got Klien in the first test! Stop complaining!

Fairleigh Good!

It's just such a shame that the outcome of games is decided before they are played. GB can't possibly win with an NRL referee as its a completely different game.

At the end of the day it's not about which referee is better (Which on decision making is Klein anyway) but about 'our way or your way'. At the moment the game in Super League is ultra fast. Play the balls are clamped down on to the extreme with teams trying to slow things down being caned by the ref. This has led to the current tactics employed by teams like St Helens where they use the pack and nippy hookers to run from dummy half. This results in the game being fast, attack minded and very open but also that because its so fast, there are 10 minutes in each half of most games where one or both sides just collapse and the quality plummets.

Contrast to the NRL where on the evidence of Simpkins interpretations holding down is simply not penalised. If the tacklers end up on top they can basically wait until every player is stood still in a line, messing about and pushing is also allowed. This means a very slow, ponderous slug out, probably contributing to the comparatively low scores in the NRL. As an outsider with no interest in the NRL, it bores the shi$ out of me, but it does mean that in order to break a defence down there needs to be a well organised and cohesive attack.

It would be arrogant for either side of the disussion to claim their way as being 'right'. What we probably need is a middle ground, policed and interpreted EXACTLY the same in every league that plays the sport.

It would not cost much (A few thousand) to get all the referees together in one place with a few respected coaches and figures from both sides. Sit them down and thrash out how the game should be, and to school the referees in what they should be looking for. This do this in football all the time, for example prior to World Cup Finals the refs are schooled and assessed.


Post Whore
I agree, reality is it won't happen. I assume you mean soccer when you say football right?


Why pretend? We all know why Simpkins is the ref and it is because the Aussie coach has asked for him. He has criticsed Klein and Black and it has been coming that he would get an Aussie ref. It is nothing new it goes back to the days when Fulton was in charge. The ploy is always to have a good moan before a game and get your own way over certain matters, including having meetings with the reff and tell him what to watch out for from the opponents. Australia are good enough to win without all this malarky from their coaches so why do it?

Fairleigh Good!

douglasallen91 said:
klein is an aussie so whats the difference!

It's not about nationality really, that is just an issue which makes the sport look pathetic to outsiders who are used to having neutral referees in their international sport. For example it would be unthinkable to have an English ref in control of an England football match, it just doesn't happen. Much in the same way as Super League refs can't referee games involving their local side. Really you should remove the possibility of bias or worse reverse bias where a ref deliberately punishes his nation so not to be accused of favouring them.

The real issue is interpretation of the laws. Klein has been refeering in Super League for years now and has been rammed full of mantras from the controlling bodies about such things as policing the play the ball. He wouldn't allow lying on and wrestling on the floor in an attempt to slow the play the ball and remove dummy half running from the game. He would allow GB to get a roll on, allowing Roby to scoot and have the Australian defense back peddling. GB would probably end up with more than 10 penalties given the unbelivable lack of discipline in the Roos pack. It makes an enormous difference.

Simpkins would allow the holding down and slowing down of the play the balls. This will mean the British hooker and his forwards are all standing still as the ball is played, meaning no momentum is possible and Roby in particular has no effect. GB would get about 2 or 3 penalties all game.

Obviously Australia will win in those conditions because that is what they are used to. It's why NZ killed GB, they were allowed to slow the game to a standstill and opted for an arm wrestle to lay the platform for the mercurial Stacey Jones.


Klein has outperformed Simpkins so far this tournament. I've not been impressed by Simpkins at all.

As for a NZ ref like Black, I don't understand why NRL refs have to be centralised at all. Why do all NRL refs have to reside in Sydney for their job? As referees, one would think they have the discipline to train hard for the job no matter where they live. No other code has referees/umpires all living the one spot.

If the NRL offered Black a job, they must think he is good enough. He should be offered NRL games. With technology these days, a residency rule seems a bit outdated. It wouldn't be that hard to fly him in for the game and then fly him out again. Feedback could be given in person after the games or electronically during the week. He could train during the week at home wotrking around a job as some type of NZRL referees coordinator trying to build the standard of refs at the tier below in NZ.


First Grade
deluded pom? said:
Feckin' Hell Mel. IF only that were true. The Aussies run rugby league full stop. Nothing happens unless they want it to happen. I'd love to think that G.B. had some kind of say in the game but sadly it's just not the case.

Bollocks, it was you poms that back down and let the aussies get there way with the refs.

Why the hell was Klien given the tri-nations apointment in the first place when he isn't even in the top three in England?

Also, if the aussies think Black is worse than there refs then they are not only f***ed in the head but painfully arrogant.

deluded pom?

Sam_the_man said:
Bollocks, it was you poms that back down and let the aussies get there way with the refs.

Why the hell was Klien given the tri-nations apointment in the first place when he isn't even in the top three in England?

Also, if the aussies think Black is worse than there refs then they are not only f***ed in the head but painfully arrogant.

You obviously know nothing of the ESL Sam . Klein is easily one of the three top refs in the ESL. And it's now G.B.'s fault for backing down? Did they get any back up from N.Z. ? Do they EVER get any back up from N.Z. ?


First Grade
NZ pushed hard for Black to be the NZ ref for the tri nations. GB backed down to Australian treats to pull out of any match Black was involved in....and you poms know that so don't even try to denie it!!!

Silverwood, Presley are or were in front of Klein, but i also believed Stewart Cummins was in front of him as well, am i incorrect on Cummins?


GB should of just said OK, you want to be sore losers, the games off.

Nice breakdown Fairleighgood... very well put !

deluded pom?

Sam_the_man said:
NZ pushed hard for Black to be the NZ ref for the tri nations. GB backed down to Australian treats to pull out of any match Black was involved in....and you poms know that so don't even try to denie it!!!

Silverwood, Presley are or were in front of Klein, but i also believed Stewart Cummins was in front of him as well, am i incorrect on Cummins?

Like I said Sam , you know nothing about the ESL. Cummins hasn't reffed for about three years when he got the refs co ordinator job.Silverwood is just $hite, even worse than Simpkins and Presley hasn't reffed ESL for about four years now.


First Grade
If Klien is the best you have then by god you really are a laughing stock lol

Oh and thanks for backing us up on Black poms....nice of you to be Australias dog.


Sam_the_man said:
Oh and thanks for backing us up on Black poms....nice of you to be Australias dog.

There's no doubt the Aussies shafted Black. They've done it before to Dave Pakieto, Phil Houston and even Billy Shrimpton in the past. They just simply refuse to give Kiwi refs a fair go.

GB are slightly different and probably not as bad on the ref thing, but when it comes to player availability they're not much better than the Aussies.