Night 4
Kirk's Drawing of Dignity, destroying relationships was familiar territory.
Tonight, he decided to strike a vital blow to town. It was time to
wreak havoc with their support system. Town objects everywhere malfunctioned. They were unable to defend themselves tonight.
The Don had opened a door for one of his minions to act without consequences. The minion flew through a window into Moe's Tavern and smashed the machine his partner in crime had previously scouted.
Smiley whined, and shut down for good.
Smiley has been destroyed, he was the Love Tester, Town Aligned Love Machine.
Apey said:
You are the Love Tester, Town Aligned Love Machine. Located in Moe’s Tavern, you are capable of determining someone’s love capabilities.
Each night you may select a target to investigate. A result will be mentioned at the beginning of the night write-up if you’re successful.
You win if all threats to Town are eliminated.
Feeling inspired, the flying object struck twice tonight. Conveniently, his other target was outside on the pavement. He bounced three times on his corpse, but didn't achieve the desired result. He rolled away from the scene, leaving the cassette damaged beyond repair.
Drew-Sta has NOT been destroyed, he is Kirk's Demo Tape (again), Town aligned Aural Despair.
Beans, Beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot.
Once again, this little collection had a killer in their sights. However, the football hid behind the same friendly machine it's partner in crime had in the past.
Football in the Groin has not been destroyed. He is Football in the Groin, Mafia aligned Football in the Groin.
It is now Day 5. With 16 players remaining, it is 9 to lynch.